similar to: HLM-like analysis in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "HLM-like analysis in R"

2001 Jun 01
multiple lattice-pages (development package!)...
One Question: if I make a lattice-plot (beware: under development!) with a special layout e.g. c(2,2,4): p1 <- xyplot(y~x|id,data=data,layout=c(2,2,3)) is there a way to print.trellis e.g. the second page of the trellis object "p1"? print.trellis(p1,page=2) #!wrong! I want this to automatically dev.print the pages (no, I don't want multiple postscript pages). If this
2001 Jul 06
a < b < c is alway TRUE
One of our students did something like: x[a < b < c] instead of x[a < b & b < c] But why is 3 < 2 < 1 # [1] TRUE ??? Is there any reason? Or wouldn't it be better to get a warning / error? Uwe Ligges -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2001 Aug 15
RegExp Question
I have to admit that I'm a bit ignorant about regular expressions...I have a problem with "gsub": under unix I can : > cat tmp.txt F.123 F.123 F123 F123 sed 's/F\./d/g' tmp.txt d123 d123 F123 F123 that is: replacing "F.", however under R: gsub("F\.","d",c("F123","F.123"),extended=F) [1] "d23"
2001 Jun 06
lattice (!under development!) font curiosity
Perhaps this might be a font problem, it might be that my font dirs are broken (but I don't think so, it is a standard potato inst.): > xyplot(rnorm(10) ~ rnorm(10) ,main=list("???dsa",cex=2)) ...displays German special characters false (as greek letters). Curiously these work o.k.: > xyplot(rnorm(10) ~ rnorm(10) ,main="?dsa") > xyplot(rnorm(10) ~ rnorm(10)
2001 Jun 06
lattice (!under development!) font curiosity
Perhaps this might be a font problem, it might be that my font dirs are broken (but I don't think so, it is a standard potato inst.): > xyplot(rnorm(10) ~ rnorm(10) ,main=list("???dsa",cex=2)) ...displays German special characters false (as greek letters). Curiously these work o.k.: > xyplot(rnorm(10) ~ rnorm(10) ,main="?dsa") > xyplot(rnorm(10) ~ rnorm(10)
2001 May 30
non-R hevea question
Dear People: Here is a non-R question, please: Does anyone use hevea for Windows to translate LaTex to HTML? If so, how do you get \bar, \sqrt, and \ne, please? I get an error message of unknown macro. Thanks in advance for any help! Sincerely, Erin M. Hodgess, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown One Main Street
2001 Apr 17
instaling R
I have not been able to install R on my computer. I am using a Linux Mandrake 7.2. What is the archive I have to download? where is it located? How can I install it after downloaded? Thank you Antonio -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help",
2001 Aug 28
using by to plot
Hello, I would like to use by to create a series of plots, but I'm not sure how to design the function. Here's what I've got: 1. A data frame of observations of measured value 2 measured vlaues and a pch code. V1 V2 pchCode .0045 123 1 .0034 145 2 .0045 123 1 .0046 167 3 ... So what I want to do is create a single scatterplot of the multiple conditions (specified by
2000 Aug 30
How can I start R
I am not good in English, so excuse me. I have just install R. I put the package in the file OPT. ./configure make make install But i dont now how to run this application. Can you help me. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or
2000 Sep 14
Pl. provide and Input for Kmeans
Sir, Would like to know what sort of input matrix are taken by the kmeans function defined in mva library of R application. As per the documentation for the Kmeans it takes the following 2 data sets: 1) data 2) centers The commands to be executed in R are as follows: library(mva) data <- read.table('file1',header=TRUE,sep="\t") centers <-
2002 Dec 20
Getting graphs into LaTeX
Hello ALL: I ran with success the following commands in R getting a file saved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ postscript() postscript('~/data/st202/2003/lecture00/lecture00-graph-01.eps', horizontal = FALSE, height = 6, pointsize = 10) hist(trial.outcome.5, breaks = 5, main = '1000 Replications of 5 Trials of a
2000 Dec 06
Landscape problems with ps2pdf [summary]
Since I sent my original question last week, this is one of two suggestions that worked. Using Adobe Acrobat, as suggested by Professor Ripley, was very satisfactory, but required that I use multiple platforms to make the conversion to PDF (from Linux to Windows). The solution by Peter Adorjan (included below), also worked very well, and can be carried out on any platform using tools available
2001 Jun 29
Re: ESS and R ver 1.3.0/ graph menu/ save PDF
"SM" == S McClatchie <S.McClatchie> writes: > > SM> I notice that the new option under R ver. 1.3.0 to save a > SM> graph as a pdf file from the graph window menu (file/ save as/ SM> > PDF) works differently (extremely slowly) under ESS, whereas SM> it is > almost instant from the R- gui. > > SM> Does the feature not work
2007 Mar 08
Memory error
Greetings- Running R 2.4.0 under Debian Linux, I am getting a memory error trying to read a very large file: > library(foreign) > oldgrades.df <- read.spss('Individual grades with AI (Nov 7 2006).sav', Error: cannot allocate vector of size 10826 Kb This file is, granted, quite large: aperrin at perrin:/data0/grading$ ls -l total 630304 -r-xr-xr-x 1 aperrin
2001 Jun 09
spss-data import
Hello, at the moment i am using spss as my favorite statistics package, but R seems an atractive alternative. Thanks to the R-Team for their great work! (I use R on my windows98 laptop,P II and 64MB Ram). I have a big(?) data set, containing more than 470 variables and 3200 cases (size: 2.5MB). Whenever I use the command 'read.spss' (foreign-library), I got the the following
2002 Feb 14
Advice on using barplot
Greetings- I'm venturing into a new (for me) area of using R: some presentation graphics based on R data. I'd like to compare two distributions of ordinal variables in relatively small (N=203 and 207) subsets of an R dataset. I can get a reasonably good picture of the distributions' differences with: x11() plot(table(hcd.df$auth.sum[hcd.df$datecat==1]),
2002 Jan 27
EPS->LaTeX problem
Greetings- I have a strange problem displaying a graph from R (1.3.1, linux) in a LaTeX document of documentclass seminar. I'm using graphicx to include the file: \usepackage{graphicx} ... \resizebox{\textwidth}{\textheight}{\includegraphics{crime.eps}} When I do this, the entire slide (including the page number) is rotated 180 degrees. Any ideas why this happens? The graph was created
2002 Aug 23
quick xtable questions
Hi, I'm creating a lot of tables in a file for inclusion in a Latex document. When I try to compile that document there is an error "too many unprocessed floats." Is there a way to correct this? Also, in a Latex table I want R to put in a $\beta$ in the caption, but it puts a weird system character instead of the \b Brian
2000 Sep 01
Object size in bytes
Hi, Is there a command that will give the total size of an R object in bytes? thanks Nicholas -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at
2000 Aug 21
Excluding rows from a matrix
Hi I have a matrix (4 x 950) and I want to remove 3 rows, where the values from the first column are 713, 714 and 715. I can select the rows, one by one, with mat[mat$first==713,] mat[mat$first==714,] ... but I'm unable to (i) select the 3 rows at once, (ii) select the matrix excluding those rows. How can I do it ? Thanks EJ