Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "methods help and glmmPQL"
2003 Feb 13
fixed and random effects in lme
Hi All,
I would like to ask a question on fixed and random effecti in lme. I am
fiddlying around Mick Crawley dataset "rats" :
The advantage is that most work is already done in Crawley's book (page 361
onwards) so I can check what I am doing.
I am tryg to reproduce the nested analysis on page 368:
2003 Jul 28
data manipulation: getting mean value every 5 rows
Dear All,
I would like to ask you how to accomplish a little tricky data
manipulation. I have a large dataset, looking something like:
temp line cage number
18 18 1 6678.63
18 18 1 7774.458
18 18 1 7845.902
18 18 1 9483.578
18 18 1 8983.555
18 18 1 9181.052
18 18 1 9458.696
18 18 1 8138.616
18 18 1 7981.994
18 18 1 7556.491
18 18 1 7672.137
18 18 1 6607.776
18 18 1 8383.65
18 18 1 7129.852
18 18
2003 Aug 05
bwplot colours
Dear All,
is any way I can change the colours of the box and umbrella of a bwplot
without having to go to the length of:
trellis.par.set("box.rectangle", box.rectangle)
but straight from the call:
bwplot(y ~ x | z, mydata) ?
Federico Calboli
2003 Jun 17
Dear All,
using R is noticed that I would benefit by going back to the books and
"refresh" my linear algebra and calculus.
Has anybody suggestions on which books are better as reference on the two
these two topics?
I was thinking to get Lang's "A First Course in Calculus", but I I have no
idea what could be a good one for linear algebra. Something detailed and
2003 Jun 26
degrees of freedom in a LME model
Dear All,
I am analysing some data for a colleague (not my data, gotta be published
so I cannot divulge).
My response variable is the number of matings observed per day for some
My factors are:
Day: the observations were taken on 9 days
Regime: 3 selection regimes
Line: 3 replicates per selection regime.
I have 81 observations in total
The lines are coded A to I, so I do not need
2003 Jul 27
continuous independent variable in lme
Dear All,
I am writing to ask a clarification on what R, and in particular lme, is
I have an experiment where fly wing area was measured in 4 selection lines,
measured at 18 and 25 degrees. I am using a lme model because I have three
replicated per line (coded 1:12 so I need not use getGroups to creat an
orederd factor).
The lines are called: "18"; "25";
2003 Jun 19
Hi All,
does anyone know if the package GLME by J. Pinheiro is available anywhere
in any form? checking on the archive I got that it was at some point, as as
a beta version (for S-Plus only, alas)...
Federico C.F. Calboli
Department of Biology
University College London
Room 327
Darwin Building
Gower Street
Tel: (+44) 020 7679 4395
2003 Jan 16
Dear R community,
I need to plot the results of some simulations I did using QTL
Cartographer. I am plotting LOD scores over three chromosomes. The three
plot have to be one next to the other.
The procedure I am using is:
plot(x$x, x$y, ylim=c(0,35), type="l", col="blue", las=1, xaxs="i",
yaxs="i", xlab="X Chromosome",
2003 Jul 17
line colors in lattice.xyplot with png device.
R is very new for me, so excuse if my questions are too basic...
BTW, are there any forum where new R users could get help without
annoying this huge mailing list ?
In following code, I'd like to choose the color for each of the curve
png(filename = filename, width = 950, height = 600, pointsize = 10, bg =
2003 Jul 20
Problem with packages...
Hi, I just installed the last version of R taken from the CRAN mirron in
University of Vi?osa, Brasil. Since I use Mandrake 9.1 I get the proper .rpm
file. I installed fine and all the test runs OK.
I tryied to install sevela packages ussing the
and the installation runs OK... apparently.
However, when I try to use the new package I get the following
2012 Nov 27
Variance component estimation in glmmPQL
Hi all,
I've been attempting to fit a logistic glmm using glmmPQL in order to
estimate variance components for a score test, where the model is of the
form logit(mu) = X*a+ Z1*b1 + Z2*b2. Z1 and Z2 are actually reduced rank
square root matrices of the assumed covariance structure (up to a constant)
of random effects c1 and c2, respectively, such that b1 ~ N(0,sig.1^2*I) and
c1 ~
2003 Oct 03
foo.RData or foo.r?
Dear All,
I suspect this is kind of dumb, but when I was under the thrall of the
dark lord (read, using a W2K box), all my work in R files came out as
foo.RData. I moved on to GNU/Linux, and all the old .RData files keep on
working as they used. No problems in loading and stuff. But I use R from
the terminal. Assuming I decide to switch to emacs, do I need to save my
work as foo.r? what about my
2006 Sep 04
Problem with Variance Components (and general glmm confusion)
Dear list,
I am having some problems with extracting Variance Components from a random-effects model:
I am running a simple random-effects model using lme:
which returns the output for the StdDev of the Random effects, and model AIC etc as expected.
Until yesterday I was using R v. 2.0, and had no problem in calling the variance components of the
2006 Jul 31
standard dev in glmmPQL
Can anyone let me know how can I get the stdDev of the random intercept from the output of glmmPQL?
2003 Sep 23
problems installing Design and Hmisc libs
Dear All,
when I try to:
install.packages("Design"); install.packages("Hmisc")
I get the following error messages:
* Installing *source* package 'Design' ...
** libs
g77 -mieee-fp -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -march=i586
-mcpu=pentiumpro -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -march=i586
-mcpu=pentiumpro -c lrmfit.f -o lrmfit.o
make: g77: Command not found
make: ***
2003 Dec 02
question regarding variance components
I am using a two-factor ANOVA model with random factor effects including
the interaction, i.e. the factors are crossed. I would like to be able to
generate all four variance components along with approximate confidence
intervals using the NLME package. However, I do not know how to specify
the random option because of two problems. First, I do not know how to
enter the interaction term into the
2003 May 13
assessing the fit of a LME model
Dear All,
I would like to ask a couple of questions on a LME model.
I tested 4 selection lines at 4 food concentrations against a standard
competitor stock. I had 3 replicate cages per selection line. In each cage
I have 10 vials. I counted the number of wild type flies and competitor
stock emerging in each vial. My main question is: is there any difference
between selection lines?
I did fit
2005 Sep 01
VarCorr function for assigning random effects: was Question
If you are indeed using lme and not lmer then the needed function is
VarCorr(). However, 2 recommendations. First, this is a busy list and
better emails subject headers get better attention. Second, I would
recommend using lmer as it is much faster. However, VarCorr seems to be
incompatible with lmer and I do not know of another function to work
with lmer.
Hence, a better email subject header
2003 Feb 28
chi square
Hi All,
I woul like to ask you a couple of questions on chisq.test.
First, I have 40 flies, 14 males and 26 females and I want to test for an a
priori hypothesis that the sex ratio is 1:1
chisq.test(se, p=pr, correct=TRUE)
Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data: sex
X-squared = 3.6, df = 1, p-value = 0.05778
If my calculations are correct, this is
2003 Jul 30
anova(mymodel.lme, type = "marginal")
Dear All,
recently, while setting me on the straight and narrow about linear
contrasts for a linear mixed effect model, Prof Ripley pointed out that my
interpertation of the call
was not correct, because I was meant to add
type = "marginal", as in anova(mymodel.lme, type = "marginal")
I tried to look deeper in the issue, asking people, checking on the