similar to: ts format for daily time serie

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches similar to: "ts format for daily time serie"

2020 Oct 07
Is it possible that "virsh destroy" does not stop a domain ?
Hi, Is it possible that "virsh destroy" does not stop a domain ? I'm asking because i have some domains running in a two-node HA-Cluster (pacemaker). And sometimes one node get fenced (killed) because it couldn't stop a domain. That's very ugly. This is also the reason why i asked before what "virsh destroy" really does ? IIRC a kill -9 can't terminate a
2002 Jun 13
win32 console cli emulation
Greetings, I am a new wine user, and im hoping you could let me know if what I want to do is possible with wine. I have a win32 console application (I would assume since it does not run in DOS mode). This application will read in a text file, find what its looking for, process it, and creates another file(s) from that (just to give you an idea of what the program does). What I would like to do
2020 Oct 07
Re: Is it possible that "virsh destroy" does not stop a domain ?
Bernd, another option would be a mismatch between the message that "virsh destroy" issues and the message that force_stop() in the pacemaker agent expects to receive. Pacemaker is trying to determine the success or failure of the destroy based on the concatenation of the text of the exit code and the text output by virsh; if either of those have changed between virsh versions, and
2013 Jan 16
dovecot + antispam plugin - no retraining
Hi, dovecot -n # 2.1.7: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # OS: Linux 3.8.0-0-generic x86_64 Ubuntu Raring Ringtail (development branch) listen = login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lip=%l mpid=%e %c mail_debug = yes mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir managesieve_notify_capability = mailto managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope encoded-character
2003 Aug 18
The specified domain either doesn't exist or couldn't be contacte d.
Hi list, I have installed Samba 2.2-8a on a linux box running RH 9 with LDAP backend as the account database. I have configured the system to function as PDC. When I try to join the domain from any Win2K machine, I get the following error: The following occured validating the name "mydomain". This condition may be caused by a DNS lookup problem. The specified domain either doesn't
2002 Dec 10
process owner
Hi how can I find which user using (openning) a file in windows machine from unix via samba for example if I have the following file which is a outlook file and it open by a user in my network prompt> ls -l outlook.pst -rw-rw---- 1 aaa mannet 1130496 Mar 21 2002 when I use fuser prompt> fuser -fu outlook.pst I get the following process outlook.pst: 760094o(root)
2010 Jan 22
Counting Na values on a time serie only on the past datas
Hello everyone, I have a time serie of n values, some are na's. I want to get a vector of size n whose elements represent on the time t < n the number of missing values between o and t. I know I can do it with a loop but I wanted to know if there was a function or a special syntax to do this. Thanks a lot! -- View this message in context:
2003 Jun 23
Smooth of a temporal serie
Hello all, I'm a new member in this list and, also, a new R user and need some information about Resistant Smooth (using medians). The method I need of Resistant Smooth is the 4253H one and I didn't found how to perform that in R. Does anybody have an idea? Thanks, Henrique.
2003 Jun 26
Smooth of a time serie
Thomas, First of all, thanks for the help, but it isn't exactly what I'm looking for. smooth() doesn't perform the smooth the way I want it to do. I want, precisely, the 4253H method. R doesn't give the option to do that. Thanks, Henrique.
2007 Nov 06
seasonal time serie with missing values
Hello All, I trying to find some way to fill in missing values in a seasonal time series. All the function that I find until now, don't have any reference to seasonal data and the output is very different of what I looking for. I also searched the forum but this problem don't have many information or people asking. Could someone indicate some links or packages related to this question?
2003 Aug 27
Problem in StructTS() when the first element of the serie is NA ( (PR#3990)
Hi all, I've experienced this problem using StructTS(x) when the *first* element of x is a NA (R:R1.7.0, os: w2ksp4). Please look at the following code: a=rep(1:7,10) library(ts) #this works StructTS(a) #this works x=a x[2]=NA StructTS(x) #this doesn't work x=a x[1]=NA StructTS(x) The last command returns this error "Error in optim(init[mask], getLike,
2012 May 09
serie de tiempo incompleta: rellenar sólo fechas (claudiomet)
Hola.. yo lo haría de la siguiente manera ... En excel:genero una columna con la serie de fechas continuas ... con la función buscarv, agrego las variables que tienen dato a esta serie.. en base a la fecha muy largo y mecánico para mi gusto.... En R igual manera genero el vector de fechas require(chron)# crear el vector continuo de fechasfch01 <- data.frame(''fch'' =
2008 Mar 30
data(lh) time serie parameters
Dear all, I'm confused by the time serie parameters in data(lh) : sueoka:~ lobry$ R --vanilla --quiet > tsp(lh) [1] 1 48 1 because documentation says: QUOTE A regular time series giving the luteinizing hormone in blood samples at 10 mins intervals from a human female, 48 samples. UNQUOTE So that I would expect the time serie to end at 480 minutes or 8 hours. Shouldn't we have
2012 Aug 01
Outliers en una serie de tiempo
Buenas noches.Soy principiante de R, necesito por favor detectar outliers en una serie de tiempo. Muchas gracias [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2015 Jan 06
Eventos de una serie de tiempo
Saludo estimados compañeros y compañeras Tengo una matriz de datos de 51 filas por 160 columnas, Cada columna es una serie de tiempo. Existe alguna libreria q me calcule la posicion de la fila donde se hallan estos maximos y minimos o los eventos de estas curvas Agradezco la atencion CARLOS ANDRES [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 Nov 05
Agregar ruido a una serie de tiempo
Es posible agregar ruido a una serie de tiempo Tengo series de tiempo que tienen un comportamiento funcional, quisiera agregar ruido para que parezcan señales mas reales. Normalmente las series de tiempo se suavizan a traves de filtros, es posible hacer el proceso inverso con algun paquete de R Gracias por la atención CARLOS ANDRES PEREZ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Aug 07
unir varios archivos .csv en una serie historica
Estimados usuarios-R: Muy buenas noches. Tengo una serie de archivos csv que contienen los precios mayoristas de electricidad por hora. Cada archivo csv corresponde a un mes de un cierto año. Cada columna corresponde a un día del mes y cada fila a una hora del día (1 a 24 horas). ¿Hay alguna forma rápida de importar todos los datos y formar un vector columna en que cada observación
2002 May 26
Read a Time Serie CSV
Hi, I want to read some Times Series of GDP from OECD-Countrys. First I call: > oecd96<-ts(read.csv("oecd96.csv",header=T,sep=";"),start=1950,freq=1) > summary(oecd96) gdpcausb gdpcautb gdpcbelb gdpccanb Min. : 8567 Min. : 4533 Min. : 6616 Min. : 8966 1st Qu.:10771 1st Qu.: 8717 1st Qu.: 9440 1st Qu.:11694 Median
2011 Feb 17
Regresión lineal para una serie temporal
Hola a todos Estoy intentando hacer un análisis rápido de una serie temporal de datos diarios pero me encuentro con algunos problemas. Me gustaría en primera instancia hacer una regresión lineal pero no encuentro la forma. Tras leer los datos diarios creo un objeto de la clase zoo y sobre éste no puedo utilizar lm(). He leído algo sobre dynlm pero no encuentro la forma. Se agradece
2015 Jun 12
Serie temporal interrumpida del tipo AirPassengers
Hola usuarios, Necesito detectar si existe o no un cambio de tendencia y si dicho cambio es significativo, para una serie temporal del tipo AirPassengers, en la que a partir de un determinado momento se ha hecho una campaña (supongamos que una promoción de vuelos). Para ello he pensado varios métodos: Usar la descomposición espectral de la muestra [decompose(AirPassengers)] y luego una Regresión