Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "SSfpl self-start sometimes fails... workaround proposed"
2008 Feb 18
skip non-converging nls() in a list
My question appears at #6 below:
1. I want to model the growth of each of a large number of individuals using
a 4-parameter logistic growth curve.
2. nlme does not converge with the random structure that I want to use.
3. nlsList does not converge for some individuals.
4. I decided to go around nlsList using:
t(sapply(split(data, list(data$id)),
function(subd){coef(nls(mass ~
2005 Jun 02
nls.control: increasing number of iterations
I'm using the nls function and would like to increase the number of
iterations. According to the documentation as well as other postings on
R-help, I've tried to do this using the "control" argument:
nls(y ~ SSfpl(x, A, B, xmid, scal), data=my.data,
but no matter how much I increase "maxiter", I get the following error
2007 Oct 17
nmle: gnls freezes on difficult case
I am not sure this is a bug but I can repeat it, The functions and data
are below.
I know this is nasty data, and it is very questionable whether a 4pl
is appropriate, but it is data fed to an automated tool and I would
have hoped for an error. Does this repeat for anyone else?
My details:
> version
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
2008 Feb 19
nlsList - Error in !unlist(lapply(coefs, is.null))
I am able to fit a 4-parameter logistic growth curve to a dataset which
comprise many individuals (using R v. 2.3.1). Yet, if I want to obtain the
parameters for each individual (i.e., for each 'id') using nlsList, then I
obtain an Error message which I have trouble interpreting. Any advice as to
how I can solve this problem?
Thanks for your time,
> reg <-nls(mass ~
2002 Sep 27
How to apply SSfpl with binary data
Dear R-help subscribers
Would you tell me how to apply SSfpl with binary data as below?
Unfortunately, there is not the EXAMPLE in help(SSfpl) for binary data but for quantitative data(Chick).
V1: dose
V2: log-transformed dose
V3: response (rate)
V1 V2 V3
1 0.775 -0.2548922 0.1666667
2 5.000 1.6094379 0.8148148
3 10.000 2.3025851 0.5000000
4 20.000 2.9957323
2001 Oct 07
Bug in Deriv? (PR#1119)
deriv seems to have problems with a minus-sign before a bracket.
Below are four examples of the same function, the top one
is wrong, all others are correct (hopefully).
Rest of expression not shown, it is the same for all versions.
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch x86
os Win32
system x86, Win32
major 1
minor 3.0
year 2001
month 06
day 22
language R
2005 May 10
predict nlme syntax
Dear all
Please help me with correct syntax of predict.nlme.
I would like to predict from nlme object for new data.
I used predict(fit.nlme6, data=newdata) but I have always got
fitted values, no matter how I changed newdata.
I have
> summary(fit.nlme6)
Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Model: konverze ~ SSfpl(tepl, A, B, xmid, scal)
Data: limity.gr
2003 Aug 20
4 parameter logistic model
Hi, I am trying to fit a 4-parameter logistic model to
my gradient data using nls. I tried to specify the
model directly in the nls formula and also tried to
use the self-start function SSfpl. For the following
data, the first method worked, but the second didn't.
I thought both ways were equivalent, can anyone tells
me why?
2004 Aug 10
Check failed after compilation (PR#7159)
Full_Name: Madeleine Yeh
Version: 1.9.1
OS: AIX 5.2
Submission from: (NULL) (
After compiling R-1.9.1 on AIX 5.2 using the IBM cc compiler, I ran the
checks. One of them failed. Here is the output from running the check solo.
># ../../bin/R --vanilla < stats-Ex.R
R : Copyright 2004, The R
2003 Feb 22
4-parameter logistic model
Dear R users
I'm a new user of R and I have a basic question about the 4-parameter
logistic model. According to the information from Pinheiro & Bates the model
y(x)=theta1+(theta2-theta1)/(1+exp((theta3-x)/theta4)) ==
from the graph in page 518 of the book of the same authors (mixed models in
S) theta 1 corresponds to the horizontal asymptote
2009 Oct 19
How to get slope estimates from a four parameter logistic with SSfpl?
I was hoping to get some advice on how to derive estimates of slopes from four parameter logistic models fit with SSfpl.
I fit the model using:
I am interested in the values of the lower and upper asymptotes (parameters a and b), but also in the gradient of the line at the inflection point (c) which I assume tells me my rate of
2005 Apr 23
start values for nls() that don't yield singular gradients?
I'm trying to fit a Gompertz sigmoid as follows:
x <- c(15, 16, 17, 18, 19) # arbitrary example data here;
y <- c(0.1, 1.8, 2.2, 2.6, 2.9) # actual data is similar
gm <- nls(y ~ a+b*exp(-exp(-c*(x-d))), start=c(a=?, b=?, c=?, d=?))
I have been unable to properly set the starting value '?'s. All of
my guesses yield either a "singular gradient" error if they
2003 Aug 21
nls fitting inside a loop in S-Plus
Hi, this following problem is a S-Plus problem, I know
many guys here are also experts in S-plus, so I am
posting here, too.
I encountered a weird problem of fitting nls inside a
loop, it works well in R, but not in S-plus. The code
2004 May 14
NLME model question
Dear R-helpers
I have a problem related to the use of NLME
I think is simply a matter of getting the nlme coding correct, but i cannot
get my brain around it
I am analysing some 24 growth curves of some cells , and i wanted to say
that there are significant differences between the curves in two parameters
that describe the pattern of growth. these parameters are from a logistic
(r & k)
2010 Mar 13
testing parallelism of does-response curves using nls()
Hi, I am trying to use F test or Chi-square test to test if 2 5-parameter (A, B, xmid, scal and H) logistic curves are parallel based on residual sum of squares.
What's usually done is to first fit the 2 curves using a constraint (or global) model where all parameters are kept the same except for "xmid"; then fit 2 independent curves using unconstraint models where all 5 parameters
2010 Apr 12
How to derive function for parameters in Self start model in nls
Dear all
i want to fit the self start model in nls. i have two question. i have a
(asfr ~ I(((a*b)/c))+ ((c/age)^3/2)+ exp((-b^2)*(c/age)+(age/c)-2)
i am wondering how to build the selfstart model. there is lost of example,
(i.e. SSgompertz, SSmicman, SSweibull, etc). my question is, how to derive
the function of parameters. and also which model to use for get
the initials values. In the
2011 Aug 09
nls, how to determine function?
Hi R help,
I am trying to determine how nls() generates a function based on the
self-starting SSlogis and what the formula for the function would be.
I've scoured the help site, and other literature to try and figure
this out but I still am unsure if I am correct in what I am coming up
dat <-
2011 Nov 17
Obtaining a derivative of nls() SSlogis function
Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me. I have the following function
that I derived using nls() SSlogis. I would like to find its derivative. I
thought I had done this using deriv(), but for some reason this isn't
working out for me.
Here is the function:
asym <- 84.951
xmid <- 66.90742
scal <- -6.3
x.seq <- seq(1, 153,, 153)
nls.fn <- asym/((1+exp((xmid-x.seq)/scal)))
2007 Jun 14
nlsList problems: control option does not effect output and strange environment search
Dear R-helpers,
I'm using R 2.5.0 under Windows and am trying to use nlsList from nlme
3.1-80 with the selfstart function for the four parametric logistic
function. My first test went well, but now I'm trying to do some more
sophisticated things and it does not work anymore.
I simulate my data from a five parametric logistic function like this:
2004 Aug 16
using nls to fit a four parameter logistic model
Shalini Raghavan
3M Pharmaceuticals Research
Building 270-03-A-10, 3M Center
St. Paul, MN 55144
E-mail: sraghavan at mmm.com
Tel: 651-736-2575
Fax: 651-733-5096
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