similar to: Testing difference between two partial correlations

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Testing difference between two partial correlations"

2004 Jun 13
Abbreviated citation of R?
Dear R users, This is more a suggestion than a question. Short version: A possibility for a short, 'inline', way to cite R in an article, comparable to e. g. 'SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA' or 'Stata Corporation, College Station, Texas, USA', without a corresponding item in the list of references, might be an advantage in some cases. Long version: Increasingly, it seems,
2007 Aug 27
validate (package Design): error message "subscript out of bounds"
Dear R users I use Windows XP, R2.5.1 (I have read the posting guide, I have contacted the package maintainer first, it is not homework). In a research project on renal cell carcinoma we want to compute Harrell's c index, with optimism correction, for a multivariate Cox regression and also for some univariate Cox models. For some of these univariate models I have encountered an error
2003 Mar 11
Interrater and intrarater reliability
Dear R users The following function is R code for the main compuations in the article: M. Eliasziw, S Lorraine Young, M Gail Woodbury and Karen Fryday-Field (1994): Statistical Methodology for the Concurrent Assessment of Intrarater and Intrarater Reliability: Using Goniometric Measurements as an Example. Physical Therapy 74 (8); 777-788 The function gives the estimated inter- and intrarater
2007 Jun 12
distribution graph
The following gives two functions for producing distribution graphs: distribution-graph produces a single graph, and multiple.distribution.graph produces a number of graphs side by side. Regards, Tore Wentzel-Larsen statistician Centre for Clinical research Armauer Hansen house Haukeland University Hospital N-5021 Bergen tlf +47 55 97 55 39 (a) faks +47 55 97 60 88 (a) email
2012 Jul 17
Threshold Quantile Regression code CRASHES in R
I am working on a two stage threshold quantile regression model in R, and my aim is to estimate the threshold of the reduced-form equation (call it rhohat), and the threshold of the structural equation (call it qhat), in two stages. On the first stage, i estimate rhohat by quantile regression and obtain the fitted values. I use these fitted values to estimate qhat on the second stage. The code is
2023 Mar 22
How to test the difference between paired correlations?
Hello, I have three numerical variables and I would like to test if their correlation is significantly different. I have seen that there is a package that "Test the difference between two (paired or unpaired) correlations". [] However, there is the need to convert the correlations to "z scores using the Fisher r-z
2012 Apr 30
New package for morphology and smoothing in any number of dimensions: mmand
Dear all, I'm pleased to announce the release on CRAN of the "mmand" package (for Mathematical Morphology in Any Number of Dimensions). It provides functions for performing mathematical morphology (erode, dilate, etc.), smoothing, and other kernel-based operations on array-like objects of any dimensionality. The package is centred around a flexible function called morph(), which can
2012 Apr 30
New package for morphology and smoothing in any number of dimensions: mmand
Dear all, I'm pleased to announce the release on CRAN of the "mmand" package (for Mathematical Morphology in Any Number of Dimensions). It provides functions for performing mathematical morphology (erode, dilate, etc.), smoothing, and other kernel-based operations on array-like objects of any dimensionality. The package is centred around a flexible function called morph(), which can
2023 Mar 23
How to test the difference between paired correlations?
Thank you, but this now sounds more difficult: what would be the point in having these ready-made functions if I have to do it manually? Anyway, How would I implement the last part? On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 1:23?AM Ebert,Timothy Aaron <tebert at> wrote: > > If you are open to other options: > The null hypothesis is that there is no difference. > If I have two equations
2006 Jul 08
String mathematical function to R-function
hello I make a subroutine that give-me a (mathematical) function in string format. I would like transform this string into function ( R function ). thanks for any tips. cleber #e.g. fun_String = "-100*x1 + 0*x2 + 100*x3" fun <- function(x1,x2,x3){ return( ############ evaluation( fun_String ) ############ ) True String mathematical function :-( :-( > nomes [1]
2006 Nov 15
Erosion, mathematical morphology
Hello! I need a function to compute the erosion of a binary image by a structuring element. I need the structuring element to be a ball of a given radius. As far as I know the libraries adehabitat and spatstat include functions of mathematical morphology but I couldn't find a function which computes the erosion by a ball. Any idea? Thanks!
2012 Mar 21
multivariate ordinal probit regression vglm()
Hello, all. I'm investigating the rate at which skeletal joint surfaces pass through a series of ordered stages (changes in morphology). Current statistical methods in this type of research use various logit or probit regression techniques (e.g., proportional odds logit/probit, forward/backward continuation ratio, or restricted/unrestricted cumulative probit). Data typically include the
2010 Dec 30
unexpected input in rpart
Hi all, I'm a newbee using R. I need to do a classification tree using the rpart package. Basically I have a set of birds of known sex and several morphological measurements and we want to predict the sex using the morphology. I read my csv file and it shows up in R no problem, looks fine but when I execute the following rpart command
2003 Feb 11
mean function on correlation matrices (PR#2540)
Full_Name: Raymond Salvador Version: R 1.6.2 OS: Windows ME Submission from: (NULL) ( The mean function applied on individual components of several correlation matrices gives a wrong result (gives the first value instead of the mean). Here there is a simple example x1 <- rnorm(10,1,1) y1 <- rnorm(10,1,1) z1 <- cbind(x1,y1) w1 <- cor(z1) x2 <- rnorm(10,1,1) y2
2009 Jun 03
Function in R for computing correlation matrix and covariance matrix
Hi, At present, i have two distinct and real values for the coefficient, which is  required in AR(2) model. Based on my revision, for distinct and real values of the coefficients in AR(2) model, the correlation structure separated by lag h can be computed by p(h) = a*z1^(-h) + b*z2^(h), where p(h) is the autocorrelation separated by lag h, a and b can be determined by initial values, z1 and z2
2012 Aug 08
help, please! matrix operations inside 3 nested loops
hello, this is my script: #1) read in data: daten<-read.table('K:/Analysen/STRUCTURE/input_STRUCTURE_tab_excl_5_282_559.txt', header=TRUE, sep="\t") daten<-as.matrix(daten) #2) create empty matrix: indxind<-matrix(nrow=617, ncol=617) indxind[1:20,1:19] #3) compare cells to each other, score: for (s in 3:34) { #walks though the matrix colum by colum, starting at
2011 Feb 09
adehabitatMA, LT, HR and HS version 0.1
Dear all, I have just uploaded 4 new packages on CRAN, which are on the long term designed to replace the "old" package adehabitat: * adehabitatMA: functions to perform spatial operations (morphology, buffer, etc.) * adehabitatHS: functions for the analysis of habitat selection by wildlife * adehabitatHR: functions for home range estimation of animals * adehabitatLT: functions for
2011 Feb 09
adehabitatMA, LT, HR and HS version 0.1
Dear all, I have just uploaded 4 new packages on CRAN, which are on the long term designed to replace the "old" package adehabitat: * adehabitatMA: functions to perform spatial operations (morphology, buffer, etc.) * adehabitatHS: functions for the analysis of habitat selection by wildlife * adehabitatHR: functions for home range estimation of animals * adehabitatLT: functions for
2006 Jan 27
about lm restrictions...
Hello all R-users _question 1_ I need to make a statistical model and respective ANOVA table but I get distinct results for the T-test (in summary(lm.object) function) and the F-test (in anova(lm.object) ) shouldn't this two approach give me the same result, i.e to indicate the same significants terms in both tests??????? obs. The system has two restrictions: 1) sum( x_i ) = 1 2) sum(
2010 Jan 29
use zoo package with multiple column data sets
Readers, I am trying to use the zoo package with an array of data: file1: hh:mm:ss 1 hh:mm:ss 2 hh:mm:ss 3 hh:mm:ss 4 file2: hh:mm:ss 11 55 hh:mm:ss 22 66 hh:mm:ss 33 77 hh:mm:ss 44 88 I wanted to merge these data set so I tried the following commands: library(chron) library(zoo) z1<-read.zoo("path/to/file1.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",",FUN=times)