similar to: attach()ing User-Defined Classes with Complex Structures

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "attach()ing User-Defined Classes with Complex Structures"

2002 Aug 06
[ and setMethod conflict?
I noticed this oddity about [ and setMethod. First, I define testFunc, which sorts a data frame by the first column and returns the entries that aren't NAs, and testIt, which runs testFunc repeatedly on a random large data frame, each time saving the return into a dummy placeholder (for demonstration's sake). > require(methods) Loading required package: methods [1] TRUE > testFunc
2002 Aug 06
[ and setMethod conflict?
I noticed this oddity about [ and setMethod. First, I define testFunc, which sorts a data frame by the first column and returns the entries that aren't NAs, and testIt, which runs testFunc repeatedly on a random large data frame, each time saving the return into a dummy placeholder (for demonstration's sake). > require(methods) Loading required package: methods [1] TRUE > testFunc
2003 Sep 05
S4 Method Collisions with "[" (PR#4075)
Full_Name: Colin A. Smith Version: 1.8.0 OS: Mac OS X 10.2.6 Submission from: (NULL) ( Both Biobase and my package annaffy use S4 classes to define methods for "[". Both packages use the save image method of installation. (See annaffy 1.0.3 in BioC CVS.) Depending on how both packages are loaded, the Biobase definitions seem to be getting masked out: >
2003 Nov 19
Was: setValidity and "initialize" method conflict ? [in R-help]
Hello, Thomas Stabla ( has already sent this question to R-help, Wed, 12 Nov 2003 21:21:31 +0100, but we are not sure whether we should better post this mail to this audience than to R-help: --------------------------------------------------------------------- We are using S4-classes and want to force a validity check when an object is created. How can this be done, when an
2003 May 24
Re: R-devel Digest, Vol 3, Issue 23
I am another person who has had trouble documenting S4 classes and (particularly) methods. The methods package itself is pretty cool by the way, but it is a pity that there are as yet no guidelines on S4 in the "Writing R Extensions" document. I have actually put together a guide on S4 documentation myself for the use of my own lab which is at
2004 Jul 14
tracing something in a namespace (PR#7091)
# Your mailer is set to "none" (default on Windows), # hence we cannot send the bug report directly from R. # Please copy the bug report (after finishing it) to # your favorite email program and send it to # # # ###################################################### > x <- rnorm(10) > y <- 1:10 > xyplot(y ~ x) >
2003 May 21
Hi, I don't understand why this code doesn't work (f(b2)): ///////////////// setClass("B0", representation(b0 = "numeric")) setClass("B1", representation("B0", b1 = "character")) setClass("B2", representation("B1", b2 = "logical")) f <- function(x) class(x) setMethod("f", "B0",
2003 Jun 13
Documenting classes and methods: was Re: R-devel Digest, Vol 3, Issue 23
Might it be an idea to make "?" a special operator akin to "+" or "[", R users could then write their own help functions - may be even making "?" generic? With the proposed xml help system one could imagine quite sophisticated context sensitive help systems. Regards, John Marsland PS this has been a very useful debate for those of us enthusiastically
2003 May 23
Documenting S4 classes; debugging them
1. I'm putting together my first package that uses S4 classes and objects. I'd like to document them, but I'm not sure what the documentation should look like, and package.skeleton doesn't produce any at all for the classes or methods. Are there any good examples to follow? 2. How do I do the equivalent of debug(foo), when foo is an anonymous function being used as a method?
2003 Oct 13
Infinite recursion in getGeneric (PR#4561)
> setClass('foo') [1] "foo" > setMethod('is.logical', 'foo', function(x) TRUE) [1] "is.logical" > getGeneric('is.integer') Error in options(x) : evaluation is nested too deeply: infinite recursion? > --please do not edit the information below-- Version: platform = i686-pc-linux-gnu arch = i686 os = linux-gnu system =
2001 Oct 31
Applicability of "Programming with Data" Text
Hello, Before I consider purchasing it, can someone comment on the general applicability of John Chambers' book titled "Programming with Data" for R programming. I am currently using R-1.3.1 with the Omega SLanguage and RSMethod packages. Many thanks, Randall -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2003 Oct 27
initialization of S4 classes/methods
I'm seeing weird issues in methods initialization, i.e. loading marrayClasses loads Biobase, and when explicitly done, as in library(Biobase) library(marrayClasses) is fine, but when Biobase is loaded via a require statement in marrayClasses' .First.Lib, I end up with: Warning message: In the method signature for function "coerce", class "exprSet" has no
2000 Dec 19
translation from the old-S
In ancient times, circa 1980, S data directories were called swork and sdata not .Data, and "New-S" as described in the already medieval "Blue Book" discusses a function DBCONVERT that converted swork data into .Data data. It is embarrassing to admit it, but I still have data archives from a BTL machine called alice in the swork format and would like to convert a dataset to
2004 Apr 26
Segfault: .Call and classes with logical slots
Hi, the following example aiming at a class containing a logical slot segfaults under R-1.9.0 when `gctorture(on = TRUE)' is used: Code code (dummy.c): #include <Rdefines.h> SEXP foo() { SEXP ans; PROTECT(ans = NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS("test"))); SET_SLOT(ans, install("lgl"), allocVector(LGLSXP, 1)); LOGICAL(GET_SLOT(ans,
2003 May 30
Creating a vector class
I'm trying to create a package for working on orientation data, i.e. data where the observations are 3D rotations. There are several different representations of orientations in common use: SO(3) matrices, Euler angles, unit quaternions, etc. One thing I'd like is to make it convenient to work in any representation, and have conversions to others done as needed. I'm trying to do
2004 Jul 28
Hi! Here a simple example. setClass("myclass" ,representation(info="character") ,contains="matrix" ) rownames(dd)<-c("a","b") tt<-new("myclass",dd) #the source of pain. as(tt,"matrix")<-matrix(1,3,3) Error: length of dimnames [1] not equal to array extent Is there a different way to do what I would like to do (I
2004 Jul 28
Hi! Here a simple example. setClass("myclass" ,representation(info="character") ,contains="matrix" ) rownames(dd)<-c("a","b") tt<-new("myclass",dd) #the source of pain. as(tt,"matrix")<-matrix(1,3,3) Error: length of dimnames [1] not equal to array extent Is there a different way to do what I would like to do (I
2002 Feb 19
library(methods): setMethod with "ANY" fails. (PR#1317)
Full_Name: Henrik Bengtsson Version: R v1.4.1 OS: WinMe Submission from: (NULL) ( Doing the following library(methods) setGeneric("foo", function(x) standardGeneric("foo")) setMethod("foo", "ANY", function(x) cat(x)) fails with Error in while (value[n] == "ANY") n <- n - 1 : missing value where logical needed It
2003 Sep 02
completeSubclasses() methods bug (PR#4051)
Full_Name: Colin A. Smith Version: 1.8.0 OS: Mac OS X 10.2.6 Submission from: (NULL) ( annaffy 1.0.1 (in BioC CVS) fails to load. annaffy 1.0 (on the BioC web site) has the same problem. It looks like the load is failing because of a bug in completeSubclasses() in r-devel. It calls setIs() and doesn't specify an environment via the "where" argument. setIs()
2003 Sep 16
couldn't find function "setClass"
Hello ... With a new checkout of R-devel (last update was 2003-09-11) we are having a problem (it seems to be happening to all of us here on a few different machines) where during install/check/etc when the 'save image' happens (in packages using 'save image'): ** save image Error: couldn't find function "setClass" Execution halted This is for all packages that