similar to: max-min plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "max-min plot"

2014 May 05
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
Hola, no me funciona: Te contesto lo mismo que le contesté a otro compañero de la lista, espero ser más claro. Les comparto la carpeta con la capa y los datos que estoy usando. Esto es lo que estoy haciendo: library(rgdal) library(maptools) library(sp) library(classInt) library(RColorBrewer) zm <- readOGR(?.?, ?zmdis?) data <-
2014 May 06
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
Hola, El problema con la propuesta de Olivier es que los intervalos son diferentes para cada variable. La forma sencilla y rápida es: spplot(zm["part88"], col.regions=plotclr, at=class$brks) Pero para que quede más elegante hay que dar algunos pasos más: ## Intervalos en forma character op <- options(digits=4) tab <- print(class) options(op) intChar <- names(tab) ## Indice
2014 May 03
Mapa de quantiles con spplot
Hola, Intento representar en un mapa participaciones porcentuales de los sectores económicos y no logro hacerlo con spplot. He intentado con spplot(zm, c(?part88?, ?part93?), cuts=4, col.regions=brewer.pal(4, ?Set3?)) Lo pude hacer utilizando el base graphics de R, definiendo: > plotvar88 <- zm$part88 > nclr <- 8 > plotclr <- brewer.pal(nclr, "PuOr") > plotclr
2024 Oct 30
Invalid term in model formula with gmm after is loaded
Hi everyone, I am using the gmm function from the gmm package and encountered an unexpected error. No model can be estimated if I load need to restart R each time. Here is a simple reproducible example: *library(gmm)data(Finance)r <- Finance[1:300, 1:10]rm <- Finance[1:300, "rm"]rf <- Finance[1:300, "rf"]z <- as.matrix(r-rf)zm
2024 Nov 01
Invalid term in model formula with gmm after is loaded
Hi Aristide and welcome to R-help! Your message was a bit mangled [*]. It's best to compose messages to this mailing list in plain text. Otherwise (when composed in HTML), the mailing list eats the HTML part and we're left with the plain text part automatically generated by your mailer, which isn't always readable. ? Wed, 30 Oct 2024 17:45:29 +0100 Elys?e Aristide <ariel92and at
2013 Jun 07
gamm in mgcv random effect significance
Dear R-helpers, I'd like to understand how to test the statistical significance of a random effect in gamm. I am using gamm because I want to test a model with an AR(1) error structure, and it is my understanding neither gam nor gamm4 will do the latter. The data set includes nine short interrupted time series (single case designs in education, sometimes called N-of-1 trials in medicine)
2014 Mar 12
Sobreponer dos mapas
Hola, Estoy tratando de sobreponer un mapa sobre otro, uno que sirva de ?background? y otro con datos. Mi primer intento lo hice usando el paquete PBSmapping. Aquí lo que hice: library(PBSmapping) estados <- importShapefile(?Entidades_2013.shp") #Aquí cargamos las entidades federativas (32 entidades) zonas <- importShapefile(?zm.shp?) #Aquí cargamos las zonas metropolitanas del país
2009 Apr 15
From daily series to monthly and viceversa
I have the following daily exchange rate series (from january 1st 1996 to december 31st 2008) and I want to obtain them monthly series from it. I've read about the 'zoo' library but I'm not getting it how to do it. These are the data (left column day-month-year, right column the index) 31/12/1993 1,12509 03/01/1994 1,12509 04/01/1994 1,12558 05/01/1994 1,1258 06/01/1994 1,12596
2005 Dec 07
summary[["r.squared"]] gives strange results
I am simulating an ANOVA model and get a strange behavior from the summary function. To be more specific: please run the following code and see for yourself: the summary()[["r.squared"]] values of two identical models are quite different!! ## 3 x 3 ANOVA of two factors x and z on outcome y s.size <- 300 # the sample size p.z <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.25) # the probabilities of factor z ##
2012 Apr 23
zipfR help
Hi, I have a question on generating random variables based on zipf-mandelbrot distribution. So when I execute the following lines: ZM = lnre ("zm", alpha = 2/3, B=0.1) zmsample = rlnre (ZM, n =100) zmsample It generates 100 random values based on a zipf-mandelbrot distribution as below. But how do I make sure the generated random number is within the range of 1 - 6000 only? Can I
2010 Oct 11
plotting Zipf and Zipf-Mandelbrot curves in R
Using R, I plotted a log-log plot of the frequencies in the Brown Corpus using plot(sort(file.tfl$f, decreasing=TRUE), xlab="rank", ylab="frequency", log="x,y") However, I would also like to add lines showing the curves for a Zipfian distribution and for Zipf-Mandelbrot. I have seen these in many articles that used R in creating graphs. Thank you! [[alternative HTML
2011 Oct 25
regression using GMM for mulltiple groups
Inthe code below I was trying to to obtain the GMM estimates for CAPM (REGRESSION) for 36 stocks each have 180 observations,however it only gives me one output rather than 36. In SAS i would just put in a *By statement*. I have a variable TICKER that categorize them into 36 groups. *How can I obtain all 36 output instead of just one.* **
2010 Aug 20
rollmean help (or similar function)
I am working on a simple pilot project comparing the capability of SQL, SAS and R to perform a rolling mean per the following instructions. I have completed the SQL and SAS analysis, so now it's R's turn. Calculate mean values of x (x=count) for each date in the dataset where mean = the average count of days [t-9] through day [t-3] for each date/illness combination. Dataset aggpilot
2008 Oct 17
function help
Hi everyone, I have dataset which I make a sample of it couple of times and each time I get the mean and standard deviation of each row for each sample. I have a function for that, which takes the name of the file and number of times to sample and then returns the mean and standard deviation for each row in each sample. Sample=function(name, n){
2007 Apr 27
puppetd -v -o hangs
I''m having this issue where "puppetd -v -o" hangs (won''t return my prompt) when starting a daemon I wrote. If puppetd is running as a daemon a zombie process is created each time puppetd tries to start my daemon. Puppet detects when the daemon is down and starts it just fine. I''m using version 0.22.3 on RHEL 5. Here''s the class. I''ve
2007 Jan 26
enumerates all possible combinations
Hi all R users, I want to create a matrix having n columns and 2^n rows, and all its entries are only 0 or 1. In each row, column i is 0 means dimension i is chosen, 0 means not. The matrix will contains all the possible combination of those n dimensions. Here is an example, if n = 3, the matrix will look like: 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 I know I can use n "for" loops
2012 Feb 29
Cannot use negative argument in function
Hi, today i wrote a function in R of the type: index.refraction <- function(Temp,Press, RH, CO2) When i try to plug a negative number in Temp, i got this type of error: " n <- index.refraction(Temp= -40,100,80,CO2) Messages d'avis : 1: In Ops.ordered(left, right) : '-' is not meaningful for ordered factors 2: In Ops.factor(left, right) : - not meaningful for factors 3:
2006 Aug 30
Dear all, I have a dataset. I want to make barplot from this data. Zero1 <- " V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Positive 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Negative 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Positive 4 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 Negative 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 Positive 6 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Negative 7 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Negative 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
2009 Aug 01
Variable alias
Hi Everyone, is there the possibility in R to assign a variable to be an alias of another one? Example: x <- 17 # assign y to be an alias of x y # returns 17 x <- 4 y # returns 4 Daniel
2007 Jan 16
ARIMA xreg and factors
I am using arima to develop a time series regression model, I am using arima b/c I have autocorrelated errors. Several of my independent variables are categorical and I have coded them as factors . When I run ARIMA I don't get any warning or error message, but I do not seem to get estimates for all the levels of the factor. Can/how does ARIMA handle factors in xreg? here is some example