similar to: Interpolation or Kriging

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Interpolation or Kriging"

2004 Aug 25
Newbie Question: Spatial Autocorrelation with R Tutorial?
Howdy All, I am looking for some good tutorials (books, websites, whatever) for calculating/testing for Spatial Autocorrelation using R. Specifically, I am wanting to test for autocorrelation of a number of variables measured at a set of discrete locations. Up to this point I have been exploring the "spdep" package and I can get "moran.test" to work, but I am concerned that
2003 Oct 10
R(D)-COM stat conenctor for ArcGIS
Hi everybody, I heard about "R(D)-COM Stat connector" for ArcGIS, but i am not sure what that is. I did a search in the archive but it seems i am not getting anything back. can anybody explain me what that is, and where i can find more info about it? There is any possibility to run R from inside ArcGIS? there is more than RArcInfo and Shapefile which can
2004 Nov 11
(no subject)
Hi, I have a list of numbers. For each of the numbers, I take sum of squares of the numbers centered on the number chosen. If it is less than a certain constant, I will take the average of the numbers chosen. Anyone can give me a sample code. You help will be greatly appreciated. Peter [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Apr 04
help with kriging interpolation
All, I am new to using R and know some basics. I wish to use kriging in R to do the following: given data Y =f(X1,X2,X3,.....,Xn) --1000+ irregular measured data set. I would like to be able to get a single value y given sinle input set (x1,x2,x3,...xn) A google search on this takes me lierally to the same example on involving analysis with soil sampling and I cannot figure out how to
2003 Jan 17
kriging in R
Hi, all, Have anyone used kringing included in R? How is it? Does it handle anisotropy data well? How does it compare with Kriging in Arc/Info? or other geostatistics software customized to do kriging or other geostatistics functions? I tried Easykriging, a geostatistics tool developed for Matlab. It has very nice GUI, but it does not provide library which i can call in my programs. so it is
2003 Oct 21
Indicator Kriging
Hi R-Users Is there any package in R that work Indicator Kriging? Or somebody is working in a link between GSLIB library in FORTRAN for R? Thank you very much for your help. --
2003 Oct 31
Therotical basis of Kriging
hello I want to know about therotical basis of Kriging in elemantary level. I will appreciate if anyone sends me address,link,e-documents, etc.. kind regards -- Ahmet Temiz General Directory of Disaster Affairs Ankara TURKEY ______________________________________ Inflex - installed on mailserver for domain Queries to: postmaster at
2004 Feb 16
Data for use in maps()
Dear all, I am interested in plotting maps visualizing spatial statistics in an aggregated fashion, according to administrative boundaries. More specifically, I have fitted a cross-section model on data regarding Italian "counties" (province, for Italian readers) and I would like to visualize residual behavior on a map, in order to have a first assessment of their spatial
2003 Nov 14
spatial modeling
I am new to R and have a question about spatial econometrics. I have noticed that you can easily test for spatial autocorrelation with the spdep package, but was wondering if any code has been written to correct for spatial autocorrelation? Or if there is any literature on this? Thanks. -Jill *************************************************** Jill L. Caviglia-Harris, Ph.D. Assistant
2013 Feb 17
What value to put in range when I make kriging interpolation?
Hi, I am trying to make an automatic kriging interpolation algorithm.When I use the fit.variogram function what would it be a good startingvalue for the range? ThanksDimitris [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Sep 21
Z aware interpolation
Hello again, There is any package which does Z aware (real 3D) interpolations? It can be any method (IDW, kriging or spline) but it should take into consideration not only x and y coordinates for interpolation, but also z coordinate. I looked into different packages but it seems i didn't find the right one. The ultimate goal is to import the output into a GIS (Geographical Information
2007 Dec 04
2/3d interpolation from a regular grid to another regular grid
Hello R users, I have numerical data sampled on two grids, each one shifted by 0.5 from the other. For example: grid1 = expand.grid(x=0:3, y=0.5:2.5) grid2 = expand.grid(x=0.5:2.5, y=0:3) gridFinal = expand.grid(x=0.5:2.5, y=0.5:2.5) plot(gridFinal, xlim=c(0,3), ylim=c(0,3), col="black", pch=19) points(grid1, xlim=c(0,3), ylim=c(0,3), col="red", pch=19) points(grid2,
2003 Jun 26
krige in gstat() package
HI, I wonder does anyone have experience with doing sequential gaussian simulation with krige() function in gstat? I find it VERY slow compared to use krige() to achieve kriging function itself.. I wonder why, is that because it has to model the variogram, and do the kriging separately for each point to be simulated? so it would be N times slower to achieve the simulation than the kriging if
2005 Jan 30
New for spdep?
Hello List, I'm a very new user to the R system. I'm only beginning to learn the basics, but so far I've been able to do little more than try a few examples, and of course begin reading the documentation. My primary motivation for exploring R is the availability of tools like the 'spdep' package for calculating spatial statistics such as Geary's C and Moran's
2011 Sep 14
S4 method dispatch
List, In order to get rid of some old, unreadable S3 code in package sp, I'm trying to rewrite things using S4 methods. Somewhere I fail, and I cannot sort out why. In order to isolate the problem, I created two functions, doNothing<- and dosth, and both should do nothing. The issue is that in most cases they do nothing, but in some cases dosth(obj) changes the class of obj and breaks with
2003 Aug 17
(no subject)
Hi all, >str(df) `data.frame': 31837 obs. of 3 variables: $ x : num 410683 410700 410720 410740 410324 ... $ y : num 43136 43126 43123 43125 42709 ... $ wz: num -101.1 -94.9 -93.3 -94.5 30.8 ... >library(gstat) >g<-gstat(id="rv",form=wz~1,loc=~x+y,data=df,model=mat,nmax=500,set=list(average=1)) >str(g) List of 3 $ data :List of 1 ..$ rv:List of 10 ..
2007 Feb 06
heatmap from xyz data
Hi, I've got some data in a data frame arranged like this: x y z othervariables .... 0.1 0.2 1.7 0.01 .... 0.2 0.2 1.3 0.23 .... 0.2 0.3 1.1 0.43 .... etc I'd like to plot a heatmap of this data, with x and y as the (x,y) co- ords and z defining the colour at each point. I'm having difficulty finding the correct functions to use. Can anyone make any recommendations? It seems
2005 Oct 28
Hi everybody, I'm performing a cluster analysis (pkg "cluster") on a dataset which includes 15 variables: is there a way to know how much each variable weighs on the final clustering output? Thanks Alessandro
2003 Apr 17
kriging in R
Hi If you read the description of "varcov.spatial" you'll see that it is used to *predict* a covariance matrix, based on the parameters of the covariance function. So you don't need the oebserved data, you need parameters for the covariance function. Regards EJ On Thu, 2003-04-17 at 05:43, Yan Yu wrote: > THanks for the suggestion. > I have a Q when trying to use it..
2002 Mar 27
kriging C/C++ code
Hello to everybody ! I don't have a question directly connected with R, but it takes starting point from the use of the R function Krig for kriging interpolation and from the idea of making a different implemetation of the function for my purposes. Doas anyone know where can I find free C or C++ codes of kriging ? As always, thanks a lot in advance, Paola.