similar to: add checkbutton and the variable(wrong length of vector "b")

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "add checkbutton and the variable(wrong length of vector "b")"

2003 Aug 15
menubutton don´t work
Why the variable archOp does not take the value that be chosen in the menubutton?, therefore always remains as a white one, I intend to charge the direccion of open files in a vector and then to elect with the menubutton with which to work but not functions thanks.Ruben library(tcltk) arch<-tclVar(init=" ") archOp<-tclVar(init=" ") vectPath<-c()
2003 Sep 09
charge a vector with variables and to use as variable in a checkbutton?
hello, how i cant to charge in form dynamic a checkbutton, try to do it with a vector be charged automaticamente but not works, for example library(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() f<-tkframe(tt) tkpack(f) i<-2 if (i==1) {b1<-tkcheckbutton (f,text="b1",variable="b1",relief="raised");tkpack(b1);print(tclvalue ("b1"))}else if (i==2) {b1<-tkcheckbutton
2010 Jul 22
check menu button (tcltk)
Hi,   I am making a mock user interface in tcltk and I would like to add a 'check menu button' such as shown here:   Does anybody know how to do this? I am quite new to R. Cheers!! Albert-Jan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine,
2002 Feb 11
read.table in TCL/TK interface
hello, i would like program userfriendly tcl/tk widgets like the t-test example in a more complex way ! (1) Is it not possible to combine tk_getOpenFile with the R function read.table to select in userfriendly way data sets ? (I'm newbie and take code-parts from t-test example and scripting example.) (2) Is it possible to use a variableSelection widget to select a special variable which i
2003 Oct 01
curious error with tkcheckbutton
Hello, the following code produces an error when executing it, it is a code that produces 6 checkbutton that at the beginning are empty, when selecting the first checkbox he says that doesn't know the second variable tcl, he say: [1] "1" Error in structure(.External("dotTcl", ..., PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class = "tclObj") : [tcl] can't
2003 Oct 09
curious mistake in tkradiobutton
Hello, the following code produces an error when executing it, it is a code that produces 6 checkbutton that at the beginning are empty, when selecting the first checkbox he says that doesn't know the second variable tcl, he say: [1] "1" Error in structure(.External("dotTcl", ..., PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class = "tclObj") : [tcl] can't
2007 Oct 19
tcltk: help with tkmenubutton
I am struck here. What magic inchantation is required with tkmenubutton? I am converting the examples of Perl/Tk from page... ... to R's tcltk. But I don't know how to convert one line in this example: library(tcltk) # create a main window mw <- tktoplevel() # a menu consists of a horizontal menubar, # with
2001 Sep 19
tcltk: Difficulties creating menus
I am struggling with adding menus to a tcltk application. The following example (from the O'Reilly book on Perl/Tk) works fine: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $menub = $mw->Menubutton(-text => "Color")->pack(); foreach (qw/red yellow green blue grey/) { $menub->radiobutton(-label => $_, -command => \&set_bg,
2000 Aug 09
Hello R and tcltk users... I'm running into difficulties applying the tkmenubutton() and tklistbox() functions, found in the tcltk package, to a simple gui. My search for R code which utilizes these two functions has come up empty. Currently, I am attempting to translate pure "Tcl/Tk" code to R with little to no success. So far, the most helpful tool for learning the tcltk R
2003 Oct 27
Difficulties with R.oo (static fields, etc.)
I would like to use R.oo and tcltk to implement a Turtle World. I have encountered many problems because: 1) I am not sure how to implement static fields with R.oo 2) I am not sure how to implement a constructor that would call a function only for the first instance of a class (i.e., to initialize value of static fields only once) 3) I am not sure how to remove/delete cleanly existing
2002 Nov 17
Problem running Anstoss2 under Wine
Adrian Bunk wrote: >I'm trying to run Anstoss2 (a five years old German soccer simulation - >I'm only interested in the strategic part of the game) under Wine. I >tried the Debian package of the 20021031 Release and a self-compiled >package of a 20021116 CVS snapshot. The following messages occur during >the start of the game: > ><-- snip --> > >$ wine
2012 Nov 20
tcl/tk problem with tklistbox,the " " character and Rcmdr.
I everyone, i have a little problem with tklistbox,the " " character and Rcmdr. Please look at this code require(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() levels.list2 <-tklistbox(tt,selectmode="multiple",exportselection="FALSE", height=4, yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(levels.list2.scroll,...))
2007 Jul 05
Me again, about the horrible documentation of tcltk
How on Earth can I know what are the arguments of any of the functions of the tcl/tk package? I tried hard to find, using all search engines available, looking deep into keywords of R, python's tkinter and tcl/tk, but nowhere I found anything remotely similar to a help. For example, what are the possible arguments to tkgetOpenFile? I know that this works: library(tcltk) filename <-
2017 Sep 22
gtk3 update causing havoc
On my lab systems, the automatic updates were failing because of the problems with ipod libraries from EPEL being in the way. It turns out that was a good thing, because when I "fixed" it, a massive set of packages was updated, including the new gtk3. These packages are the ones causing problems, I think. gtk3-3.22.10-4.el7.x86_64 gtk3-devel-3.22.10-4.el7.x86_64 In the release notes,
2008 Aug 19
Open directory within a menu in tcltk
Hello, I am trying to setup a menu to open files and directories. I have the following code: opendir<-function() { dirname<<-tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory()) } openfile<-function() { filename<<-tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile()) } require(tcltk) t1<-tktoplevel() topMenu<-tkmenu(t1) tkconfigure(t1,menu=topMenu) plotMenu<-tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE)
2008 Dec 22
newbie question on tcltk
Hi List, Can anyone tell me how could i put the "BACK" button in the following code, just under the "AAA" menu? I want this button to go back to the previous page, and since it has nothing to do with the "1" and "2" buttons, i want it somehow separated from these two buttons, but i don't know how. I searched the web for some examples but my results
2007 Oct 15
Form with two buttons
Hi, I need to make a form with two buttons. But I do wrong. And why not can be. form: ------------------------------- <%= form_tag :controller => ''establishment_contents'', :action => ''llamada'', :opMenu => opcionMenu %> [...] <%= image_submit_tag ("../images/incluir.gif", :op=>"addImage") %> [...] <%=
2006 Aug 11
Dear List, I'm looking for some informations about the function "tkinsert()". I d'like to write lot of command in my text window and after to evaluate it with a button "Submit" for example, but i have some problems: here a exemple of my code: 1) My first problem tt=tktoplevel() txt=tktext(tt,height=40) tkpack(txt) var1=paste("x=2")
2004 Jan 15
My story installing Samba-LDAP PDC (it has a happy ending)
OK. I am starting to believe that Samba 3.0.x is not stable. At least, the documentation for Samba as PDC with OpenLDAP backend (which is what I have been trying to do for four days) is crap. All the documentation for 3.0.x is mixed with 2.2.x. Most documents start as instructions for 3.0.x but put a lot of information that doesn't apply to 3.0.x, but 2.2.x. People in the mailing list
2013 Nov 21
uso detach
Un saludo: Estoy intentando con el comando "detach()" eliminar todos los archivos que durante la analíticas voy utilizando y "attached" al programa. El problema es que usando detach () no me borra todo lo adjuntado. No sé si estoy usando mal el comando o estoy usando un comando incorrecto que no es para esto. Gracias. Juan Bautista Relloso Barrio Técnico del Dpto