similar to: plot() help

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "plot() help"

2003 Jun 24
Can't load e1071
After upgrading to 1.7.0 under debian linux, I can't get e1071 working properly. The first problem I had was that g++-3.0 was the standard compiler but wasn't installed, so I installed it. e1071 then installed correctly, but I get the following: aperrin at perrin:~/afshome/papers/authoritarian/R$ R R : Copyright 2003, The R Development Core Team Version 1.7.0 (2003-04-16) R is free
2003 May 20
Extracting elements from an reStruct
Sorry if this is obvious, but my S skills aren't great and I haven't been able to find it documented anywhere. I want to write a new function for use with lme objects; the function will simply calculate an ICC (aka "rho") for each level of a mixed-effects model. What I need for this is pretty simple: (c(var1..varn, residual)) / sum(c(var1..varn, residual)) where var1..varn
2004 May 17
"ghost" image in .eps file
Greetings- An odd situation has developed. I use the following code to create .eps files of two very similar graphs: postscript(file='resources.bygt.eps', onefile=FALSE, horizontal=TRUE) barplot(resources.bygt.matrix, beside = TRUE, legend.text=c('narrative','doubt'),
2003 May 27
Help! R won't start
Returning after the long weekend, I get the following: aperrin at perrin:~/afshome/papers/microcultures/R$ R R : Copyright 2003, The R Development Core Team Version 1.7.0 (2003-04-16) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type `license()' or `licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative
2002 Jun 27
R won't start right
Any ideas on this? nujoma:~> R R : Copyright 2002, The R Development Core Team Version 1.5.0 (2002-04-29) ... Error: couldn't find function ".Alias" Error: couldn't find function "attach" [Previously saved workspace restored] > q() Error: couldn't find function "q" > Suspended nujoma:~> kill %1 This is on a brand-new installation of R
2007 Mar 08
Memory error
Greetings- Running R 2.4.0 under Debian Linux, I am getting a memory error trying to read a very large file: > library(foreign) > oldgrades.df <- read.spss('Individual grades with AI (Nov 7 2006).sav', Error: cannot allocate vector of size 10826 Kb This file is, granted, quite large: aperrin at perrin:/data0/grading$ ls -l total 630304 -r-xr-xr-x 1 aperrin
2003 Jul 02
[ #1674] Mirroring request (fwd)
R users in the southeastern US (and those on the Internet-2 backbone) will be happy to hear of the new CRAN mirror at aka ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew J Perrin - Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill clists at * andrew_perrin (at)
2003 May 30
Error using glmmPQL
Can anyone shed any light on this? > doubt.demographic.pql<-glmmPQL(random = ~ 1 | groupid/participantid, + fixed = ~ + realage + minority + female + education + income + scenario, + data = fgdata.df[coded.resource,], + na.action=na.omit, +
2002 May 29
Extracting intercept and residual std dev from lme results
Greetings- I need to extract, programatically, the standard deviations of the intercept and residuals from an lme model. These are presented by print.lme as: ... (Intercept) Residual StdDev: 1.410635 0.7800512 ... (data taken from ?lme's examples section) I can get the residuals with x$sigma where x is the fitted lme object. I can't find the intercept, though. The closest
2002 May 23
Multilevel model with dichotomous dependent variable
Greetings- I'm working with data that are multilevel in nature and have a dichotomous outcome variable (presence or absence of an attribute). As far as I can tell from reading archives of the R and S lists, as well as Pinheiro and Bates and Venables and Ripley, - nlme does not have the facility to do what amounts to a mixed-effects logistic regression. - The canonical alternative is
2002 Jun 12
Lots of data problems
Recently I've been having this happen frequently: aperrin at perrin:~/microcultures$ R R : Copyright 2002, The R Development Core Team Version 1.5.0 (2002-04-29) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type `license()' or `licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many
2003 Jun 11
Text analysis question
I'm grappling with a problem and would appreciate any thoughts on it. I'm revising a paper for resubmission to a journal. For the paper, I've coded each "turn" in a series of conversations with several binary codes. (A turn is one package of statements made by one speaker, starting with the beginning of the speech and ending when the speaker stops or is interrupted.) The
2002 May 31
Convergence and singularity in glmmPQL
Greetings- Using R 1.5.0 under linux and the latest MASS and nlme, I am trying to develop a three-level (two levels of nesting) model with a dichotomous oucome variable. The unconditional model is thus: > doubt1.pql<-glmmPQL(fixed = ~ 1, random = ~1 | groupid/participantid, + family = binomial, data = fgdata.10statements.df) iteration 1 iteration 2 iteration 3 iteration 4
2003 Nov 21
glmmPQL, log-likelihoods issue
Greetings- a reviewer for a paper of mine noted an anomaly in some models I ran using glmmPQL (from the MASS package). Specifically, the models are three-level hierarchical probit models estimated using PQL under R. The anomaly is that the log-likelihoods decrease (or, alternatively -2logLik increases) as variables are added to the null model. This is unusual, and I'm trying to figure out
2002 Feb 14
Advice on using barplot
Greetings- I'm venturing into a new (for me) area of using R: some presentation graphics based on R data. I'd like to compare two distributions of ordinal variables in relatively small (N=203 and 207) subsets of an R dataset. I can get a reasonably good picture of the distributions' differences with: x11() plot(table(hcd.df$auth.sum[hcd.df$datecat==1]),
2002 Jun 21
Interpreting output from glmmPQL
Greetings. I'm running some models under R using glmmPQL from MASS. These are three-level models (two grouped levels and the individual level) with dichotomous outcomes. There are several statistics of interest; for the moment, I have two specific questions: 1.) This question refers to the following model (I present first the call, then the output of summary():
2002 Jan 27
EPS->LaTeX problem
Greetings- I have a strange problem displaying a graph from R (1.3.1, linux) in a LaTeX document of documentclass seminar. I'm using graphicx to include the file: \usepackage{graphicx} ... \resizebox{\textwidth}{\textheight}{\includegraphics{crime.eps}} When I do this, the entire slide (including the page number) is rotated 180 degrees. Any ideas why this happens? The graph was created
2001 Jun 06
HLM-like analysis in R
Greetings- I have some data on which I need to do something like a Hierarchical Linear Model (please bear with me, I'm only learning the technique so I don't know yet if my language is correct). Essentially I'm analyzing data at two levels simultaneously; data are about individuals an organizations of which they are members. Can someone point me toward an appropriate package in R?
2001 Apr 03
Parse error in xtabs
Greetings- Using R 1.2.2 under linux, I get the following: > l.agg<-xtabs(cbind(r.logic.interests, r.logic.morality, + r.logic.enlightened, r.logic.capacity, r.logic.mediate) + ~ grouptype, + data=gt) Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : parse error I know the data are structured fine, as I can use all the elements in individual xtabs()
2002 Feb 05
Measures of agreement
Greetings. I've been experimenting with some algorithms for document classification (specifically, a Naive Bayes classifier and a kNN classifier) and I would now like to calculate some inter-rater reliability scores. I have the data in a PostgreSQL database, such that for each document, each measure (there are 9) has three variables: ap_(measure), nb_(measure), and knn_(measure). ap is me