similar to: Automatic adjustment of axis ranges

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Automatic adjustment of axis ranges"

2007 Mar 07
Multi-line plots with matrices in R
Hello all, I'm a new user of R, experienced with Octave/MATLAB and therefore struggling a bit with the new syntax. One of the easy things in Octave or MATLAB is to plot multiple lines or sets of points by using a matrix where either the columns or the rows contain the y-values to be plotted. Both packages automatically give each line/points their own unique colour, character etc. I'm
2001 Aug 02
gsub() and parenthesis symbols
Dear R-users -- I'm using R 1.3.0 on a PC running SuSE Linux 7.1. I'm confused by the following behavior from the gsub() function. Am I doing something wrong? ## A string of characters > string<-c("q","w","e","(",")","q","w","e") ## Use gsub to replace `q' with `A' >
2018 Mar 05
Unclosed parenthesis in grep.Rd
There are probably more unmatched parentheses around: detect <- function(file) { text <- paste(readLines(file), collapse = "") nchar(gsub("[^(]", "", text)) != nchar(gsub("[^)]", "", text)) } docs <- list.files("r-source-trunk/src/library", pattern = "\\.Rd$", full.names =
2005 Jan 11
Changing the ranges for the axis in image()
Dear all, I can not find/understand the solution to this from the help pages: Say we have the following script: x<-matrix(c(1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1),3,3) image(x) How can I change the ranges on the vertical and horizontal axis to a range of my own or at least place a box frame around the image if I choose to use "axes=FALSE"? Apologies for such a bsic question and thanks beforehand
2009 Oct 09
Problems with code containing a for loop
The following code isn't working and we can't figure out why.. letters = c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J") numbers = 1:3 for(i in 1:6){ #6 letters for (j in 1:3) { #3 numbers for (k in -1:1) {
2007 Mar 23
distribution graph
I am looking for a way to produce a "distribution graph" as in the example: ( Anybody who can help? Christian von Plessen Department of Pulmonary Medicine Haukeland university hospital Bergen Norway
2007 Aug 30
Barplot2 using for loop, how to adjust margins?
Hi R-users, I inted to make multiple plots using for loop. The question is how can I adjust the left hand side margin of the plot according to the names.arg argument in barplot2. In every plot I have different annotations in the y axis and they vary in length. Now when I have fixed margins opar <- par(mar=c(3,15,0,2)... I get the same margins in all of the plots. That leaves lots of white
2008 Jun 11
specifying ranges in scatter plot
Hi, there: Does anyone know how to specify the ranges in the axises when I make scatter plots using pairs()? In the general plot function, I can use xlim and ylim option. But how can I do this if I use pairs()? Thanks. Yulei [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 20
R Newbie Question
Hello list, I just started R today and tried something quite simple. I wanted to create a colored plot and eventually after hours of fiddling around got it working. However, my solution seems very suboptimal and I'd really appreciate your hints on how to improve. I believe that R already offers many functions I coded (e.g. distance between two vectors, vector length, vector normalization and
2009 Jul 14
plotting confidence intervals
Hi R People: If I have a fitted values from a model, how do I plot the (1-alpha)100% confidence intervals along with the fitted values, please? Also, if the intervals are "shaded" gray, that would be nice too, please? I check confint, but that doesn't seem to do what I want. Thanks in advance, Sincerely, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and
2008 Jan 24
adjustment on the x-axis scale width
Hi, I have sucessfully plotted the graph by using the following command: ec<-rep(0,length(e)) fc<-rep(0,length(f)) plot(e,ec,type="p",col=1,pch=19) points(f,fc,col=2,pch=20) legend(1.0e+08,1.0,c("dog", "human"),text.col="green4",pch=c(19,20),col=c(1,2)) Below are the values for e and f...the questions is how am i going to adjust
2017 Jul 28
Superscript and subscrib R for legend x-axis and y-axis and colour different subjects in longitudinal data with different colours
I am trying to make a x-axis and y-axis titles with both a special character and a subscript. I am not being able to do this. I think its just a placing of my parenthesis, but I've tried (seemingly) everything. Even more, when I try the blog users code it works. Is it because I?m using longitudinal data? Even more. Is it possible to colour each one of the 15 lines with a different
2005 Dec 15
Action Mailer - connection refused - connect(2)
hi: I am on Mac OSX 10.4 using locomotive. My ActionMailer configuration is ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp # or :sendmail or test ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :port => 25, :domain => "" } ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
2002 Jan 18
readline() to vector
Hi! I'm trying to use readline() to ask for xlim() and ylim() values for a subsequent plot. I'm doing: lim <- readline("Enter xlim and ylim values: ") then would like to use the values in lim for a plot: plot(etc, xlim=lim[1:2],ylim=lim[3:4]) The problem is that lim is a character,i.e., "10,20,-10,50" or "c(10,20,-10,50)" depending on the input to
2020 Mar 30
Plotmath on Fedora 31 broken with with pango >= 1.44 - workarounds?
Le mardi 31 mars 2020 ? 10:14 +1300, Paul Murrell a ?crit : > Hi > > On 30/03/20 11:12 pm, Nicolas Mailhot wrote: > > Le lundi 30 mars 2020 ? 15:24 +1300, Paul Murrell a ?crit : > > > Hi > > > > > > I have created an R branch that contains a potential fix ... > > > > > > > > >
2008 Oct 23
VEC Operator in R
Can anyone please tell whether there is any R function to act as "VEC" and "VECH" operator on Matrix? Yes of course, I can write a user-defined-function for that or else, I can put dim(mat) <- NULL. However I am looking for some R function. Your help will be highly appreciated. Regards, -- View this message in context:
2010 Aug 31
How to Adaptively Set Up the Coordinate Range of Multiple Graphs in One Figure
Hi, R-Helpers, I would like to ask about multiple graphs in one figure. I tried to execute the following codes. xlim <- c(1,100) ylim <- c(1,4) plot(NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) > x <- c(1:100) for(j in seq(1,10,by=1)) { y <- j*x^2+log(j) lines(x, y) } In the above codes, I had to arbitrarily set up the coordinate range of the figure in advance before
2007 Jan 23
can't plot a line
Consider the following: plot(0, 0, xlim=c(-10, 10), ylim=c(-50, 50)) lines(c(0,0), (2*c(-pi, pi))^2) I see no line in this plot. R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252 attached base packages: [1]
2010 Nov 10
plot & xlim/ylim & range of axis
Dear mailing list readers! Using R and the plot function I stumbled over this little issue: plot(x=NULL, y=NULL, xlim=range(1:10), ylim=range(1e-9:1), log="y") produces an plot empty plot, where the y-axis is in the specified range. Changing ylim to ylim=range(1e-9:1e-3) creates an y-axis in the range of 1e-12 to 1e-6. This appearance of the y-axis is a
2009 May 17
Can YOU find a trailing parenthesis?
On 1.6.1, I must be losing my eyesight: [internal] include => outbound-pstn ............. include => meetme ; 2663 include => setup-meetme-conf-room ; 6000xxxYYYY [setup-meetme-conf-room] exten => _6000XXXNXXX,n,Set(Time-in-secs="${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%s}" ) ........ CLI: -- Starting simple switch on 'DAHDI/1-1' [2009-05-17 14:54:49]