Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "generate random sample from ZINB"
2004 Feb 18
How to repeat a procedure
1. After I generate a 100x50 matrix by x3<-matrix(0,100,50);for (i in
1:100) {x1<-rpois(50, mu[i]);x2<-x1; x2[runif(50)<.01]<-0; x3[i,]<-x2},
2. I want to calculate means and sample variances of each row and create a
new matrix 100x2;
3. I then want to repeat above procedure 500 times so that eventually I
will have 500 100x2 matrices.
Would someone mind helping me to
2005 Mar 03
Negative binomial regression for count data
Dear list,
I would like to fit a negative binomial regression model as described in "Byers AL, Allore H, Gill TM, Peduzzi PN., Application of negative binomial modeling for discrete outcomes: a case study in aging research. J Clin Epidemiol. 2003 Jun;56(6):559-64" to my data in which the response is count data. There are also 10 predictors that are count data, and I have also 3
2010 Jan 26
newton method for single nonlinear equation
Hi r-users,
I would like to solve for z values using newton iteration method. I 'm not sure which part of the code is wrong since I'm not very good at programming but would like to learn. There seem to be some output but what I expected is a vector of z values. Thank you so much for any help given.
newton.inputsingle <- function(pars,n)
{ runi <- runif(974, min=0, max=1)
2009 Jul 18
Zinb for Non-interger data
Sorry bit of a Newbie question, and I promise I have searched the forum
already, but I'm getting a bit desperate!
I have over-dispersed, zero inflated data, with variance greater than the
mean, suggesting Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial - which I attempted in R
with the pscl package suggested on
However my data is non-integer with some pesky
2006 Feb 18
truncated negative binomial using rnegbin
Dear R users,
I'm wanting to sample from the negative binomial distribution using the
rnegbin function from the MASS library to create artificial samples for the
purpose of doing some power calculations. However, I would like to work
with samples that come from a negative binomial distribution that includes
only values greater than or equal to 1 (a truncated negative binomial), and
2010 Jan 26
Newton method
Hi r-users,
I hope somebody can help me with this code.
I would like to solve for z values using newton iteration method. I 'm not sure which part of the code is wrong since I'm not very good at programming but would like to learn. There seem to be some output but what I expected is a vector of z values. Thank you so much for any help given.
newton.inputsingle <-
2012 Dec 10
Marginal effects of ZINB models
Dear all,
I am modeling the incidence of recreational anglers along a stretch of
coastline, and with a vary large proportion of zeros (>80%) have chosen to
use a zero inflated negative binomial (ZINB) distribution. I am using the
same variables for both parts of the model, can anyone help me with R code
to compute overall marginal effects of each variable?
My model is specified as follows:
2010 Jun 21
ZINB by Newton Raphson??
Dear all..
I have a respon variable y. Predictor variable are x1, x2, x3, x4, x5
(1) What is the syntax to get paramater estimation of ZINB Model by Newton Raphson (not BFGS)
(2) What syntax to plot probability of observed & predicted of ZINB
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2010 Apr 12
zerinfl() vs. Stata's zinb
I am working with zero inflated models for a current project and I am
getting wildly different results from R's zeroinfl(y ~ x, dist="negbin")
command and Stata's zinb command. Does anyone know why this may be? I find
it odd considering that zeroinfl(y ~ x, dist="poisson") gives identical to
output to Stata's zip function.
2018 Apr 09
Warning en modelo ZINB
Buenas tardes,
Estoy estimando un modelo binomial negativo de ceros inflados (ZINB)
utilizando el comando zeroinfl() del paquete pscl. Al ejecutarlo me da el
siguiente aviso:
Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
¿Sabéis que significa y si puedo usar el modelo aún con ese aviso? ¿Los
coeficientes son fiables?
Muchas gracias,
2011 May 04
hurdle, simulated power
Hi all--
We are planning an intervention study for adolescent alcohol use, and I
am planning to use simulations based on a hurdle model (using the
hurdle() function in package pscl) for sample size estimation.
The simulation code and power code are below -- note that at the moment
the "power" code is just returning the coefficients, as something isn't
working quite right.
2018 Apr 18
Interpretar intercepto de modelo ZINB
Buenas tardes,
¿Cómo interpretarías el intercepto que da R en un modelo de ceros
inflados? Por un lado en la parte de conteo tengo un intercepto de -4.2 y
en la parte de ceros de 102, ambos salen significativos (***). ¿Qué me
2012 Dec 14
Beta-coefficients for ZINB model
Dear users,
Does anyone have any idea how to generate standardised beta coefficients
for a ZINB model in R to compare which explanatory variables are having the
greatest impact on the dependent variable?
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2016 Apr 18
ZINB multi-level model using MCMCglmm
I am Olga Viedma. I am running a Zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) multi-level model using MCMCglmm package. I have a doubt. Can I use the "Liab" outputs as fitted data, instead of the predicted values from "predict"? The liab outputs fit very well with the observed data, whereas the predicted values are so bad.
Thanks in advance,
Olga Viedma
D . Olga
2006 Jul 14
Negative Binomial: Simulation
Hi R-Users!
I fitted a negative binomial distribution to my count data using the
function glm.nb() and obtained the calculated parameters
theta (dispersion) and mu.
I would like to simulate values from this negative binomial distribution.
Looking at the function rnbinom() I was looking at the relationship
between the two possible parametrizations of the negative binomial and found
that for this
2018 Apr 09
Warning en modelo ZINB
Muchas gracias por la respuesta. He mirado y los coeficientes no son altos
pero sí tengo una gran cantidad de ceros en la variable dependiente (más
del 90%). Sin embargo, al incluir otro tipo de variables independientes no
me da ese aviso, dejando la misma variable dependiente.
¿Cómo podría utilizar stan/rstan de forma sencilla para diagnosticar el
Muchas gracias
El Lun, 9 de Abril de
2018 Apr 09
Warning en modelo ZINB
¿Quieres decir que para un nivel de una variable categorica todas las
observaciones de la variable respuesta sean ceros?
El Lun, 9 de Abril de 2018, 19:59, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta escribió:
> ¿Podría ser que para algún nivel de alguna variable independiente
> categórica solo hubiese ceros? En ese caso, casi seguro, aparecería ese
> tipo de warning.
> El lun., 9 abr. 2018 a
2010 Jun 22
Subject: Re ZINB by Newton Raphson??
I have not included the previous postings because they came out very strangely on my mail
reader. However, the question concerned the choice of minimizer for the zeroinfl()
function, which apparently allows any of the current 6 methods of optim() for this
purpose. The original poster wanted to use Newton-Raphson.
Newton-Raphson (or just Newton for simplicity) is commonly thought to be the
2003 Sep 21
Zero inflated count models
Can someone show me how to specify zero inflated poisson and zero
inflated negative poisson models in R? I would like to replicate the
example given in Long (1997: Regression Models for Categorical and
Limited Dependent Variables) in Chapter 8.5 (pp. 242-247).
Dr. Dirk Enzmann
Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony
2011 Feb 09
Generate multivariate normal data with a random correlation matrix
Hi All.
I'd like to generate a sample of n observations from a k dimensional
multivariate normal distribution with a random correlation matrix.
My solution:
The lower (or upper) triangle of the correlation matrix has
n.tri=(d/2)(d+1)-d entries.
Take a uniform sample of n.tri possible correlations (runi(n.tr,-.99,.99)
Populate a triangle of the matrix with the sampled correlations
Mirror the