Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "PNLS step error in nlme"
2004 Jul 23
nlme parameters in nlmeControl
Hello all.
I'm doing a simulation study where I will be making use of the 'nlme' package. I want to
loosen up the convergence criteria so that I increase the likelihood of convergence
(potentially at the cost of obtaining slightly less than ideal results). The parameters in
the function nlmeControl() control the convergence criteria. These default values can be
modified to make
2013 Mar 21
step halving factor reduced below minimum
I am attempting to use nlme to model the response of 19 groups. I am able to get a reasonable fit of all of the groups to the observed data using an exponential decay model (a*exp-x*b). The problem is that when I plot the fitted values to residuals, it demonstrates a pattern of increasing variance.
I attempt to model this variance using
Sig3.nlme <- update(Sig2.nlme, weights =
2008 Jan 31
Error handling in nlme call
In some trial simulation work I need to create batch files that will
repeatedly generate pseudoreplicate datasets and then create non-
linear mixed effects models using nlme. Inevitably these models
sometimes fail to converge but I need the batch file to simply move on
to another simulation rather than abort. I am using the try() function
as in
which handles
2003 Dec 17
step halving factor reduced below minimum
Dear Splus and R users:
I have a problem in fitting a NLME model, the error message is:
"step halving factor reduced below minimum in PNLS step"
What does it mean and how to fix the problem, could anyone help me
about it?
Any suggestion/help would be greatly appreciated.
2006 Jul 18
Using corStruct in nlme
I am having trouble fitting correlation structures within nlme. I would like to
fit corCAR1, corGaus and corExp correlation structures to my data. I either
get the error "step halving reduced below minimum in pnls step" or
alternatively R crashes.
My dataset is similar to the CO2 example in the nlme package. The one major
difference is that in my case the 'conc' steps are
2012 Feb 05
Covariate model in nlme
Dear R users,
I am using nlme to fit a pharmacokinetic model. The base model is
parameterized in terms of CL, V1, V2 and Q.
basemodel<-nlme(Conc ~TwoCompModel(CL,Q,V1,V2,Time,ID),
data = data2, fixed=list(CL+Q+V1+V2~1),
random = pdDiag(CL+V1+V2~1),
2005 Dec 17
nlme problems
I'm maximising a reasonably complex function using nlme (version
3.1-65, have also tried 3.1-66) and am having trouble with fixed
parameter estimates slightly away from the maximum of the log
likelihood. I have profiled the log likelihood and it is a parabola
but with sum dips. Interestingly changing the parameterisation moves
the dips around slightly. Unfortunately the PNLS step is
2007 Jan 16
nlme : convergence problem and other errors
Dear R-user,
I am trying to use the R "nlme" function to fit a non linear mixed
effects model. The model I wand to fit is an individual somatic growth
model with 4 parameters. For all parameters both fixed and random
effects have to be estimated, as well as their covariance matrix (see
the formula bellow).
The data are simulated with the same growth model as in the nlme, with
2007 Apr 20
nlme trouble
I am not certain how nlme works so I followed an example from the web (
http://www.menne-biomed.de/gastempt/gastempt1.html). I was able to
successfully reproduce the example. However, when I modified my the example
to use my data and with my formula, I get a set of errors having to do with
the log() function. I get 10 of them (all exactly the same) and there are 10
levels in my factor variable.
2002 Apr 08
Error in nlme ranef plot()
Dear R list members;
I have a 10 x 423 data frame which consisting of response, time, subject,
site, plot and covariates (continueous and categorical) measured at the plot
level. When the data frame was converted into a groupedData object, a
warning appeared
> A <- groupedData(ht ~ time | Subject, data = tt, outer = ~ site * plot,
+ labels=list(y = "Height", x =
2003 Sep 16
gnls( ) question
Last week (Wed 9/10/2003, "regression questions") I posted
a question regarding the use of gnls( ) and its dissimilarity
to the syntax that nls( ) will accept. No one replied, so
I partly answered my own question by constructing indicator
variables for use in gnls( ). The code I used to construct
the indicators is at the end of this email.
I do have a nagging, unanswered
2006 Jun 01
understanding the verbose output in nlme
I have found some postings referring to the fact that one can try and
understand why a particular model is failing to solve/converge from the
verbose output one can generate when fitting a nonlinear mixed model. I am
trying to understand this output and have not been able to find out much:
**Iteration 1
LME step: Loglik: -237.4517 , nlm iterations: 22
reStruct parameters:
2008 Sep 27
seg.fault from nlme::gnls() {was "[R-sig-ME] GNLS Crash"}
>>>>> "VW" == Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT) <Wolfgang.Viechtbauer at STAT.unimaas.nl>
>>>>> on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 18:00:19 +0200 writes:
VW> Hi all, I'm trying to fit a marginal (longitudinal)
VW> model with an exponential serial correlation function to
VW> the Orange tree data set. However, R crashes frequently
2005 Nov 02
Dear All,
R : Copyright 2005, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Version 2.1.1 (2005-06-20), ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Jose Pinheiro, Douglas Bates, Saikat DebRoy and Deepayan Sarkar (2005). nlme: Linear and
nonlinear mixed effects models. R package version 3.1-65.
on a WINDOWS 2000 machine
I am trying to run the scripts from the Mixed Models book and am running into some
2005 Jul 07
Problems with nlme: Quinidine example
This concerns the "Clinical Study of Quinidine" example on page 380
of the book "Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS" by Pinheiro and Bates (2000).
I have tried to reproduce the example, but get an error:
> library(nlme)
> fm1Quin.nlme <- nlme(conc ~ quinModel(Subject, time, conc, dose, interval, lV,
lKa, lCl),
+ data=Quinidine,
2005 Jul 17
how to solve the step halving factor problems in gnls and nls
Hi R-users,
Could you give me some advice in
solving the problem of such error message from gnls and nls?
## begin error message
"Problem in gnls(y1 ~ glogit4(b, c, m, t, x), data.frame(x..: Step halving
factor reduced below minimum in NLS step "
"Problem in nls(y ~ 1/(1 + exp((xmid - x)/scal)), data = x..: step factor
reduced below minimum "?
Thank you in
2003 Aug 14
gnls - Step halving....
Hi all,
I'm working with a dataset from 10 treatments, each
treatment with 30 subjects, each subject measured 5
times. The plot of the dataset suggests that a
3-parameter logistic could be a reasonable function to
describe the data. When I try to fit the model using
gnls I got the message 'Step halving factor reduced
below minimum in NLS step'. I´m using as the initial
values of the
2005 Dec 12
convergence error (lme) which depends on the version of nlme (?)
Dear list members,
the following hlm was constructed:
hlm <- groupedData(laut ~ design | grpzugeh, data = imp.not.I)
the grouped data object is located at and can be downloaded:
The following works:
summary( fitlme <- lme(hlm) )
with output:
AIC BIC logLik
425.3768 465.6087 -197.6884
Random effects:
2002 May 08
R 1.5.0 terminated while plotting groupedData
Dear R-help;
Following the installation of R 1.5.0 and library packages to my Win 2K
machine, I tested the new R system:
> library(nlme)
Loading required package: nls
> library(lattice)
Loading required package: grid
A program error appears: "Rgui.exe has generated errors and will be closed
by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An
2007 Apr 26
gnls warning message
Dear R users;
I was trying to fit a nonlinear model using gnls (nlme version 3.1-80,
R 2.5.0, WinXP) and I got the following error and warning message:
Error in gnls(ht ~ a1 * hd * (1 - a2 * exp(-a3 * (dbh/dq2))), data = hdat, :
Step halving factor reduced below minimum in NLS step
In addition: Warning message:
$ operator is deprecated for atomic vectors, returning NULL in: