similar to: special characters/symbols

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "special characters/symbols"

2005 May 24
How to get special (Hershey) font symbols into plot axis labels? [Revisited]
Dear R users, I would like to use sub- and super-script in axis labels. I assume this is best done using Hershey symbols. When trying to find information on using Hershey font symbols in axis labels, I came across the following discussion thread: Have Hershey font implementations moved on since then? Thanks, Sander. --
2002 Mar 12
How to get special (Hershey) font symbols into plot axis labels?
Dear R experts- I'm running R 1.2.3 (2001-04-26) on Linux. I need to get special symbols, such as a circle with a dot in it as used to indicate Solar units in astronomy, into my plot axis labels. How can I do this? Using the R documentation on the Hershey font sets, one can plot a Solar symbol within the world coordinates of a plot like this: >plot(1:10,1:10)
2006 Dec 13
Phonetic symbols (IPA) in R graphics
Hi all, I would like to add phonetic symbols in my figures. Usually I typeset my documents in LaTeX and I use the tipa [1] package to get International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) fonts. So, my problem would be solved if I could insert LaTeX commands in the text() function (I guess at least). I would like to avoid using psfrag (that is, inserting a string in the eps figure and then substituting it
2007 Apr 28
Perpendicular symbol in plotmath?
Hey, Does anyone know of an equivalent to the LaTeX \perp (perpendicular) symbol for adding to R plots? Parallel is easy enough ("||"), but I haven't been able to find a way of adding perpendicular. The plotmath documentation doesn't mention how to do it, so I'm inclined to think that it doesn't exist - but surely there must be some way of achieving the desired result,
2005 Feb 02
postscript symbols?
dear R wizards: is it possible to use a postscript font symbol as a plot symbol? in particular, I want to use the four postscript symbols for playing cards (club, heart, spade, diamond) as points. In LaTeX, these four are \Pisymbol{psy}{"A7} \Pisymbol{psy}{"A8} \Pisymbol{psy}{"A9} \Pisymbol{psy}{"A10} and what I would love to do is place them, at say, (x=1,y=1),
2005 Oct 22
Male and female symbols?
Does anyone have an idea of how one might plot male and female symbols on a graph using R? Thanks! .................................................................. George W. Gilchrist Email #1: gwgilc at Department of Biology, Box 8795 Email #2: kitesci at College of William & Mary Phone: (757) 221-7751 Williamsburg, VA
2011 Sep 13
Missing ipa-server package on centos6?
Hi, I can't seem to find the ipa-server package in centos 6; it is not available on my favourite mirrors, nor do the release notes mention its absence. Has it been overlooked when assembling the distribution? Thanks & best wishes Armin
2003 Oct 24
\mathcal symbols in R?
Hello, Some time ago, I discovered the possibility of using mathematical symbols for axis labels etc. In order ensure consistency between text and graphics of some paper, I would like to include the calligraphic H (obtained in LaTeX via \mathcal{H}) in several diagrams. Is there any way to do so? Is it in general possible to use further mathematical fonts like \mathbb and \mathbf in R? Best
2008 Sep 13
Symbols on a capscale object plot
Hi, I'm a beginner with R, but I'm getting excellent results with it. Well I've got an capscale object (vegan package) and I want to made a biplot with symbols representing six groups of areas. With the plot.cca function and some par attributes (like 'labels') I was able to substitute the samples names for keyboard symbols ('x','o','#',ect), but it's
2010 Aug 04
French accents on characters
Hello Could someone please direct me to the correct commands for adding accents (grave and aigu) to a letter in a plot title, label, or in added text? I'm sure there's a handy list somewhere, but I've failed in coming up with the correct search words to find it. Thank you muchly! Jen
2005 Jul 26
problem with Hershey fonts
This was reported to me by a colleague in China, so I may not be reproducing exactly what they are seeing (which I suspect is rw2011), but this is what I see: > version _ platform i386--netbsdelf arch i386 os netbsdelf system i386, netbsdelf status major 2 minor 1.1 year 2005 month 06 day 20 language R > help(Hershey) : : If the 'vfont' argument
2010 Sep 06
PostScript/PDF graphics with another font
I am using the standard phonetic font "Doulos SIL" in a graph ( This is an example: windowsFonts(IPA="TT Doulos SIL") barplot(c(1,2,3,4,5),names=c("\u{0251}","\u{0252}","\u{0253}","\u{0254}","\u{0255}"),family="IPA") However, I am unable
2017 Aug 14
Some Unicode symbols are missing
Hi, I would like to draw some Unicode symbols like G- and f-clefs (used in music notation) in quartz-window. I succeed in producing sharp #,: plot(0,0,xlim=c(0,2),ylim=c(0,2)) points(1,1, pch="\u266F",cex=2) But for instance "b" (flat accidental) u266D and those clefs doesn't work. G-clef is said to be UTF-8: F0 9D 84 9E UTF-16: D834 DD1E Code point: U+1D11E I have
2006 Jun 08
Plotting female and male signs
Dear R-users, Just like other users (as seen from previous posts on the list), I would like to use female and male signs in plots. I found B. Ripley's post about using Unicode characters. However, it doesn't works for me. > text(locator(1),"\u2640") produces the following error: Error: invalid \uxxxx sequence But I can specify other Unicode characters as long I
2009 Apr 01
Latex symbols in R (\perp and \parallel)
Dear All, I am sure this is a one-liner, but I cannot find the R command to generate the LaTex symbols \perp and \parallel. Consider for instance the figure (one can use any kind of data for the plot) pdf("friction_linear_chain_perpendicular.pdf") par( mar = c(4.5,5, 2, 1) + 0.1) plot(data[ ,1], data[
2000 Oct 04
Hershey Fonts, PNG, SVG, .. graphics formats
I wonder if we couldn't just use the PNG , SVG, support from the GNU plotutils from which we already have the Hershey scalable vector fonts [-> help(Hershey)] The new plotutils (July 2000) do support these (and will probably even better in the future, i.e., we can build on others people free software. Paul [who built "Hershey" into R], do you think this path is worth pursuing?
2004 Sep 16
FW: How do I insert a newline in my title in a plot?
yes I have tries, and nothing. It just shows the strings with the slashn, just like i typed it. -----Original Message----- From: Rashid Nassar [mailto:rnassar at] Sent: ÐÝì?ôç, 16 Óå?ôåìâñßïõ 2004 15:44 To: Christos Rodopoulos Subject: Re: [R] How do I insert a newline in my title in a plot? Have you not tried what you have already suggested: title("this is a title\nIn 2
2007 Jan 03
Hershey fonts for musical notation?
Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible to use Hershey vector fonts to create very primitive musical notation. If I can hang some whole notes on these lines X11() plot(0,0, xlim=c(0,10), ylim=c(0,10)) # Staves: for (i in c(seq(from=2,to=2.8,by=0.2),seq(from=4,to=4.8,by=0.2))) { abline(h=i) } it is enough. Best wishes, Atte Tenkanen University of Turku, Finland
2013 Jul 01
Male and female signs as subscript in plot
Hello, I'd like to add labels to my plot that include a male or female symbol as subscript. I'm working in Windows Vista and R 3.0.0. I am able to add the male symbol to the plot as regular text (NOT as subscript), e.g. with: mtext("Male\u2642") This displays the word "Male" followed by the male symbol on the plot. But "\u2642" does not work when I try to
2004 Feb 04
Latin 2 encoding + fonts
Hi, In the FAQ I read about options to specify different fonts than the default ones for the console (in the file Rprofile) and for the graphical output (Rdevga). I would however like to replace Latin 1 with Latin 2 enconding for both (console and graphical) output in Windows and just graphical output in Linux. I guess it is possible but I did not find the way. How can I use the fonts