similar to: help with xyplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "help with xyplot"

2003 Jul 21
problem in pot with subset selection
Hi, I try to make a selective plot, but it make an error. The subset only work with length < 4, it is correct? > plot((ocorrencia/isca)~frag,subset=especieama==c("grupo1","grupo2","grupo3","AnoplotermesSp1","NeocapritermesOpacus"),pch=c(1,2,3,4,5),xlab="?rea (ha)",ylab="Propor??o de iscas ocupadas por t?rmitas")
2001 Apr 30
plotting an expression
I am sure it is just me not understanding how R works, but could somebody explain why curve(cos(x)) works and curve(expression(cos(x)) does not? I have done some investigating and here is what I found. If I comment out the line of curve indicated below, both calls work fine. function (expr, from, to, n = 101, add = FALSE, type = "l", ylab = NULL, log = NULL, xlim =
2012 May 23
AD / new auxiliary class / vb script
Hello I've modified AD schema by adding a new auxiliary class (iscA) with an auxilairy attribute (iscA1). I've followed this explanation /_*entirely*_/ : I've named the menu item with the same name (AllowedService). By right-clicking on a AD user
2002 Jul 02
error in plot residuals in a glm with iterations.
Hi, I make this model: > moths.m6 <- glm(nind~metros+especie+habitat+metros:habitat+habitat:especie,family=poisson) > anova(moths.m6,test="F") Analysis of Deviance Table Model: poisson, link: log Response: nind Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F) NULL 81 488.32
2002 Jul 12
Warnings in plot(model)
Hi all, I try to make a residuals plot in a model, but the warnings occur. > anova(m2) Analysis of Deviance Table Model: Negative Binomial(5.6937), link: log Response: nind Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|) NULL 81 270.242 metros 1 0.005 80 270.237 0.943 habitat
2003 May 20
Problem on model simplification with glmmPQL
Hi all, I try to make a split-plot with poisson errors using glmmPQL, but I have some doubts about the model simplification. Look my system: Block = 3 blocks Xvar1 = 2 levels Xvar2 = 13 levels Yvar = Count data Response I need know about the behaviour of Var1, Var2 and interaction Var1:Var2. Look the levels: > levels(Xvar1) [1] "A" "B" > levels(Xvar2) [1]
2009 May 24
filling area under a function line
Hi R collective, I quite like the "curve" function because you can chuck a R function into it, and see the graph in one line of R. I had a google and found some threads for filling under the line; However they seem to miss the point of the simplicity of going, "I wonder what that looks like, and can I have some colour
2001 Oct 16
plot function
Hola! It is somewhat inconvenient to use plot.function, when add=TRUE. The following (miniscule) change makes it behave better: plot.function <- function (fn, from , to, xlim = NULL, ...) { if (!is.null(xlim)) { if (missing(from)) from <- xlim[1] if (missing(to)) to <- xlim[2] } curve(fn, from, to, xlim = xlim, ...) } The only
2003 May 21
help on spatial data
Hi, I have a dataset with x and y coordinates and in each point I have an identity of point, in some cases I can have more then one identity by point. My dataset is something like this: > x <- rep(c(1:4),4) > y <- rep(c(1:4),c(4,4,4,4)) > area1 <- sample(factor(rep(c("a","b","c","d"),4))) > area2 <-
2006 Mar 15
manipulating weeks dates
Hi, I have these vectors: > WEEK <- rep(c(1:52),2) > YEAR <- rep(c(2000,1999),c(52,52)) How to make a vector of Date with weeks in years? I try from survival package, but it dont work with weeks, just only with days, months etcs. Thanks Ronaldo -- "Realmente minha cidade e muito facultativa" --Elivelton, ao rep?rter da Jovem Pan que falava das muitas
2005 Nov 16
Difficulties with for() {while(){}}
Hi, I have the follow function: function() { ## Init of function ... for(i in test) { ... while(j <= test2) { ... } } } The problem is that sometimes, naturally, the while is not possible to be resolved, and so the program abort. In this case I need that program return to the init of function and run again. How I can make this? Abort the while, abort the for
2003 Jun 20
glmm and overall goodness of fit
Hi, exist in R any glmm function that have any tools for test for overall goodness of fit? Thanks Ronaldo -- O papel da impressora ? sempre mais forte na parte picotada. -- | // | \\ [***********************************] |> ( ? ? ) [Ronaldo Reis J?nior ] | V [UFV/DBA-Entomologia ] |> / \ [36571-000 Vi?osa - MG ] |
2003 Oct 14
[OFF] Dataset for extra Crawley Chapter
Hi, anybody have the dataset used in Gamma Errors chapter of the Crawley's books (An Introduction to Data Analysis using S-Plus). specifically the functionalresponse and the Density datasets. Thanks Ronaldo -- For every problem there is one solution which is simple, neat, and wrong. -- H. L. Mencken -- |> // | \\ [***********************************] | ( ? ? ) [Ronaldo Reis
2004 Jun 03
[OFF] program to estimate the best fit
Hi, exist in R or any other program for linux that estimate the best fit for data using severals functions? Somethink like tablecurve Thanks Ronaldo -- Um menino-prodigio e uma crianca cujos pais tem muita imaginacao. -- Jean Costeau -- |> // | \\ [***********************************] | ( ?? ?? ) [Ronaldo Reis J??nior ] |> V [UFV/DBA-Entomologia
2004 Nov 09
glm.nb stop on Error.
Hi, I make an analysis sequence on R. In some cases the function glm.nb fail to ajust the model. Its Ok. The problem is that this error stop the program. I need treat this error and not stop the program. Something like this: ... model <- glm.nb(y~x,maxit=1000) if(glm.nb fail) { teste[i] <- 0 } else { teste[i] <- anova(modelo)$"P(>|Chi|)"[2] } ... I try this: ...
2006 Jan 23
simple problem
Hi, look this: > summary(fam??lia) Anacardiaceae Annonaceae Bombacaceae Cecropiaceae 2 4 1 3 Chrysobalanaceae Clusiaceae Euphorbiacaea Fabacea 1 1 4 3 Fabaceae Flacourtiaceae Humiriaceae indeterminada
2006 Apr 04
Problem with Crawley book example
Hi, I try to run the example of Crawley's Book on the page 661, but it fail, look > repmeasures <- read.table("../Packages/Crawley/data/repmeasures.txt",header=T) > attach(repmeasures) > rep <- as.factor(rep) > library(nlme) > model <- lme(height~seed,random=~time|rep/seed) Erro em lme.formula(height ~ seed, random = ~time | rep/seed) : iteration limit
2005 Sep 20
Change the mirror
Hi, Please, change the brazilian mirror to in R homepage. Thanks ROnaldo -- Se dois homens no mesmo trabalho concordam o tempo todo, um deles ?? demais. Se discordam sem parar, ent??o os dois s??o dispens??veis --Darryl F. Zanuck -- |> // | \\ [***********************************] | ( ?? ?? ) [Ronaldo Reis J??nior
2005 Sep 09
best way to fit a model
Hi, I have some data that have this behaviour: | |******* | * | * | * | * |---------------- What is the best and simpler way to fit this in R? Thanks Ronaldo -- Ela pilotava um Continenal 2001 com igni????o autom??tica Magiclic... -- |> // | \\ [***********************************] | ( ?? ?? ) [Ronaldo Reis J??nior ] |>
2011 Oct 28
R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file
Hi, another Rd related issue I encountered is that if an error occurs in an \Sexpr in an Rd file, then on get the following error: * checking for portable compilation flags in Makevars ... OK * checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK * checking examples ... ERROR Error in paste(before, x, after, sep = "") : object 'exfile' not found Execution halted