similar to: Score vector in optim

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2002 Jul 07
Bug list summary (automatic post)
================================================= This is an automated summary of the status of the R-bugs repository. Note that this may be neither complete nor perfectly correct at any given instance: Not all bugs are reported, and some reported bugs may have been fixed, but the repository not yet updated. Some bug fixes are difficult to verify because they pertain to specific hardware or
2003 Mar 27
How to obtain final gradient estimation from optim
I use optim to compute maximum likelihood estimations without giving an analytical gradient to optim. However, I would like to get an output of the final numerical gradient vector and the final matrix of contributions to the gradient. But I did not find any mention of this kind of output in help pages. Does anyone know how to do that ? Stephane Luchini GREQAM Marseille, France
2004 Jan 09
minimization using Powell's method without derivative
Good evening! I have a multi-dimensional minimization problem whose gradient is pretty hard to code. I tried Nelder and Mead method implemented in function optim and it does not work well. I also tried the quasi Newton method in optim using difference as approximate derivative. It does not work well either. I just went through Numerical Recipes book. The book discusses another method without
2002 Jun 07
Bug list summary (automatic post)
================================================= This is an automated summary of the status of the R-bugs repository. Note that this may be neither complete nor perfectly correct at any given instance: Not all bugs are reported, and some reported bugs may have been fixed, but the repository not yet updated. Some bug fixes are difficult to verify because they pertain to specific hardware or
2004 Apr 02
Hessian in constrOptim
Dear R-users, In the function constrOptim there is an option to get an approximation to the hessian of the surrogate function R at MLE by declaring hessian=TRUE in the calls to the function optim. I would like to ask if it is advisable to get an approximate hessian for the funcrion f as follows: f''(theta)=R''(theta|theta_k)-B''(theta) where
2002 Aug 21
Bug list summary (automatic post)
================================================= This is an automated summary of the status of the R-bugs repository. Note that this may be neither complete nor perfectly correct at any given instance: Not all bugs are reported, and some reported bugs may have been fixed, but the repository not yet updated. Some bug fixes are difficult to verify because they pertain to specific hardware or
2004 Jul 26
Read SPSS data (*.sav) in R 1.8.0 (ok) and R1.9.1(error)
Hallo! I read SPSS data in the following way: library(Hmisc) library(foreign) dat<-spss.get("surv_abb.sav") In R1.9.1 I got the message: "Error in all(arg == choices) : Object "typeDate" not found" In R1.8.0 the same script works fine. Does anybody know a possibilty to read a SPSS file under R1.9.1? Thanks! Karl
2010 Jun 27
floating point in single precision
Hello, is there a possibilty in R to convert numbers (double precision, 64bit) into single precision ones (32bit). I need that for compatibility reasons. Until now I call a C application which casts a double to a float. float precision32(double value) { return (float)value; } But I want to use a R only method. What can I do? Kind regards, Sebastian
2009 Nov 20
Problem with Numerical derivatives (numDeriv) and mvtnorm
I'm trying to obtain numerical derivative of a probability computed with mvtnorm with respect to its parameters using grad() and jacobian() from NumDeriv. To simplify the matter, here is an example: PP1 <- function(p){ thetac <- p thetae <- 0.323340333 thetab <- -0.280970036 thetao <- 0.770768082 ssigma <- diag(4) ssigma[1,2] <- 0.229502120
2018 May 03
adding overall constraint in optim()
You can't -- at least as I read the docs for ?optim (but I'm pretty ignorant about this, so maybe there's a way to tweak it so you can). See here: for other R optimization capabilities. Also, given your credentials, the r-sig-finance list might be a better place for you to post your query. Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter
2011 Jan 23
extract score vector and covariance matrix in glm package
Hello I am running a project but I encounter a problem . I would be happy to receive help : problem: I have a binary dependent variable and some covariates logit(y)=a+bx+cz . I want to estimate the score vectors and their covariance by the usage of logit function and so glm in R .The vlaue of one of the coefficient ( like b) is known previously and I want to extract a and c and covariance
2008 Oct 22
optim bug/help?
In the documentation for 'optim' it gives the following function: fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } optim(c(-1.2,1), fr) When I run this code I get: $par [1] 1.000260 1.000506 I am sure I am missing something but why isn't 1,1 a better answer? If I plug 1,1 in the function it seems
2012 Feb 01
While loop working with TRUE/FALSE?
Hi R users, is there any possibilty that a while loop is working like that: z <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) r <- 7 while(w == T) { for ( i in 1:10 ){ w <- r == z[i] print(w) } } The loop should stop if w == TRUE best regards -- View this message in context:
2011 Jan 24
Is there any way to get score vector in each iteration in glm??
Hello everyone, I am doing the hypothesis test and I need the score vector of each iteration in glm (family=binomial); how could I do it. I tried trace option but it gives me just AIC of each iteration nothing more. thanks; [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 May 29
Estimate Fisher Information by Hessian from OPTIM
Dear All, I am trying to find MLE by using "OPTIM" function. Difficult in differentiating some parameter in my objective function, I would like to use the returned hessian matrix to yield an estimate of Fisher's Information matrix. My question: Since the hessian is calculated by numerical differentiate, is it a reliable estimate? Otherwise I would have to do a lot of work to
2002 Jun 20
cat output To data.frame.rows ?
Hi, is there a possibilty to get my function output with "cat " as data.frame.rows with variables ? Var1---------------- 8 15 1 3 Var2---------------- 0.170 0.319 0.0213 0.0638 Var3---------------- 83.8 88.6 90 75 Var4---------------- 84.3 84.3 100 83.3 Var5---------------- 62.5 56 20 53.3 function(data.frame) { .... ....
2010 Feb 17
Trouble with optim function
Hi all, I'm trying to make a little script to determine an "unknown" rate for a number of known exponential trials. My Code: #Set Trials and generate number trials=100 rand<-runif(1,0,1) vector=0 #Generate vector of 100 random exponentials and sum them for (i in 1:100) { vector<-rexp(trials,rate=rand) } sumvect=sum(vector) #Create the log likelihood function
2009 Jul 15
How to limit memory reported to a program?
I'd like to run write.exe (an - I think - old Windows 3.1 application). The problem is: It doesn't run but brings up a message that there isn't enough working memory (out of memory error). Actually, there is too much of it. With Windows itself, I can fix it by adjusting the FileCache entry in the system.ini (see;en-us;253912). Unfortunately, this
2003 Dec 12
How to take over ringing calls
Hi all, I searched through the archives, but found nothing... Is there a possibilty, to take over a call ?? I have for example two extensions.. 102 and 103.... if 102 is ringing, but noone one the desk, I want, that 103 can answer this call on his phone, by just typing some digits... has someone such a setup running, and perhaps some hints for me ??? Thanks in advance.... -- Bye Ernst
2007 Dec 17
How to change dovecot's bounce message
Hi, I am using the quota plugin of dovecot. Dovecot is running as LDA for postfix. When the system is running into the quota limit, the bounce message reads as follows: > Your message was automatically rejected by Dovecot Mail Delivery Agent. > The following reason was given: > Quota exceeded Can I somehow change this message, to make it more userfriendly? Postfix has a possibilty