Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Stratified study."
2005 May 26
Survey and Stratification
Dear WizaRds,
Working through sampling theory, I tried to comprehend the concept of
stratification and apply it with Survey to a small example. My question
is more of theoretic nature, so I apologize if this does not fully fit
this board's intention, but I have come to a complete stop in my efforts
and need an expert to help me along. Please help:
age<-matrix(c(rep(1,5), rep(2,3),
2006 Jun 18
Post Stratification
Dear WizaRds,
having met some of you in person in Vienna, I think even more fondly
of this community and hope to continue on this route. It was great
talking with you and learning from you. Thank you. I am trying to work
through an artificial example in post stratification. This is my dataset:
age <- data.frame(id=1:8, stratum=rep(
2009 Mar 28
stratified variables in a cox regression
I am hoping for assistance in regards to examining the contribution
of stratified variables in a cox regression. A previous post by Terry
Therneau noted that "That is the point of a strata; you are declaring
a variable to NOT be proportional hazards, and thus there is no
single "hazard ratio" that describes it". Given this purpose of
stratification, in the
2010 Apr 07
Struggeling with svydesign()
Dear all,
We are analysing some survey data and we are not sure if we are using
the correct syntax for our design.
The population of interest is a set of 4416 polygons with different
sizes ranging from 0.003 to 45.6 ha, 7460 ha in total. Each polygon has
a binary attribute (presence/absence) and we want to estimate the
probability of presence in the population.
We used sampling with replacement
2010 Aug 25
Surprising behaviour survey-package with missing values
Dear list,
I got some surprising results when using the svytotal routine from the
survey package with data containing missing values.
Some example code demonstrating the behaviour is included below.
I have a stratified sampling design where I want to estimate the total
income. In some strata some of the incomes are missing. I want to
ignore these missing incomes. I would have expected that
2006 Mar 23
clogit question
I am playing with
from clogit help file.
This line works.
1. But, why strata(stratum) doesn't have a coefficient like spontaneous
and induced?
2. When I remove strata(stratum) from the command, this function seems
to keep running forever. Why?
3. I think the equation for clogit looks like
2010 Jun 03
Question about avoid the for loop
Dear R-helpers,
I would like to generate a binary random variable within a stratum's
stratum. Here is a simple example.
## x is the first level strata index, here I have 3 strata.
x=c(rep(1,5), rep(2,5), rep(3,5))
## within x, there is a second strata indexed by t=0 and t=1
## and within strata i and t=0 and t=1, I generate the random binomial
variable respectively,
2007 Sep 06
Survey package
Good afternoon!
I'm trying to use the Survey package for a stratified sample which has 4 criteria on which the stratification is based. I would like to get the corrected weights and for every element i get a weight of 1
E.g: tipping
design <- svydesign (id=~1, strata= ~regiune + size_loc + age_rec_hhh + size_hh, data= tabel)
and then weights(design)
2006 Mar 07
breslow estimator for cumulative hazard function
Dear R-users,
I am checking the proportional hazard assumption of a cox model for a
given covariate, let say Z1, after adjusting for other relavent covariates
in the model. To this end, I fitted cox model stratified on the discrete
values of Z1 and try to get beslow estimator for the baseline cumulative
hazard function (H(t)) in each stratum. As far as i know, if the
proportionality assumption
2006 Mar 24
Clustering over strata using a Cox proportional hazard model
Hi all,
I wish to do build discrete choice model to analyse habitat selection of
This can be done with a 'tricked' stratified Cox proportional hazard
For each individual animal each selected position, and possible
alternative non-used available positions are combined into strata.
This means that one stratum contains a set of 1 used position and
several positions which
2005 Aug 28
stratified Wilcoxon available?
Dear All,
is there a stratified version of the Wilcoxon test (also known as van
Elteren test) available in R?
I could find it in the survdiff function of the survival package for
censored data. I think, it should be possible to use this function creating
a dummy censoring indicator and setting it to not censored, but may be
there is a better way to perform the test.
Heinz T??chler
2010 May 09
Dimensions on svychisq on svydesign
Dear Forum
I a running svychisq from the survey package and get errors with the number
of dimensions,
errors that I do not understand and do not know how to fix.
I ask you kindly to help me out.
The eror message follows with some information below. I hope there are
enough information to help me to fix the problem if not please let me know
what is needed
Stefan Hrafn Jonsson
2003 Jan 22
something wrong when using pspline in clogit?
Dear R users:
I am not entirely convinced that clogit gives me the correct result when I
use pspline() and maybe you could help correct me here.
When I add a constant to my covariate I expect only the intercept to change,
but not the coefficients. This is true (in clogit) when I assume a linear in
the logit model, but the same does not happen when I use pspline().
If I did something similar
2009 Apr 03
Survey Package with Binary Data (no Standard Errors reported)
I'm trying to get standard errors for some of the variables in my data
frame. One of the questions on my survey is whether faculty coordinate
across curriculum to include Arts Education as subject matter. All the
responses are coded in zeros and ones obviously. For some of the other
variables I have a 2 for those that responded with "Don't Know".
I'm getting NA for
2003 Feb 12
Various Errors using Survey Package
I have been experimenting with the new Survey package. Specifically, I was
trying to use some of the functions on the public-use survey data from NHIS
(2000 Sample Adult file).
Error 1): The first error I get is when I try to specify the complex survey
nhis.design<-svydesign(ids=~psu, probs=~probs, strata=~strata, data=nhis.df,
Error in svydesign(ids =
2010 Aug 11
Arbitrary number of covariates in a formula
I have something like this:
test1 <- data.frame(intx=c(4,3,1,1,2,2,3),
and I can easily fit a cox model:
coxph(Surv(intx,status) ~ x1 + x2 + strata(sex),test1)
However, I want to
2003 Dec 11
nested aov: plot available?
Hi all,
I wonder whether, for an anova with multiple error strata, it is possible to
produce the same diagnostoc plots than with a single-stratum anova.
I can extract the residuals for each stratum with e.g.
> resid(split1.aov[["block:plot"]])
> resid(split1.aov[["Within"]])
and then produce qqnorm plots etc manually, but is it possible to get all the
2004 Jul 23
Complex Surveys...Specifying Design
I need some guidance from someone who is familiar/has some experience with
the survey package.
The data that I am using is from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
(www.meps.ahrq.gov <http://www.meps.ahrq.gov/> ). The STRATA and PSU
variables are varstr01 and varpsu01 respectively. When I try to specify
them with the svydesign function I get an error message. An excerpt of my
2010 Apr 27
Randomization for block random clinical trials
I’m new to R (just installed today) and I’m trying to figure out how to do
stratified randomisation using it. My google search expedition has lead me
to believe that blockrand package will most probably be the answer to it.
I’ve played around with blockrand for awhile and tried the sample code:
##stratified by sex
male <- blockrand(n=100,
2009 Apr 25
Nomogram with stratified cph in Design package
I am using Dr. Harrell's design package to make a nomogram. I was able to
make a beautiful one without stratifying, however, I will need to stratify
to meet PH assumptions. This is where I go wrong, but I'm not sure where.
Non-Stratified Nomogram: