Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Comparing slopes of several linear models"
2003 Jan 30
Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman tests and Tukey HSD
Dear all
Is there any way of doing a Tukey HSD post-hoc test after a Kruskal-
Wallis or Friedman rank sum test (in the ctest package)?
Thanks in advance,
Dr. Albertus J. Smit
Department of Botany
University of Cape Town
Private Bag Rondebosch
South Africa
Tel. +27 21 689 3032
2002 Sep 25
Re-ordering the order of lattice graphics panels
Dear all
I have made some lattice graphs (bwplot(dead ~ treat | group,...).
'group' is a factor with three levels (Artemia larvae, Abalone larvae
and Abalone spat), and the result is a graph with three panels
corresponding to the levels in 'group', ordered in alphabetical order
from bottom to top, as expected.
How does one re-order the order in which the levels of
2001 Dec 05
Histograms per coding variable
Dear all
I have a dataset that looks like:
fr.wt site
1 4400 glen
2 235 glen
3 225 glen
' ' '
' ' '
' ' '
82 550 glen
83 550 kom
84 550 kom
' ' '
' ' '
' ' '
191 820 kom
192 2000 soet
' ' '
' ' '
I need to do a series of histograms for each of the codes, levels or
factors in
2002 Jul 16
dose.p in MASS
Dear all
I need to obtain an estimate of the 50% lethal dose (LD50) from a
logistic regression model obtained by applying the glm procedure to
some binomial data. The model appears to fit the data very well. I
used dope.p from MASS to try and find LD50.
The following output appears:
> dose.p(iso.glm.logit, cf = c(1,3), p = 1:3/4)
Error in dose.p(iso.glm.logit, cf = c(1, 3), p = 1:3/4) :
2002 Oct 31
ANOVAs per grouping variable
Dear all
I have a question regarding repeating a series of nested ANOVAs.
The model is:
fit <- aov(response ~ treatment + plot/rep)
Treatment has three levels, there are three plots and each plot has
four replicates. Now, the experiment was also repeated six times
during the year. Ideally I would have liked to include sampling time
(month) as an additional factor in the analysis, but
2003 Nov 06
Levelplot and NAs
Dear all
How does one get a levelplot (lattice library) to plot NAs in a
different colour to that specified in the default colorkey?
Thanks in advance,
Dr. Albertus J. Smit
Department of Botany
University of Cape Town
PO Box Rondebosch
This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/
2008 Aug 07
[JOB] Softwareentwickler/-in, prometheus-Bildarchiv, Universität zu Köln
hi folks!
sorry to bother you all, but the following job announcement is in
german only, because fluent german is an indispensable requirement
An der Universität zu Köln, prometheus - Das verteilte digitale
Bildarchiv für Forschung & Lehre, Kunsthistorisches Institut,
Philosophische Fakultät ist zum 01.09.2008 befristet bis 28.02.2009
die Stelle einer/eines
2008 Sep 19
[JOB] Softwareentwickler/-in, prometheus-Bildarchiv, Universität zu Köln
Hi folks!
We, the prometheus image archive at the University of Cologne
(Germany), would like you to take note of the following job
announcement for a full-time software developer position in Cologne,
Germany. In addition, we''d like to emphasize that the contract is
limited in time due to formal reasons only. We definitely aim at
extending it.
We look forward to receiving your
2011 Dec 01
[JOB] Softwareentwickler/-in, prometheus-Bildarchiv, Universität zu Köln
We, the prometheus image archive at the University of Cologne
(Germany), would like you to take note of the following job
announcement for a full-time software developer position in Cologne,
Germany. Please note that fluent German is required.
In der Philosophischen Fakultät, im *Kunsthistorischen Institut,
prometheus - Das verteilte digitale Bildarchiv für Forschung &
2005 Oct 25
Beginner question on apply()
Dear all,
I am an beginner with R and I have a question concerning apply(). My problem
is as follows:
I have data on four variables (x1,x2,x3,x4) with missing values for x1 and
> data[1:9,]
x1 x2 x3 x4
1 NA NA 10 1
2 NA NA 8 3
3 NA NA 13 7
4 9 9 9 9
5 11 14 20 10
6 14 14 14 15
7 6 6 6 8
8 4 4 4 19
9 12 12 12 8
I would like to replace the missing values
2004 Apr 19
SE for combined data
Dear all
I have just had the question from a colleague. I know that it is not directly related to R (I will probably use R to do the analysis), but I hope someone can give us some insight:
AJ Smit
I sampled populations of a seaweed in the intertidal in order to estimate
the standing biomass of that seaweed at that site.
Due to clumped distribution patterns, I chose a stratified
2009 Aug 20
can not resolve chown issue
rsync reports an error with the following text:
set uid of . from 1000 to 544
set gid of . from 513 to 10513
"rsync: chown "<directory>" failed: Invalid argument (22)"
I read some posts and googled for answers, but I wasn't able to resolve
the problem.
Some infos on my machine:
CYGWIN_NT-6.0-WOW64 Olympos 1.5.25(0.156/4/2) 2008-06-12 19:34 i686 Cygwin
2004 Oct 25
aov documentation page: question
Dear all
I was looking at the aov documentation page and came across the
following which seems like a contradiction to me:
" This provides a wrapper to |lm| for fitting linear models to balanced
or unbalanced experimental designs." (I presume 'This' refers to aov)
"|aov| is designed for balanced designs, and the results can be hard to
interpret without
2000 Aug 12
Nonlinear regression question
Dear R users
I recently migrated from Statistica/SigmaPlot (Windows) to R (Linux), so
please excuse if this may sound 'basic'.
When running a nonlinear regression (V = Vmax * conc / (Ks + conc), i.e.
Michaelis-Menten) on SigmaPlot, I get the output listed below:
>>>Begin SigmaPlot Output<<<
R = 0.94860969 Rsqr = 0.89986035 Adj Rsqr = 0.89458984
Standard Error of
2013 Apr 11
Read the data from a text file and reshape the data
I have a data set for different time intervals. The data has three comment
lines before data for each time interval. For each time interval there are
500 data points. I want to change the dataset such that I have the following
t1 t2 t3 ................
0.00208 0.00417 0.00625 .................
a1 a2 a3 ...................
2010 Nov 29
FW: how to use by() ?
Thank you for the suggestion, Bill. The result is not quite what I would like. Here's sample code for you or anyone else who may be interested:
Al1 = c('A','C','C','C')
Al2 = c('G','G','G','T')
Freq1 = c(0.0078,0.0567,0.9434,0.9908)
MAF = c(0.0078,0.0567,0.0566,0.0092)
m1 = data.frame(Al1=Al1,
2009 Nov 26
How shall one present LRT test statistic in a scientific journal ?
Hello !!
I'm recently having a debate with my PhD supervisor regarding how to write
the result of a likelihood ratio test in an article I'm about to submit.
I analysed my data using "lme" mixed modelling.
To get some p-values for my fixed effect I used model simplification and the
typical output R gives looks like this:
model2 = update ( model1,~.-factor A)
anova (model1,
2013 Oct 09
lme slopes and intercepts differences
Hello all,
I need to infer if the slopes and intercept of each group of my lme analyze,
showed below, are different from each other. Like a Tukey test. I don't
need to compare the slope and interceptof each subject of my fixed data,
but the slope and intercept of each group of them.
> m1<-lme(fvfm~term*sp*env*est*time,random=~term|id,table)
You know how can I make it?
Thanks for
2002 Jul 14
lattice question: adding slopes to bwplot
I'd like to add lines to the panels of a bwplot, showing (and connecting)
the means of the displayed distributions. I didn't find anything in the
documentation or the examples that suggests how to accomplish this easily.
Has anybody done this already, and willing to share?
RenE J.V. Bertin
College de France/LPPA
11, place Marcelin Berthelot
75005 Paris, France
2006 Aug 24
lmer(): specifying i.i.d random slopes for multiple covariates
Dear readers,
Is it possible to specify a model
y=X %*% beta + Z %*% b ; b=(b_1,..,b_k) and b_i~N(0,v^2) for i=1,..,k
that is, a model where the random slopes for different covariates are i.i.d., in lmer() and how?
In lme() one needs a constant grouping factor (e.g.: all=rep(1,n)) and would then specify:
lme(fixed= y~X, random= list(all=pdIdent(~Z-1)) ) ,
that?s how it's done in the