similar to: memory issue trying to solve too large a problem using hclust

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "memory issue trying to solve too large a problem using hclust"

2004 Dec 15
hclust and heatmap - slightly different dendrograms?
Good afternoon, I ran heatmap and hclust on the same matrix x (strictly, I ran heatmap(x), and hclust(dist(t(x))), and realized that the two dendrograms were slightly different, in that the left-right arrangement of one pair of subclusters (columns) was reversed in the two functions (but all individual columns were grouped correctly). Looking through the code for heatmap as a most definite
2000 Aug 31
Multiv / hierclust / plclust
I use hierclust (hierarchical clustering) in multiv package. In the documentation it is said that plclust (plotting a dendrogram) is available in S-plus. Can I find it anywhere (I have searched through and found only quotations of plclust in multiv) or is it only part of the S package (which I don't have)? Thanks --------------- Charles RAUX, Laboratoire
2004 Jun 17
Re: Clustering in R
Thanks a lot, Michael! I cc to R-help, where this question really belongs {as the 'Subject' suggests itself...} -- please drop 'bioconductor' from CC'ing further replies. >>>>> "michael" == michael watson (IAH-C) <michael.watson at> >>>>> on Thu, 17 Jun 2004 09:16:59 +0100 writes: michael> OK, admittedly it
2006 May 08
finding centroids of clusters created with hclust
Hello, Can someone point me to documentation or ideas on how to calculate the centroids of clusters identified with hclust ? I would like to be able to chose the number of clusters (in the style of cutree) and then get the centroids of these clusters. This seems like a quite obvious task to me, but I haven't been able to put my hands on a relevant command. Thank you, Moritz
2006 Mar 09
Identifying or searching for labels in a hclust/dendrogram/heatmap
Hi Sorry if this is in the help :-S I've looked at example(dendrogram) and though it gives some indication of what I want, it doesn't do all. OK, so here is what I want to do: draw a tree, and then have an action, on user-click, to either draw a sub tree or a plot of the data. I also want users to be able to search for a particular label and have it highlighted on the tree, say in
2005 Jul 13
any reference to get started clustering
Dear All, Just start to use the long expected R, my focus will be doing clustering on microarray data, just wonder, anyone can show me any references to conquer the steep learning curve? Thanks! Best regards, Baoqiang Cao
2004 Jun 10
question about hierclust {multiv}
my major is bioinformatics, and i'm trying to cluster ( agglomerate the closest pari of observations ) in R. i have already got my own similarities metric, but do not know how to clust it based on similarities instead of dissimilarities. since the help document of hierclust mentions the parameter "sim", which seems good to me, but it doesn't appear in the code of hierclust()
2010 Sep 01
how to replace NA with a specific score that is dependant on another indicator variable
Hi everyone, I’m looking for a clever bit of code to replace NA’s with a specific score depending on an indicator variable. I can see how to do it using lots of if statements but I’m sure there most be a neater, better way of doing it. Any ideas at all will be much appreciated, I’m dreading coding up all those if statements!!!!! My problem is as follows: I have a data set with
2002 Feb 20
plot.hclust: strange behaviour with "manufactured" hclust object
I've been trying to get plot.hclust to work with a hclust object I created and have not had much success. It seems that there is some "hidden" characteristic of a hclust object that I can't see. This is most easily seen in the following example, where plot.hclust works on one object, but when this object is "dumped" and then re-read, plot.hclust no longer works. Is
2013 Dec 12
method default for hclust function
I could not figure out what was the default when I ran hclust() without specifying the method. For example: I just have a code like: hclust(dist(data)) Any input would be appreciated:) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Dec 27
Any functions to manipulate (merge, cut, remove) hclust objects? (maybe through phylo?)
Hello all, I'm now working with hclust objects and was hoping to perform some basic editing on them like: - Joining = the merging of two hclust objects (so they will share one root) - Splicing = So to cut/extract a branch out of an hclust object - that by itself will be an hclust object. I noticed I could extract one element of an hclust object by turning it into a dendrogram,
1998 May 29
R-beta: multiv package from CRAN
Hallo Friedrich, I have read your announcement, downloaded and installed it in R-0.61.3. But now I have problems :) > hc <- hierclust(dist(t(pollen)), method=3) Error in pmatch(x, table) : argument is not of mode character > hc <- hclust(dist(t(pollen))) > members(hc) Error in .Fortran("assgn", n = as.integer(n), nplus1 = as.integer(nplus1), : C/Fortran function not in
2011 Sep 13
help with hclust and cutree
Hello, I would like to cut a hclust tree into several groups at a specific similarity. I assume this can be achieved by specifying the "h" argument with the specified similarity, e.g.: clust<-hclust(dist,"average") cut<-cutree(clust,h=0.65) Now, I would like to draw rectangles around the branches of the dendrogram highlighting the corresponding clusters, as is done by
2002 Jul 19
Plotting a section of a dendrogram
> I have performed clustering analysis with hclust (Ward's method) on a > database of 800 samples. As you may imagine the full dendrogram is not > really readable. I have obtained groups with cutree. I would like to plot > sub-sections of my big dendrogram to show group 1, group 2 and so on. I don't think R has anything like subtree in Splus, unfortunately. I think what has
2002 May 30
hclust.identify problem
Having some problems with using hclust.identify on my data, I revert to trying it out on the example in the help manual. My result is still the same (as with my own data): data(iris) hci <- hclust(dist(iris[,1:4])) plot(hci) testx<-identify.hclust(hci) Error in rect.hclust(x, k = k, x = x$x, cluster = cluster[, k - 1], border = "red") : k must be between 2 and 0
2004 Jun 10
question about similarities cluster using hierclust
my major is bioinformatics, and i'm trying to cluster ( agglomerate the closest pari of observations ) in R. i have already got my own similarities metric, but do not know how to clust it based on similarities instead of dissimilarities. since the help document of hierclust mentions the parameter "sim", which seems good to me, but it doesn't appear in the code of hierclust()
2010 Nov 15
hclust, does order of data matter?
Hello, I am using the hclust function to cluster some data. I have two separate files with the same data. The only difference is the order of the data in the file. For some reason, when I run the two files through the hclust function, I get two completely different results. Does anyone know why this is happening? Does the order of the data matter? Thanks, RC -- View this message in
2012 Oct 11
extracting groups from hclust() for a very large matrix
Hello, I'm having trouble figuring out how to see resulting groups (clusters) from my hclust() output. I have a very large matrix of 4371 plots and 29 species, so simply looking at the graph is impossible. There must be a way to 'print' the results to a table that shows which plots were in what group, correct? I've attached the matrix I'm working with (the whole thing
2011 Sep 13
help with hclust
Hello, how can I get the similarity value (i.e., the inner cluster similarity) that was used to cut a hierarchical tree at a specific height? I would appreciate your help! Best regards, Madeleine
2002 Mar 05
no labels when plotting dendrograms
I'd like to be able to cut dendrograms at a height I specify and then plot the resulting subtrees. I wanted to use the dendrogram object for this purpose because there doesn't seem to be a canned way to cut a hclust object and get a list of hclust objects, but there is a function (cut) that does that for dendrograms. The problem I'm having is that when I plot a dendrogram, I