Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Display grouping parameter in coplot"
2001 Jan 17
panel argument in coplot
How can I add a least squares line to each panel in coplot?
Thank you very much.
Peter B.
Peter B. Mandeville mandevip at deimos.tc.uaslp.mx
Jefe del Depto. de Inform?tica y Bioestad?stica rpe1531 at pasteur.fmed.uaslp.mx
Facultad de Medicine Tel: 48 26-23-45 ext. 232
Universidad Aut?noma de San Luis Potos? Fax: 48 28-23-52
2011 Sep 21
Problem indexing a factor variable
I have a dataframe "gexp_1" with 115 rows of samples and 27000 columns of gene expression measurements with each column corresponding to one gene. I now have a smaller vector of genes "tp" for which I need to pull out the data form the data frame.
# first gene from the list with 16 genes
x <- tp[1,]
[1] geneA
16 Levels: geneA, geneB...
2018 Jan 05
Using keyring on tinc
Hi all!
Is there any way to make tinc use keys from a keyring or similar?
I'm trying to find a way to manage multiple server, making it easier to
register a new user to the network.
Martin Iñaki Malerba
inakimmalerba at gmail.com
inaki at satellogic.com
2008 Feb 06
Histogram/Bar plot graph
I have the following data:
> Myvalues
Gene ES MEF Embryo ESHyp
1 GeneA -0.38509507 0.00 1.6250 1.7039921
2 GeneB 0.06262914 0.00 1.6250 -0.272033
and so on...
I want to plot the expression values of GeneA and GeneB in the
different cell/embryo/conditions (columns 2:5 above). Now, if I do:
> qplot(x=Gene, Embryo, geom =
2018 May 25
how to make the code more efficient using lapply
Dear All,
I have a following for-loop code which is basically intended to read in
many excel files (each file has many columns and rows) in a directory and
extract the some rows and columns out of each file and then combine them
together into a dataframe. I use for loop which can do the work but quite
slow. How to make it faster using lapply function ? Thanks in advance!
temp.df<-c() #
2018 Jul 10
Construcción de archivo de texto
Hola a todos,
A partir de los siguientes datos:
d <- list(`1` = structure(list(ped = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L),
id = 1:7, father = c(2L, 0L, 0L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), mother = c(3L,
0L, 0L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), sex = c(2L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 1L,
2L), affected = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L)), row.names = c("1",
"2", "3", "4", "5",
2005 Jul 01
loop over large dataset
Hi All,
I'd like to ask for a few clarifications. I am doing some calculations
over some biggish datasets. One has ~ 23000 rows, and 6 columns, the
other has ~620000 rows and 6 columns.
I am using these datasets to perform a simulation of of haplotype
coalescence over a pedigree (the datestes themselves are pedigree
information). I created a new dataset (same number of rows as the
2011 Mar 23
how to add in interaction terms in gamm
I want to use gamm to generate smoothed trend line for three groups
identified by dummy variable genea and geneb. My question is how to add in
an interaction term between the time and another dummy variable such as
View this
2005 Jun 02
How to change all name of variables
Dear R-helpers,
First I apologize if my question is quite simple
I have a large datasets which more 100 variables.
For a research I need to change all name of variables with add one or
more letters on each variables.
For example,
> data(Pima.tr)
> Pima.tr[1:5,]
npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age type
1 5 86 68 28 30.2 0.364 24 No
2 7 195 70 33 25.1 0.163 55 Yes
3 5
2011 Jun 01
lattice panel fine control
Hello R experts,
what follows is my reproducible example:
mydata<-structure(list(ped.avg = c(335.9, 110.8, 645.7, 638.9, 1468.1,
126.4, 4811.1, 88.5, 868.5, 656.6, 723.6, 654, 2.8, 15, 14.2,
17.5, 15.4, 112.1, 424.7, 18.3, 19.9, 28.6, 25.6, 23.5, 15.4,
27, 62.1, 15.6, 74.6), ped.erst = c(96, 53.2, 615.2, 616.5, 512.9,
56.2, 1851.8, 57.1, 579.5, 613.2, 601.1, 613.6, 1.3, 6.3, 6.5,
2018 May 25
how to make the code more efficient using lapply
Hi Stephen,
I am not sure that the "for loop" is the source of slowness.
You seem to be doing a lot of unnecessary work each time through the loop.
e.g. no need to check if it's the last file, just move that section outside
of the loop.
It will be executed when the loop finishes. As it is you are calling
list.files() each time
through the loop which could be slow.
In any case
2005 Dec 20
Extracting data from .zip file in WINDOWS version of package
I am building a R-package for Genetics analysis. The accepted data is in pedigree (.ped) file format.
To load the data (say CAMP.ped) from "data" directory, I have a function "CAMP.R", which does the job.
The package builds successfully in Linux (.tar.gz) and the data loads successfully by "data(CAMP)".
However, when I build the package in WINDOWS, the data
2011 Sep 03
problem in applying function in data subset (with a level) - using plyr or other alternative are also welcome
Dear R experts.
I might be missing something obvious. I have been trying to fix this problem
for some weeks. Please help.
ped <- c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 3), rep(3, 3))
y <- rnorm(10, 8, 2)
# variable set 1
M1a <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T)
M1b <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T)
M1aP1 <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T)
M1bP2 <- sample (c(1, 2,3), 10, replace= T)
2004 Aug 26
coplot and par
R 1.9.1 on Win2000 or Win98SE.
I am using coplot as follows:
the output seems normal but I get:
"Warning message:
calling par(new=) with no plot"
This is the only explanation that I have for being unable to use par() with
coplot for changing the way the xlab and ylab appears. From within coplot I
can change the text itself but not the font, fontsize, etc,
2011 Mar 09
state.x77 dataset
I tried:
> data(state.x77)
Warning message:
In data(state.x77) : data set 'state.x77' not found
data(iris) seems to work fine, but the other state datasets (which I haven’t every tried before) don’t seem to be available
on my windows 7 running R 2.12.2 installation.
?state brings up the state help page page which suggest the dataset should still be there. In help there still seems to
2000 Dec 20
Question about coplot() ...
Dear R-friends,
For the following data:
> xy
x y i
1 731 0.313 2
2 739 0.340 2
3 790 0.373 2
4 855 0.451 2
5 980 0.608 2
6 575 0.156 1
7 608 0.207 1
8 630 0.249 1
9 670 0.332 1
10 838 0.377 1
11 964 0.466 1
> coplot(y ~ x|i, data=xy)
coplot gives 3 panels, rather than 2, namely one for i=1 and one for
Futhermore, when I extand data fram xy to have i=3 as follows:
2004 Jun 05
More than one series in a coplot
I would like to know, how do you plot more than one data series when
using "coplot"?
I think I know the answer if "plot" is being used:
x <- 1:10
y <- 1:10
y2 <- 1:10* 1.1
plot ( y ~ x, type="n" )
points( y ~ x, type = "b", col = "red" ) # plot the points and lines
for the first series
points( y2 ~ x, type = "b", col =
2004 Jun 26
Re: plot.new() warning from coplot()'s par(*, new=FALSE)
{diverted from the R-SIG-gui list}
>>>>> "PD" == Peter Dalgaard <p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk>
>>>>> on 26 Jun 2004 11:51:02 +0200 writes:
PD> James Wettenhall <wettenhall@wehi.edu.au> writes:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone know a good way to get rid of warnings like:
>> Warning message: calling
2000 Sep 15
Coplot Question (Unresolved)
I still have a question concerning the coplot function.
I have written some code using the coplot:
coplot(y ~ as.numeric(Base) | a * b)
Where Base is a factor.
And it works great! However, according to the way coplot works, Base is
converted by "as.numeric" from Base values, A, C, G, and T to 1, 2, 3,
and 4, which is not very helpful for data
2004 Nov 26
Coplot Given text
I am unsuccessful in suppressing "Given : myvariable" from a coplot. There was such a question in the past but the thread breaks down. I am sure this is a "for dummies" question :-). I tried:
coplot(myvar~myvar | myvar, show.given=FALSE, xlab="....", ylab="...", main=" ")
and some other variations (including without main=" ")