similar to: horizontal high-density lines?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "horizontal high-density lines?"

2003 Sep 01
meta-analysis question
Dear R-helpers, i have the following situation: i have a bunch of y=b0 + b1*x from different studies, and want to estimate a "general" y=f(x). I only have the b0,b1's and R-squareds. Should i weigh the separate equations by their R-squared? thanks Remko ^'~,_,~'^'~,_,~'^'~,_,~'^'~,_,~'^'~,_,~'^'~,_,~' Remko Duursma, Ph.D. student
2003 Dec 29
Rcmd check package failure
Hi all, recently, i tried making a package with my own functions - which worked fine, until i reinstalled MikTex (in Win2000). Now i get the error message: * checking for working latex ... NO * using log directory 'C:/Rlibs/R4PG.Rcheck' * checking for file 'R4PG/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK ERROR Installation failed. But i set the path to
2003 Jun 13
Problem with Rcmd SHLIB
Dear R-helpers, i am trying to make a shared library from a Fortran subroutine, and i therefore used (after reading the documentation): Rcmd SHLIB forfile.f #(R1.70, Win2000) And the error is: " 'perl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file." So i went ahead and tried to install Perl (from the suggested website in
2003 Sep 23
Very small estimated random effect variance (lme)
Dear R-helpers, i get some strange results using a linear mixed-effects model (lme), of the type: lme1 <- lme(y ~ x, random=~x|group, ...) For some datasets, i obtain very small standard deviations of the random effects. I compared these to standard deviations of the slope and intercept using a lmList approach. Of course, the SD from the lme is always smaller (shrinkage estimator), but in
2003 Jun 06
small plot inside a big plot
Dear R-helpers, i want to draw a small plot (histogram) within a larger plot (simple scatterplot), so that the axes of the bigger plot remain intact. I know how to use layout() and par(mfrow...) and such, but I want the smaller graph to be *inside* the bigger plot. Is this possible? thanks, Remko
2003 Jun 11
mixed-effects models for left-censored data?
Dear R-helpers, excuse me if this is not exclusively an R-related question. I have data from a nested design, both temporally and spatially, and the reponse variable of interest is left-censored. That is, only values > "some treshold" are available, otherwise "LOW" is reported. Are there ways of building a linear model with both fixed and random effects, when the
2003 Apr 15
making a dataframe out of lapply() result
Dear R-helpers, i have a question on how to vectorize this problem: i have a dataframe: tester <- data.frame(groups=c("A","A","B","B","C","C"), one=c(1,1,2,2,3,3), two=c(6,6,7,7,8,8)) # i split it into a list tester.L <- split(tester, tester$groups) # And want to keep only the first item in each: lapply(tester.L, function(x) x
2003 Apr 07
How to sort a dataframe?
Dear R-helpers, for the purpose of plotting a dataframe, i am trying to sort a dataframe by one column, for example tester <- data.frame(one=c(3,2,1), two=c(2,3,1)) #> tester # one two #1 3 2 #2 2 3 #3 1 1 # I want to sort "tester" by column "one", so that i get a dataframe # that looks like: #one two #1 1 #2 3 #3 2 I know of 'sort' but
2003 Apr 20
Hmisc interaction behavior
Dear R-helpers, Can someone explain to me why the function interaction() from the Hmisc library results in numeric? test1 <- c("A","B","C") test2 <- c("D","E","F") is.numeric(interaction(test1,test2)) [1] TRUE I had problems with this side effect in a different function. thanks, Remko Duursma
2011 Sep 06
Sweave : some comments disappear
Dear R-helpers, when I have an R code chunk in a sweave file like this: <<>>= x <- 1:10 # this comment disapears x # this one does not! print(x) #mean mean(x) @ The first comment does not appear in the sweaved document, the second one does. How can this be? I have tried print=TRUE and keep.source=TRUE, but neither seem to affect this behavior. thanks, Remko
2009 Feb 26
interpSpline with dates?
Dear R-helpers, can I use a POSIXct date as the x variable in interpSpline? The help page says x and y need to be numeric... is there a workaround? example: library(splines) testdfr <- data.frame(Date=seq(as.POSIXct("2008-08-01"),as.POSIXct("2008-09-01"), length=10)) testdfr$yvar <- rnorm(10) sp <- interpSpline(yvar ~ Date, testdfr) preddfr <-
2009 Aug 19
RGoogleDocs/RCurl through proxy
Dear list, I am trying to use RGoogleDocs, but I am connecting through a proxy server. I know RCurl is used for the connection, which should be able to deal with proxies and such. How do I set this up for RCurl? And can I use those settings with RGoogleDocs as well? I have the name of the proxy server and the port number. (Windows XP). thanks, Remko
2009 Feb 13
Running examples failed (but there are none).
Dear R-helpers, making a package (windowsXP), that includes a bunch of functions, but none have examples (all example code is within \dontrun{} blocks). I do R CMD check Maeswrap, all bits get OK-ed, except: "Running examples in 'Maeswrap-Ex.R' failed." When I run the 'Maeswrap-Ex.R' file myself, there are no problems. Any pointers? thanks Remko
2007 Mar 13
'substitute' question
# I use this code to label a graph with the R2: # graph x <- rnorm(100) y <- x + rnorm(100) lm1 <- lm(y~x) plot(x,y) # label R2text <- substitute(paste(R^2," = ",r2),list(r2=r2)) text(1,-3,R2text, col="red") # i have modified this a bit, so that i have a vector with other labels, each of which # will be labelled on the graph. Example: texts <- c("And the
2010 Jun 02
Faster union of polygons?
Dear R-helpers, thanks for yesterday's speeding-up tip. Here is my next query: I have lots of polygons (not necessarily convex ones, and they never have holes) given by x,y coordinates. I want to get the polygon that is the union of these polygons. This is my current method, but I am hoping there is a faster method (up to thousands of polygons, each with ca. 40 xy points). Example:
2009 Oct 20
system() or shell() with python script
Hi all, I am having some problems calling a python script from R that resides in a folder that is in the path (WindowsXP): > system("") Warning message: In system("") : not found # I also tried 'shell' (and shell.exec as well). > shell("") '' is not recognized as an
2009 Apr 24
Box-counting dimension and package 'fdim'
Dear R-helpers, I am looking for an implementation of the box-counting algorithm to estimate the box dimension of a cloud of points in 3D (aka fractal dimension, or similarity dimension). The package 'fdim' might be doing this, but the documentation is awful and I don't understand what is what there. Does anyone know of an implementation of this algorithm in R, or elsewhere, or
2009 Jul 20
Problem with as.POSIXct on dates object
Dear R-helpers, I have a problem converting an object made with the 'chron' function to a POSIXct object: # Make date based on DOY dat <- chron(dates=232, origin.=c(month=1, day=1, year=2008)) dat #[1] 08/20/08 # Converting to POSIXct uses current timezone (Sydney): as.POSIXct(dat) #[1] "2008-08-20 10:00:00 EST" # Setting GMT timezone has no effect? as.POSIXct(dat,
2010 Mar 30
SHLIB not working (Win Vista)
Dear R-helpers, I tried to build a DLL like I have done so many times, but this time on my new machine, but it gives the erorr: (from cmd window) >R CMD SHLIB Boxcnt.f MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland Error c:/PROGRA~1/R/R-210~1.1/share/make/ 4: Command syntax error *** 1 errors during make *** The error is not in my Fortran file, because I also tried other files
2010 Oct 25
R-Fortran question (multiple subroutines)
Dear R-helpers, apologies if this is somewhere in a manual, I have not been able to find anything relevant. I run Windows Vista. I have some Fortran code in a subroutine, and have no problem calling this from R with .Fortran, compiling the code either with 'R CMD SHLIB' or independently with gfortran. But is it possible to have more than one subroutine in my source file, one depending