I think, I succeeded in doing it with Hershey fonts:
text(1,1,"\\#H2380",vfont=c("serif", "plain"))
This is ok now!
Atte T.
14.8.2017, 9.16, Atte Tenkanen kirjoitti:> Hi,
> I would like to draw some Unicode symbols like G- and f-clefs (used in
> music notation) in quartz-window. I succeed in producing sharp #,:
> plot(0,0,xlim=c(0,2),ylim=c(0,2))
> points(1,1, pch="\u266F",cex=2)
> But for instance "b" (flat accidental) u266D and those clefs
> work. G-clef is said to be
> UTF-8: F0 9D 84 9E
> UTF-16: D834 DD1E
> Code point: U+1D11E
> I have loaded package extrafont and tried everything found in internet
> without success. Font issues stay mysterious to me ...
> My system is OSX 10.12.6, R 3.3.3.
Atte Tenkanen, FT MuM
Turun Martinseurakunnan kanttori
p. 040-3417125