Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Re-sent to correct list: passing parameters"
2006 Nov 05
lme4 install error
Dear all,
I'm trying to install lme4 (after having installed R 2.4.0 from source, and
having installed the latest Matrix package). lme4 fails with the following
pedigree.o definition of _lme4_xSym in section (__DATA,__common)
pedigree.o definition of _lme4_ySym in section (__DATA,__common)
make: *** [lme4.so] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'lme4'
** Removing
2003 Jun 28
Truncating y axis
Hi folks,
I want to have a y-axis using matplot where the y axis is truncated as
shown schematically below:
3000 | x
800 | x
| x
1 2 3
The ~ is supposed to stand for a curved line showing a break. The issue is
that I want to plot the points shown by the
2001 Dec 15
subset error message
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to subset a data frame "foo", which looks like this:
sent cond raw V1
10 2 A 614 7
11 2 A 724 6
12 2 A 641 5
13 2 A 665 9
33 5 B 510 7
34 5 B 659 7
35 5 B 607 6
37 5 B 467 8
38 5 B 586 9
39 5 B 523 10
57 8 C 858 8
58 8 C 513 9
59 8 C
2001 Nov 29
plotting (a) confidence intervals (b) standard error
Hi all,
I'm building a plot of the values in tmeant (below) against positions 1 to
5, using matplot.
tmeant looks like this:
case1 case2
pos1 861.8466 818.5909
pos2 961.2841 976.3466
pos3 878.6080 1262.8523
pos4 950.8011 1129.6080
pos5 968.1080 1063.3920
I also have lower (object tl) and upper (object tu) bounds on the
confidence intervals as follows:
2002 Jul 25
Barplot coloring question
Hi all,
I have the following dataset, call it test.data (30 columns, and one row
named "0"):
0 96.85 2.05 89.07 2.54 70.91 2.37 94.92 3.46 82.31 11.33 40.96 2.25 98.06
3.43 90.77 17.63 86.60 10.78 60.27 1.32 93.27 0.97 77.60
2001 Nov 17
xyplot link missing
I am trying to install the nlme package, but during installation I get
the message
pdSymm text html latex example
plot.ACF text html latex example
missing link(s): xyplot
plot.Variogram text html latex example
missing link(s): xyplot
2002 Jan 12
Question about mixed-effects models example (Pinheiro and Bates)
Hi all,
I'm trying to figure out the example about mixed models in the Pinheiro
and Bates book (Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-Plus, 2000, pp. 135-137).
One thing I don't understand is:
When I run the command
fm1Orth.lm <- lm( distance ~ age, Orthodont )
followed by
fm2Orth.lm <- update( fm1Orth.lm, formula = distance ~ Sex*age )
and then do
2001 Dec 21
read.table and as.vector (Was error message: "Error in model.frame")
Hi all,
I figured out some things about an earlier question I posted today; this
is a new question:
I have a for-loop in which I have the following lines
for (i in list.files(pattern = "*.dmp")) {
currentfile <- read.table(i)
vecrawrts <- as.vector(currentfile$V3)
Now, vecrawrts is numeric, but if I run the script on all the files with
extension .dmp, I get the
2008 Apr 07
Published or in-press work using nlme or lme4
Dear R users,
Many of you are aware of the statistical package lme4 used in R for carrying
out mixed-effects modeling. The lme4 R-Forge website [
https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/lme4/] is going to maintain a list of
all dissertations and articles (accepted for publication, in press, or
published) that use lme4 or its precursor, nlme.
It would be helpful if members of this list could
2001 Dec 20
error message: "Error in model.frame"
Hi all,
All the files related to the question below are in
I've been using a script (called newresiduals.R, the code is in the above
directory; I wanted to avoid cluttering up this message) that is run in
the following manner at the command prompt:
R --vanilla "wordlen-2-01-g1" < newresiduals.R
What it does is: it goes through a
2001 Nov 29
Is there a method for creating "animations" using R. Or is there another
piece of software (unix perferrably) that can generate a "movie" from many
ps/eps/gif/jpg files?
Jeff D. Hamann
Hamann, Donald and Associates
PO Box 1421
Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421
Bus. 541-753-7333
Cell. 541-740-5988
jeff_hamann at hamanndonald.com
2001 Dec 03
Summary on R script editor
Thanks for the advice, folks!
Shravan Vasishth <vasishth at ling.ohio-state.edu>
Try pico.
There's no substitute for/comparison with emacs, though, IMHO.
but just to be sure: you don't have to have ESS to use (x)emacs for
editing R scripts.
Sven Garbade <garbade at psy.uni-muenchen.de>
ESS can be installed via rpm on Mandrake.
baron at cattell.psych.upenn.edu (Jonathan
2002 Mar 17
Question about Linear Mixed-Models (in R)
Hi all,
This question is about using the linear-mixed effects model for a
within-subjects experiment.
The experiment description:
Each subject was asked to read a series of sentences (in Hindi) on a
computer screen, and pressed the space bar to see each word in the
sentence successively. The amount of time spent on each word was recorded
on the computer, in milliseconds; this is the dependent
2001 Nov 30
Script editor for R on Linux
Hi all,
Could you point me to a script editor in Linux that will allow me to a
somewhat easy pasting of section(s) of an R script or function into
R for execution? Something like WinEdt+RWinEdt macro in R for
(My time is a bit pressed. I haven't succeeded in my attempts to
install ESS for XEmacs. No doubt due to my confusion and lack of
competence. I am abandoning it for the
2017 Oct 03
[PATCH v2 2/2] builder: Choose better weights in the planner.
builder/builder.ml | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
common/mlutils/unix_utils-c.c | 27 ++++++++++++++
common/mlutils/unix_utils.ml | 3 ++
common/mlutils/unix_utils.mli | 4 +++
m4/guestfs_libraries.m4 | 1 +
5 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/builder/builder.ml b/builder/builder.ml
index d8e625f68..fd19aa7d9 100644
2004 Dec 26
Prosodic/phonetic analysis with R
Hi Folks,
I'm interested in looking (in a beginner's amateurish way)
at prosodic/phonetic analysis of recorded speech.
In particular I would want to use R to formulate and
evaluate specific models.
So I would like to ask R people for their recommendations
for a program which would
a) Take as input a sound file in one of the common formats
(".wav", ".au")
2017 Nov 21
[PATCH] builder: planner: Don't add some impossible transitions.
Certain transitions where the input and output filename are the same
are impossible, eg copying a file to itself. Don't add these.
Reported-by: David Kaylor.
builder/builder.ml | 28 ++++++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/builder/builder.ml b/builder/builder.ml
index a4c830e89..843106a86 100644
--- a/builder/builder.ml
2014 May 22
Excluding objects from save.image
When dealing with object holding pointers that are only valid during a
single session, it would be convenient to exclude them from being saved
with the session image. (I am assuming that `quit` calls `save.image`
before quitting or is it internal?) Currently they are saved with the
pointer converted to NULL. Its a bit surprising for users not realizing the
object is no longer valid.
My thought is
2006 Mar 16
File Auditing with rails - File I/O issue
Hey Folks,
I''ve written a script to generate a list of all files on a machine,
then zip the results. ?I''m going to stick a web front end on it, and use it to audit some file servers. The problem is that the ZIP compression/decompression isn''t working,
but its not what you might think. ?The script completes, but seems to
not actually write anything.
Here is a short
2007 Apr 24
just noise
Hi, I tried both the stable and beta versions of the speex source
code download on Mac OS 10.4.9. I just do:
sudo make install
Then I added libspeex.a from /usr/local/lib and the headers to my
xcode project. My app compiles and I'm able to call all of the speex
functions. I copied the example code from the website and tweaked it
to include the first 10000 bytes of