similar to: memory allocation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "memory allocation"

2009 Aug 17
[Fwd: Re: R code to reproduce (while studying) Bates & Watts 1988]]]
Kevin Wright wrote: > library(nlme) > m2 <- gnls(conc ~ t1*(1-t2*exp(-k*time)), > data = df.Chloride, > start = list( > t1 = 35, > t2 = 0.91, > k = 0.22)) So my error was to use nls instead that gnls. Thanks a lot, Kevin. > summary(m2) > plot(m2) > lag.plot(resid(m2), do.lines=FALSE) >
2006 May 15
what's wrong with my "gls"? it does not allocate memory... even for the simplest AR1 model...
> myfit1 <- gls(col1 ~ col2+col3+col4+col5+col6-1, data=data2, corr=corAR1( 0.3202), method='ML') Error: cannot allocate vector of size 199712 Kb if I get rid of the "corr=corAR1(0.3202)" option, it works okay... can anybody help me? thanks a lot! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Aug 13
R code to reproduce (while studying) Bates & Watts 1988
Hi R users, I'm here trying to understand correlated residuals in nonlinear estimation. I'm reading/studying the book Bates, D. M. and D. G. Watts, (1988), /Nonlinear regression analysis and its applications/, Wiley, NY. pages 92-94, trying to reproduce the figures and to find out the code in R to perform the necessary calculations. I also consulted Pinheiro and Bates, but without
2001 Sep 07
fitting models with gnls
Dear R-list members, Some months ago I wrote a message on the usage of gnls (nlme library) and here I come again. Let me give an example: I have a 10 year length-at-age data set of 10 fishes (see growth.dat at the end of this message) and I want to fit a von Bertalanffy growth model, Li= Linf*(1-exp(-k*(ti-t0))) where Li = length at age i, Linf= asymptotic length, k= curvature parameter, ti=
2011 Apr 07
Panel data - replicating Stata's xtpcse in R
Dear list, I am trying to replicate an econometrics study that was orginally done in Stata. (Blanton and Blanton. 2009. A Sectoral Analysis of Human Rights and FDI: Does Industry Type Matter? International Studies Quarterley 53 (2):469 - 493.) The model I try to replicate is in Stata given as xtpcse total_FDI lag_total ciri human_cap worker_rts polity_4 market income econ_growth log_trade
2005 Jun 28
How to extract the within group correlation structure matrix in "lme"
Dear R users, I fitted a repeated measure model without random effects by using lme. I will use the estimates from that model as an initial estimates to do multiple imputation for missing values of the response variable in the model. I am trying to extract the within group correlation matrix or covariance matrix. here is my code: f = lme(y ~x0+x1+trt+tim+x1:tim +tim:trt,random=~-1|subj,
2007 Oct 22
having problems with the lme function
Dear R-users: I have some problems working with lme function, and i would be glad if anyone could help me. this kind of analysis i was used to do with PROC MIXED from SAS, but i would like to move to R, for many reasons... So, the problem is: Imagine the I have 3 factors: fact_A, fact_B and fact_C: The latter I would assume that is random, and the rest of them are fixed. Analysing the
2001 Jun 01
nls works but not gnls
This works fine: fit42<-nls(Vfs~SSlogis(Months,Asym.Int+Asym.Group*Groupdum,xmid,scal), data=df, start=c(Asym.Int=22,Asym.Group=5,xmid=2,scal=6), na.action=na.omit) But this, identical except using gnls, doesn't converge: fit43<-gnls(Vfs~SSlogis(Months,Asym.Int+Asym.Group*Groupdum,xmid,scal), data=df, start=c(Asym.Int=22,Asym.Group=5,xmid=2,scal=6), na.action=na.omit) Error in gnls(Vfs
2008 May 16
autocorrelation error: cannot allocate vector of size 220979 Kb
Dear R community, I used a linear mixed model (named lm11) to model daily soil temperature depending upon vegetation cover and air temperature. I have almost 17,000 observations for six years. I can not account for autocorrelation in my model, since I receive the error message after applying the function: update(lm11, corr=corAR1()) Error: cannot allocate vector of size 220979 Kb Do
2008 May 16
autocorrelation in nlme; Error: cannot allocate vector of size
Dear R community, I used a linear mixed model (named lm11) to model daily soil temperature depending upon vegetation cover and air temperature. I have almost 17,000 observations for six years. I can not account for autocorrelation in my model, since I receive the error message after applying the function: update(lm11, corr=corAR1()) Error: cannot allocate vector of size 220979 Kb Do
2008 Mar 08
analysing mixed effects/poisson/correlated data
I am attempting to model data with the following variables: timepoint - n=48, monthly over 4 years hospital - n=3 opsn1 - no of outcomes total.patients skillmixpc - skill mix percentage Aims To determine if skillmix affects rate (i.e. no.of.outcomes/total.patients). To determine if affects rate. To determine if rates vary between
2004 Apr 05
2 lme questions
Greetings, 1) Is there a nice way of extracting the variance estimates from an lme fit? They don't seem to be part of the lme object. 2) In a series of simulations, I am finding that with ML fitting one of my random effect variances is sometimes being estimated as essentially zero with massive CI instead of the finite value it should have, whilst using REML I get the expected value. I guess
2011 Dec 07
I am trying to specify a mixed model for my research, but I can't quite get it to work. I've spent several weeks looking thru various online sources to no avail. I can't find an example of someone trying to do precisely what I'm trying to do. I'm hoping some smart member of this mailing list may be able to help. First off, full disclosure: (1) I'm an engineer by trade, so
2004 Apr 22
lme correlation structure error
Hi there fellow R-users, I am trying to follow an example of modelling a serial correlation structure in the textbook "Mixed Effects Model in S and Splus". However, I am getting some very odd results. Here is what I am trying to run: library(nlme) data(Ovary) fm1<-lme(follicles~sin(2*pi*Time)+cos(2*pi*Time),data=Ovary,random=pdDiag(~s in(2*pi*Time))) ### The example is fine up
2005 May 25
question: corCAR1 in lme
Hello all, I am trying to use lme to examine how a response variable (Chla) changes over time in different treatments (2 Temp & 2 Light levels). Within each treatment combination, there are two replicate tanks (each with unique TankID) with coral fragments in them. All tanks are subject to the same environment until Time=0, when treatments are imposed, and Chla is measured for each
2012 Aug 22
Question concerning anova()
Hi I am comparing four different linear mixed effect models, derived from updating the original one. To compare these, I want to use anova(). I therefore do the following (not reproducible - just to illustration purpose!): dat <- loadSPECIES(SPECIES) subs <- expression(dead==FALSE & recTreat==FALSE) feff <- noBefore~pHarv*year # fixed effect in the model reff <-
2008 Oct 16
R package: autocorrelation in gamm
Dear users I am fitting a Generalized Additive Mixed Models (gamm) model to establish possible relationship between explanatory variables (water temperature, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll) and zooplankton data collected in the inner and outer estuarine waters. I am using monthly time-series which are auto-correlated. In the case of the inner waters, I have applied satisfactoryly (by
2004 Sep 03
ML vs. REML with gls()
Hello listmembers, I've been thinking of using gls in the nlme package to test for serial correlation in my data set. I've simulated a sample data set and have found a large discrepancy in the results I get when using the default method REML vs. ML. The data set involves a response that is measured twice a day (once for each level of a treatment factor). In my simulated data set, I
2014 Jul 21
Error message for corAR1()
Hi, I am trying to answer the see if (response) is affected by Direction (continuous, integer), Layer (nominal with 12 levels) and direction (nominal with 8 levels). There is an interaction between Layer and Direction. Platform.field is a list of 9 different platforms and is being treated as a random effect. I had previously ran this model without the correlation argument and
2012 May 02
Consulta gráfica
  Hola,   Por favor, ¿podríais indicarme qué recursos (librerías o ideas) pueden resultar de utilidad para crear un gráfico del estilo del de la figura 3.8 del siguiente link?   Actualmente estoy utilizando funciones muy básicas y la verdad es que no me encuentro muy satisfecha con el resultado.   Muchas gracias.   Eva [[alternative HTML