Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "spatial statistics vs. spatial econometrics"
2020 Apr 15
Re: [PATCH nbdkit UNFINISHED] Add the ability to write plugins in golang.
On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 02:51:52PM +0100, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> Similar to C, OCaml and Rust, this is not a plugin per se. Instead
> it's more of a method and set of tests around writing plugins in
> golang. They are standalone programs that compile into shared objects
> that nbdkit can then load (so there is no "go plugin" between nbdkit
> and the user plugin,
2012 Jul 31
Spatial regression
Dear list members,
I have a large dataset with point data. Each data point has X, Y, number of
species present and values for one single explanatory variable. Each point
was generated from a polygon grid shapefile and they are at equal
I conducted GLS analyses introducing variance structures and correlation
structures to improve the model.
I plotted variograms before and after adding
2008 Apr 01
spatial cross-correlation
I cannot find in the R html documentation a way to evaluate
cross-correlation in 2D data sets.
I would like to evaluate cross-correlation in a series of moving windows
between two maps.
i,e, specify several windows inside the complete 2D spatial matrixes and
for each one ofthese windows evaluate the 2D cross-correlation (commonly
conducted in the spectral domain).
Thanks in advance and best
2003 Jun 30
spatial correlation test
I want to do a test for spatial correlation.
I tried it with geary.test() but I don't understand the required input.
x= a numeric vector the same length as the neighbours list in listw (my
sampled data, I assume)
listw= a listw object created for example by nb2listw (well when I check
nb2listw() I get to "neighbours - an object of class nb" - but I couldn't
2009 Mar 03
spatial markov chain methods
can any one point me to R-packages (if available) which include spatial
Markov Chain methods?
My second question is more general but hopefully not OT: Currently we
are using the software TPROGS, which let people simulate property
distributions in space by some Markov Chain approaches. We face some
problems due to the lack of information between distances of samples
along borehole path
2006 May 01
problem installing Econometrics view
When I try to install hte Econometrics view I get the following error:
CRAN task view Econometrics not available in: install.views("Econometrics")
I have already install the ctv package and loaded it before trying to
install the above...
Any ideas as to what's going on?
2005 Aug 25
concerning econometrics usage of "R"
I am currently looking for a program or programmng language easy to
learn, easier to operate on.I heva heard about "R", However I
understand that "R" is designed especially for statisticians. As an
economist, working on applied econometrics, I am not sure if it can
meet my needs.
Will I be able to reach precise time series or panal data regression
results with
2008 May 10
AER: Applied Econometrics with R
The package AER accompanying the forthcoming book "Applied
Econometrics with R" by Christian Kleiber and me in the
Springer useR! series has (finally!) been released to CRAN:
It contains some new R functionality
o tobit regression convenience interface (to "survival")
o instrumental variables regression (two-stage least squares)
2008 May 10
AER: Applied Econometrics with R
The package AER accompanying the forthcoming book "Applied
Econometrics with R" by Christian Kleiber and me in the
Springer useR! series has (finally!) been released to CRAN:
It contains some new R functionality
o tobit regression convenience interface (to "survival")
o instrumental variables regression (two-stage least squares)
2008 Sep 16
AER 1.0-0: Applied Econometrics with R
Version 1.0-0 of the package "AER" for "Applied Econometrics with R" has been
released to CRAN (http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=AER) a few weeks ago.
It accompanies
Applied Econometrics with R
Christian Kleiber, Achim Zeileis
from Springer's useR!
2008 Sep 16
AER 1.0-0: Applied Econometrics with R
Version 1.0-0 of the package "AER" for "Applied Econometrics with R" has been
released to CRAN (http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=AER) a few weeks ago.
It accompanies
Applied Econometrics with R
Christian Kleiber, Achim Zeileis
from Springer's useR!
2005 Apr 16
bayesm: a package for Bayesian infererence for Marketing/Micro-Econometrics
We are pleased to announce the release of version 0.0 of bayesm on CRAN.
bayesm covers many important models used in marketing
and micro-econometrics applications.
The package includes:
Bayes Regression (univariate or multivariate dep var)
Multinomial Logit
Multinomial and Multivariate Probit
Multivariate Mixtures of Normals
Hierarchical Linear Models with a normal prior and covariates
2005 Apr 16
bayesm: a package for Bayesian infererence for Marketing/Micro-Econometrics
We are pleased to announce the release of version 0.0 of bayesm on CRAN.
bayesm covers many important models used in marketing
and micro-econometrics applications.
The package includes:
Bayes Regression (univariate or multivariate dep var)
Multinomial Logit
Multinomial and Multivariate Probit
Multivariate Mixtures of Normals
Hierarchical Linear Models with a normal prior and covariates
2001 Oct 15
FW: Econometrics ...
-----Original Message-----
From: Nels Tomlinson [mailto:tomlinso at purdue.edu]
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 3:00 PM
To: Warnes, Gregory R
Subject: Re: [R] Econometrics ...
I like your meta-package idea. To make it more useful, it should have a
help page which provide links to the appropriate functions in the other,
required packages. That is, the 00index.html file in the package should
2008 Nov 09
please recommend statistics, time series and econometrics books with finance, macroeconomics, trading and business applications
Hi all,
Please recommend good books for the following three categories. (I am
aim at finance, macroeconomics, trading and business applications).
(1) statistical (financial) data analysis;
(2) time series;
(3) econometrics.
More specifically, I am looking for the following two types of books:
(1) Books that provide big pictures and intuitions and books that
connect dots...
For example, there
2010 Nov 03
Granger causality with panel data (econometrics question)
Hi folks,
I am trying to perform a Granger causality analysis with panel data. There
are some packages around for panel data analysis and Granger causality.
However, I have found neither a package for both panel data and Granger
causality nor any R procedures (homogenous/heterogenous causality
hypotheses, related tests such as Wald, unit root tests etc.).
Of course, someone must have
2001 Oct 12
Econometrics ...
> From: Paul Gilbert [mailto:pgilbert at bank-banque-canada.ca]
> John Janmaat wrote:
> > Is there a package available for R which generates output
> commonly used
> > by econometricians (eg., the Durbin-Watson statistic for serial
> > correlation in regression residuals)? I'm pretty sure most of
> the stuff
> > is out
2007 Nov 17
Drawing to a buffer (or double buffering)
I know this topic has come up several times, but I still haven't
found a satisfactory solution to it.
I want to draw complicated figures (preferably in X11) and display
them only once they are completed.
Obviously, the main purpose for doing this is so that a sequence
of complicated plots can be shown (so a solution which destroys the
window and creates a new one is not acceptable).
2003 Oct 28
Oh323 segmentation fault in asterisk...
This looks like the same case as the thread:
Problem ATA-711-723-Oh323-Asterisk that was posted back in August.
Although, given the nature of trampled memory problems it could be almost
The Oh323 library dies in a call to realloc. This is almost certainly
indicative of someone stomping on memory somewhere previously, or else a
memory bug in the pwlib library itself. (Which I find
2020 Apr 15
Re: [PATCH nbdkit UNFINISHED] Add the ability to write plugins in golang.
On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 05:27:07PM +0100, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 02:51:52PM +0100, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> > Similar to C, OCaml and Rust, this is not a plugin per se. Instead
> > it's more of a method and set of tests around writing plugins in
> > golang. They are standalone programs that compile into shared objects
> > that nbdkit