similar to: handle date variables

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "handle date variables"

2001 Feb 13
pass a string to a function
Hi, I'd like to pass a string to a function as the value of the argument. Here is my code. However, it doesn't work. Please help me with this. Thanks, Yu-Ling Wu ----------------------------------------------------- library(RODBC) odbcConnect("console") -> myConnect fun1 <- function(dd1) { h3 <- sqlQuery(myConnect, "select * from console where byday =
2001 Jul 14
how to type long string
Hi, All: I try to type some long string in R console, whenever I like to change to a new line, I get error message. The following is my simple code -------------------------------------- h3 <- sqlQuery(myConnect, "select * from console where Error: syntax error byday = 'dd1'group by by hour") Error: syntax error --------------------------------------- Any Hints? Thanks.
2011 Feb 09
Iterate over a list of input files?
Hi, I've got the following code which seems to work fine for a single file if I specify the file name explicitly in the code. What I need to do is run it on all the files in the directory tested and augment the data frame I'm building to have more results columns.How can I do that? Here's the code: library(chron) # .Holidays / / is.weekend TStoDate = function
2012 Nov 02
Date format conversion from "2012-09-20" to "2012:09:20"
Hi R, How to get the range of values form startDate to lastDate as given below?. #***************************************************************** # Load historical data #****************************************************************** library('quantmod') endDate =Sys.Date() startDate = as.Date(endDate-30, order="ymd") dataspy = getSymbols("SPY", from = startDate,
2008 Nov 13
sem and "simple variables"
salutations! i am doing some longitudinal modeling with sem and thought calculating some "simple variables" would make my model more readable. this is the smallest subset of my model that illustrates the resulting problem. i have 2 observed exogenous variables (c1, d2) and 4 observed endogenous variables (dc1, dd1, dc2, dd2). c1 is the observed state at time 1, dc1 is the change in c
2004 Jul 16
highlighting subset of point with xyplot (or Hmisc(xYplot))
Hello all, I am trying to use xyplot to give a six panel plot and to highlight only points (in any panel) that meet a certain criterion. With the plot command I would do something like: plot.default(filein$Site,filein$circ.conc) points(filein$Site,filein$circ.conc,type="p", pch=ifelse(filein$p.value<5e-02,19,21)) I had thought I could just stick in the pch line from above into
2014 Jul 21
Inserción de condicionales en pequeño código
Buenas tardes, He construido la función “myfun” al objeto de considerar aquellas persones que a partir de una determinada fecha de Apertura tienen como mínimo 65 años. Se tiene su fecha de nacimiento, su fecha de inicio en la institución y su fecha de salida de la misma. Doy vueltas al script y no acabo se saber cómo poder aplicar de un modo eficiente las instrucciones “if” ó bien “ifelse”, y me
2013 Jan 18
Object created within a function disappears after the function is run
Dear R-helpers, I have run the code below which I expected to make an object called dd1, but that object does not exist. So, in summary, my problem is that my function is meant to make an object (dd1), and it does indeed make that object (I know that the last line of the function prints it out) but then, after the function has run, the object has disappeared. It's late on a Friday so I may
2012 Aug 06
more efficient way to parallel
Dear All, Suppose I have a program as below: Outside is a loop for simulation (with random generated data), inside there are several sapply()'s (10~100) over the data and something else, but these sapply's have to be sequential. And each sapply do not involve very intensive calculation (a few seconds only). So the outside loop takes minutes to finish one iteration. I guess the better way
2008 Sep 04
Timezone support?
This is a follow-up to the thread ending with: I too am in search of some ruby parser for icalendar which properly handles timezones on the datetimes in the icalendar RFC. As I understand it there are actually three types of times. 1) UTC times with a string form of yyyymmddThhmmssZ note the trailing Z indicates zulu time aka utc. 2)
2018 Mar 25
Get Specific Records from Another DataFrame
Hello I have been struggling with this simple looking problem. I have two dataframes. The first one contains ID, date, and revenue information for specific suppliers. id lastdate depvar A 5/10/2017 10 B 8/16/2017 20 C 2/14/2017 30 D 9/5/2017 40 E 8/1/2017 50 F 11/4/2017 60 G 6/22/2017 70 The second dataframe contains timeseries data of each supplier in different columns. For example Column A are
2011 Nov 15
Convert full matrix back to lower triangular matrix
Given a vector;> ab = seq(0.5,1, by=0.1)> ab[1] 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 The euclidean distance between the vector elements is given by the lower triangular matrix > dd1 = dist(ab,"euclidean")> dd1    1   2   3   4   52 0.1                3 0.2 0.1            4 0.3 0.2 0.1        5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1    6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Convert the lower triangular matrix to a full
2007 Apr 19
Character coerced to factor and I cannot get it back
Something probably obivous but I don't see it. I needed to find the first 1 or two digits of some 5 and 6 digit numbers since they identified research sites while the rest of the number was the plot id. I converted the numbers to characters, got the first 1 or 2 characters as appropriate and went to add the new vector to the data.frame. For some reason R is insisting on turning the
2004 Mar 25
mlocal/mtrace inside a loop
Hello I need some help in figuring Bravington’s debugger out. Ok I have 2 functions, fun1 and fun2 saved in a ASCII file say filename is funs. Fun1 has a loop which calls fun2, fun2 has a loop which fails and I need to find out the value of the variables of the fun2 and fun1 loops at the specific iteration that fails. Both fun1 and fun2 loops will iterate thousands of times so line by line debug
2012 Aug 30
How to modify the values of the parameters passing via ...
Dear Friends, Let's assume there are three parameters that were passed into fun1. In fun1, we need to modify one para but the remains need to be untouched. And then all parameters were passed into fun2. However, I have failed to achieve it. Please see the following code. ########################################## fun1 <-function(x, y, z=10) {x+y+z;} fun2 <-function(aa, ...) {
2011 Apr 26
Barplot for degree distribution
In barplot for degree distribution x-axis is not seen. See the example below > g =, 0.4) > dd1 = degree.distribution(g) > plot(dd1, xlab="degree", ylab = "frequency") whereas barplot doesnot have any x-axis > barplot(dd1, xlab = "degree", ylab = "frequency") Please see the figures attached.
2011 Aug 23
Matrix:::qr.qy and signature(qr = "sparseQR", y = "dgCMatrix")
> sessionInfo() R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit) locale: [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] Matrix_0.999375-50 lattice_0.19-30 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] grid_2.13.1
2008 Jan 08
Status of Timezone support / Handeling DTSTART; TZID="(GMT-05.00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)":20080107T123000
I can not tell from the docs or from the mailing list what is the state of timezone support in the iCalendar package? If I want to parse an iCalendar file that has non utc dstarts and dends will it convert those times to UTC or otherwise allow me to do that? When I tried to parse an iCalendar input file started off with something like this: BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:REQUEST
2008 Aug 22
Question about Timezone In 1.0.2
I''m looking at the docs for 1.0.2 and saw this example... # Now, you can make timezones like this cal = cal.timezone do timezone_id "America/Chicago" daylight do timezone_offset_from "-0600" timezone_offset_to "-0500" timezone_name "CDT" dtstart
2007 Apr 20
Fwd: Re: Character coerced to factor and I cannot get it back
--- John Kane <jrkrideau at> wrote: > Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:47:45 -0400 (EDT) > From: John Kane <jrkrideau at> > Subject: Re: [R] Character coerced to factor and I > cannot get it back > To: jim holtman <jholtman at> > > Thanks Jim, > > I can live with it as a factor or I will do as you > suggest. What is bothering