Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "problems with postscript device"
2001 Oct 26
postscript problem (PR#1147)
I reported this earlier, and have got reports that others have the same
promlem on UNIX machines, so it is not only a windows problem
S I file a bug report.
The function (boot.stat) given at the end produces a postscript file,
which cannot be included correctly in LaTeX. Specifically,
the image in LaTeX (when translated by dvips to postscript)
becomes very small, not using the bounding box, and
2016 Apr 20
Use multiple cores on Linux
I am trying to run the following code in R on a Linux cluster. I would like
to use the full processing power (specifying cores/nodes/memory). The code
essentially runs predictions based on a GAM regression and saves the
results as a CSV file for multiple sets of data (here I only show two).
Is it possible to run this code using HPC packages such as
Rmpi/snow/doParallel? Thank you!
2020 Jan 18
How to get an object name from C?
(earlier I sent it as html by mistake).
How can I get from C an object name used as a function argument? I
have sample code in C that gives me access to the name of the function
being called:
SEXP xname(SEXP x)
const char *fun_name = CHAR(PRINTNAME(CAR(x)));
x = CDR(x);
const char *arg_name = isNull(TAG(x)) ? "" : CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(x)));
2015 Feb 11
[PATCH] Fix for client certificate validation does not work
Hi all,
As I reported earlier (with a typo in the work [BUG]) client
certification validation *does not* work even if you do everything
exactly according to all documentation and attempts at helpful advice.
I have seen this issue with both startssl.com and self-signed
certificates, and based on what I've seen from searching the web, this
is a problem that has gotten little attention because
2005 May 13
randomForest partialPlot x.var through function
I'm trying to set up a function which calls the partialPlot function but
am getting an error that I can't seem to solve. Here's a simplified
version of the function and error...
> pplot <-
> attach(acoust)
> acoust.rf <-
2011 Sep 14
substitute games with randomForest::partialPlot
I'm having trouble calling randomForest::partialPlot programmatically.
It tries to use name of the (R) variable as the data column name.
iris.rf <- randomForest(Species ~ ., data=iris, importance=TRUE, proximity=TRUE)
partialPlot(iris.rf, iris, Sepal.Width) # works
partialPlot(iris.rf, iris, "Sepal.Width") # works
2002 Feb 12
Plotting with direction of axes reversed.
Over the years there have been inquiries to these lists as to how to
produce plots with the direction(s) of axes reversed. In response to
some of these inquiries, I have provided a function call ``rplot''
which automated the procedure for such axis reversal.
Recently Herberto Ghezzo of McGill University pointed out to me that
there was a bug in my code. I have now fixed this bug (and a
1998 Jun 25
security hole in mailx
Hi there.
I''ve discovered a rather serious security hole in mailx, the good
old Berkeley mail program. It''s somehow present at least in the
last versions I''ve checked (mailx-8.1.1 in Linux, mailx 5.0 in
Solaris). The bug is an exploitable buffer overflow (using the
HOME environment variable) that allows any local user to acquire
the privileges under which the program
2012 May 03
deparse(substitute(x)) on an object with S3 class
Dear list,
can someone explain to me why deparse(substitute(x)) does not seem to work
when x is of a user-defined S3 class?
In my actual problem, my print method is part of a package, and the method
is registered in the NAMESPACE, if that should make a difference.
> print.testclass <- function(x,...){
xname <- deparse(substitute(x))
cat("Your object name
2019 Oct 01
Improvement in hist command documentation
Hi all,
In the histogram created with the `hist` command, the label of the y axis reads "Frequency ?.
Finding that the ylab key is used to change (localize) that word may seem difficult for people
who are beginners either in R or in english.
I suggest very minor modifications of the file hist.Rd at https://svn.r-project.org/R/trunk/src/library/graphics/man/hist.Rd.
1) make the default value
2011 Jun 18
different results from nls in 2.10.1 and 2.11.1
I've noticed I get different results fitting a function to some data on
my laptop to when I do it on my computer at work.
Here's a code snippet of what I do:
require(circular) ## for Bessel function I.0
## Data:
dd <- c(0.9975948929787, 0.9093316197395, 0.7838819026947,
0.9096108675003, 0.8901804089546,
2009 Nov 11
Unable to execute
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Hello. I am trying to execute an fax reception script and i am getting the following:
[Nov 11 08:40:52] WARNING[12800]: app_system.c:88 system_exec_helper: Unable to execute '/var/lib/asterisk/scripts/mailfax ""
2011 Mar 19
GAMLSS Question
Dear All:
I have succeeded in fitting a GAMLSS.dist model to growth data I am working
with it.
My aim is to create a matrix of predicted percentiles and the corresponding
the fitted model's sigma mu nu by agebins.
How do it generate these parameters as in L M S per Cole and Green 1992?
Here are my working codes.
Name of fitted model is gamlssfit
> Agebin<-seq(6,36,6)
2009 Jul 26
problems hist() and density
I have a problem with the hist() function and showing densities. The
densities sum to 50 and not to 1! I use R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26) and
I load the seqinR library.
My data is the following vector:
[1] 0.1400000 0.2000000 0.2200000 0.2828283 0.1600000 0.1600000
[8] 0.1600000 0.2200000 0.2600000 0.2000000 0.3000000 0.2200000
[15] 0.1800000 0.2200000 0.1600000
2008 Sep 01
another histogram question
Hi there,
I hope this question is not as stupid as the one before ...
I tried to shorten my histogram (because the distribution is quite skewed and I
simply don't want to see the long tail but still use the histogram plot). How
can I do something like this? (The example does not work but I don't know why...)
data <- rnorm(100) # as example, of course this is not skewed...
h <-
2015 Jul 23
Método S3 paquete
Estoy tratando de crear un método S3 llamado "anthr" dentro del paquete
que estoy desarrollando, cuyo argumento principal es "res" que
básicamente es una lista con un solo componente. Pero si el segundo
argumento llamado "oneSize" es FALSE, "res" es una lista de listas.
Lo que he escrito hasta el momento es lo siguiente:
anthr <- function(res,
2005 Jul 05
plot legend outside the grid
Thanks Bert for all the help. I got the legend figured out Friday but left early becoz of long weekend so didn't get a chance to reply.. I modified the plot margins a little bit and Here's what I finally had...
par(mar=c(c(10, 6, 6, 10) + 0.1));
with (dataFrame, stripchart(marbles_buried ~ genotype, method="jitter", vertical=TRUE, col = c('blue',
2015 Jul 27
Método S3 paquete
Hola Carlos,
Muchas gracias por el enlace, me ha sido de gran ayuda. Ya he entendido
cómo funciona el sistema S3.
Un saludo,
> Hola, ¿qué tal?
> Sigue
> a rajatabla y lo tendrás.
> Un saludo,
> Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
> http://www.datanalytics.com
2004 Aug 19
probability histogram question
Hello, all;
I get an unexpected result when trying to plot a probability histogram
with R1.9.1 on windows xp:
#with the following code:
> x <- runif(100,0,1)
> hist(x)
> hist(x, freq=F)
> h <- hist(x, freq=F)
> summary(h)
# Length Class Mode
#breaks 11 -none- numeric
#counts 10 -none- numeric
#intensities 10 -none- numeric
#density 10
2011 Dec 31
Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
I have two large datasets (156K and 2.06M records). Each row has the
hour that an event happened, represented by an integer from 0 to 23.
R's histogram is combining some data.
Here's the command I ran to get the histogram:
> histinfo <- hist(crashes$hour, right=FALSE)
Here's histinfo:
> histinfo
?[1] ?0 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21