Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "bugs or imperfect implementation?"
2002 Jan 30
mosaicplot(formula, data)--- bugged?
I have been tinkering with mosaicplot() and friends as a way
of learning R. As part of this, I've written a pair.table()
method for mosaic matrices, and would like to extend mosaicplot
to work with loglin and logln (MASS) objects. I'm using
R 1.4.0 on Win 98.
I've been trying to figure out the formula interface, and think
there's a bug, but not sure how to find it, yet alone fix
2005 Nov 12
how to make automatically each level from data.frame to vector
Dear R-helpers,
Suppose I have dataset like this below:
dfHEC <- as.data.frame(as.table(HairEyeColor))
my.dfHEC <- data.frame(Hair=rep(dfHEC$Hair,dfHEC$Freq),
and I know all levels for Hair, Eye and Sex.
In my case, I
2010 Sep 19
odds ratios for n-way tables: seeking an *apply-able method
I'm looking for a way to generalize the calculation of (log) odds
ratios for 2 x 2 x {strata} frequency
tables in vcd::oddsratio() to R x C x {strata} tables.
For an R x C table, F, odds ratios can be defined
in several ways; one simple way, particularly for tables with ordered
factors, is to calculate the
set of continuation odds ratios, based on the (R-1)x(C-1) set of 2x2
tables with
2009 Dec 15
Diagonal Labels on "Beside" Bars in Barplot
My question is based on an example provided in the following:
Statistics with R
Vincent Zoonekynd
<zoonek at math.jussieu.fr>
6th January 2007
a <- as.table( apply(HairEyeColor, c(1,2), sum) )
# Provided Example
barplot(a, beside = TRUE,
legend.text = attr(a, "dimnames")$Hair)
# I
2006 Dec 06
vcd package, assoc()
I am trying to use the extended assocplot() function: assoc(), from vcd
package. Trouble is that it cannot even run its own examples on my
installation. I get this output:
$> example(assoc)
assoc> data("HairEyeColor")
assoc> (x <- margin.table(HairEyeColor, c(1, 2)))
Hair Brown Blue Hazel Green
Black 68 20 15 5
Brown 119 84 54
2011 Feb 18
How to change dataframe to tables
The data is in the attachment.
What I wanna get is:
, , Sex = Male
Hair Brown Blue Hazel Green
Black 32 11 10 3
Brown 53 50 25 15
Red 10 10 7 7
Blond 3 30 5 8
, , Sex = Female
Hair Brown Blue Hazel Green
Black 36 9 5 2
Brown 66 34 29 14
Red 16 7 7 7
Blond 4
2001 Nov 30
mosaic.by(): vectorizing args passed by apply()?
I've just started learning R, so I'm still on the steep part of the
learning curve, but my enthusiasm was heightened by learning that
there's a very nice implementation of mosaicplot().
As a learning project, I've already done a basic implementation
of a pairs.table() function which does a mosaic scatterplot matrix,
and now I'm trying to do conditional mosaic plots (discrete
2004 May 21
Bug in update()? (PR#6902)
Dear all,
I noticed the following while playing around with fitting log-linear
models to contingency tables using R 1.8.1, but the problem also
exists under R 1.9.0.
A reproducible example uses the following contingency table:
> library(MASS)
> data(quine)
> tmp <- with(quine, expand.grid(Eth=levels(Eth), Sex=levels(Sex),
+ Lrn=levels(Lrn), Age=levels(Age)))
2010 Oct 03
plyr: a*ply with functions that return matrices-- possible bug in aaply?
I have an application where I have a function to calculate results for
a 2-way table or matrix, which
returns a matrix with one less row and column. To keep this short, the
function below captures the structure:
fun2way <- function(f){
if (!length(dim(f)) ==2) stop("only for 2-way arrays")
R <- dim(f)[1]
C <- dim(f)[2]
f[1:(R-1), 1:(C-1)]
Now, I want to
2003 Dec 11
packaging standards for rda files?
Dear everybody:
We used the fine foreign library to bring in an SPSS dataset that was
about 9 megabytes and I can squeeze it into a much smaller R object
using compression with
save(ndat, file="NatAnnES2000.rda", compress=T).
I can use load() to get the "ndat" dataframe back, that's all good as
far as I can see. If I put that file in the data subdirectory, then the
2013 Aug 18
How does R_UnboundValue and removing variables work?
Reading "R Internals" made me believe that R_UnboundValue was a placeholder
that would be skipped over in variable lookup. viz. the section of R
Internals "Hash tables" says "items are not actually deleted but have their
value set to R_UnboundValue.", which seems to align with what I read in
So, I reasoned, if I have a function that returns R_UnboundValue,
2007 Jul 18
HSAURtable question
It appears that HSAURtable only works on two dimensional tables. Is this
For example, here is HairEyeColor:
, , Sex = Male
Hair Brown Blue Hazel Green
Black 32 11 10 3
Brown 38 50 25 15
Red 10 10 7 7
Blond 3 30 5 8
, , Sex = Female
Hair Brown Blue Hazel Green
Black 36 9 5 2
2012 Nov 02
add1() alternative
I'm trying to build a hierarchical logistic regression model with lme4
package, but I have a problem on selecting the variables to include in this
In a simple logistic regression, using Forward selection, i use a likelihood
ratio test to check which variables i should include in the model, using the
function add1().
The problem is that this function doesn't work with the
2008 Sep 26
adjusting textsize and spacing in mosaic (vcd package)
I'm trying to find a way to change the font size in a mosaic plot (the
grid version, not the base graphics one).
Here's an example to demonstrate:
#Basic plot
mosaic(HairEyeColor, shade = TRUE)
#Bad first guess: this stops the default cell colouring, and doesn't
change the font size
mosaic(HairEyeColor, shade = TRUE, gp=gpar(fontsize=16))
#This successfully changes
2008 Nov 16
chisq.test with simulate.p.value=TRUE (PR#13292)
Full_Name: Reginaldo Constantino
Version: 2.8.0
OS: Ubuntu Hardy (32 bit, kernel 2.6.24)
Submission from: (NULL) (
For many tables, chisq.test with simulate.p.value=TRUE gives a p value that is
obviously incorrect and inversely proportional to the number of replicates:
> data(HairEyeColor)
> x <- margin.table(HairEyeColor, c(1, 2))
2003 Jul 16
step.lm() fails to drop {many empty 2-way factor cells} (PR#3491)
Exec. Summary:
step() basically ``fails'' whereas MASS' stepAIC() does work
This may not be a bug in the strictest sense, but at least
something for the wish list. Unfortunately I have no time
currently to investigate further myself but want to be sure this
won't be forgotten:
The example is using a real data set with 216 observations on 9
variables -- where we have
2003 Jun 13
mca & contingency tables - error: "All variables must be factors"
I would like to do a multiple correspondence analysis with the mca function in
the MASS library on data that I have as a contingency table (which I've tried
converting to a data frame).
For example,
> data(HairEyeColor)
> hair.df <- as.data.frame(HairEyeColor)
> hair.df
Hair Eye Sex Freq
1 Black Brown Male 32
2 Brown Brown Male 38
3 Red
2002 Sep 13
[R] proposal: mosaicplot with sub and las
Two proposals for mosaicplot():
- The argument "sub" should not be ignored.
Example: mosaicplot( HairEyeColor, sub = 'test of sub' )
- To be able to discern also longer axis labels
the argument "las" or par(las=2) should not be ignored.
Example: mosaicplot( HairEyeColor, las=2 )
2011 Mar 10
ANOVA for stratified cox regression
This is a follow-up to a query that was posted regarding some problems that
emerge when running anova analyses for cox models, posted by Mathias Gondan:
Matthias Gondan wrote:
>* Dear List,*>**>* I have tried a stratified Cox Regression, it is working fine, except for*>* the "Anova"-Tests:*>**>* Here the commands (should work out of the box):*>**>*
2005 Apr 23
question about about the drop1
the data is :
>table.8.3<-data.frame(expand.grid( marijuana=factor(c("Yes","No"),levels=c("No","Yes")), cigarette=factor(c("Yes","No"),levels=c("No","Yes")), alcohol=factor(c("Yes","No"),levels=c("No","Yes"))), count=c(911,538,44,456,3,43,2,279))