similar to: Scatterplot - symbols coded by factor

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Scatterplot - symbols coded by factor"

2004 Aug 17
An entire data frame which is a time-series?
I have : raw <- read.table("monthly.text", skip=3, sep="|", col.names=c("junk", "junk2", "wpi", "g.wpi", "wpi.primary", "g.wpi.primary", "wpi.fuel", "g.wpi.fuel", "wpi.manuf", "g.wpi.manuf",
2005 Jan 06
OT: TE405P pins and slots
Just got our 4 port T1 card. I know that I don't have any need to use these parts..this is simple curiosity. What are the 2 expansion slots for? I see a group of pins at the top called 'timing'; what they are for? There is a small dial called 'ident'; whats it for? I'm guessing that the pins labeled 'test' are for manuf testing of the card. Card looks very well
2010 Sep 03
calculate monthly mean
Hello group Im trying to plot 3d with scatterplot packages, i got error say " length(color) must be equal length(x) or 1 " may data has dimensions (lon,lat,lev,time) ,the time in month i want to calculate the monthly mean for the time how can i make that , is there any function doing that Thanks a lot ##load rgl package library(rgl) library(fields) library(ncdf)
2004 Apr 14
A bug report?
Folks, I have a strange situation, which I may have isolated as a bug report. Or, it could just be that there's something about R that I don't know. :-) I have attached the data file and the program file but don't know whether these attachments will make it into the list. Here is my bugreport.R program -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2003 Dec 19
generic/method consistency
Hi, I realize the answer is very likely in the section Generic functions and methods (or Adding new generics), but I'm not clear what to do with the following. Running R CMD check, I get the following warnings for my generic functions. Does this mean I need the argument * checking generic/method consistency ... WARNING leps: function(x, ...) leps.default: function(x, pred, titl,
2000 Mar 17
Windows Memory
I'm sure this question is answered in the help file, but likely I'm not reading it corrected. Running windows version 1.00.0, loading a table (35K rows by 10 columns) from Excel using the read.table command I receive the following message. Error: cons memory (350000 cells) exhausted See "help(Memory)" on how to increase the number of cons cells. >From reading the
2013 Aug 30
Re: ext3 / ext4 on USB flash drive?
Agh. This is great to have some of this clarified, Ted. It does unfortunately reinorce my cynicism. But it also fills my heart. That is, though it might be bad news to hear that I have most likely bought a piece of crap, and that there's no way I can really tell what's inside the cover unless either I do some kind of low-level alchemy of a kind that mere users would normally be well
2010 Apr 25
categorical variable in scatterplot (car)
Hello R folks, I am encountering a problem with the following scatterplot function from the car package: > scatterplot(y~x|z) where y and x are continuous (interval) random variables and z is a categorical variable. When z is a categorical variable coded 1 or 2, I (appropriately) get a scatterplot of y by x, coded by z. Similarly, when z is a categorical variable coded 1, 2, or 3, there is
2008 Feb 11
scatterplot in CAR
I am trying to use scatterplot function in CAR like the following: scatterplot(X~Y) I want to label X points and Y ponits using the different color. Any idea for this? Aimin
2009 May 01
Plotting extra lines on scatterplot
Hello Everyone- I'm in the process of slowly learning R and am having a little bit of trouble plotting an extra line onto a scatterplot. I'm sure the answer is quite simple but I am stumped. The code I am using is: headways <- read.table("headways.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", na.strings="", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
2010 Nov 16
scatterplot with filled circles
for a simple scatterplot: plot(X ~ Y, type = 'p', col = 'red') this produces red-edged circles, but I want to fill in the circles. can this be done? I checked '? plot' already but couldn't find what I was looking for. cheers -- View this message in context: Sent from the R
2011 Jan 14
Question about scatterplot in package car
I am getting an error message from scatterplot: > library(car) > scatterplot(Prestige$income~Prestige$type) Error in Summary.factor(c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, : range not meaningful for factors In addition: Warning message: In Ops.factor(x[floor(d)], x[ceiling(d)]) : + not meaningful for factors > The command does output the kind of graph that I want (boxplots).
2011 Feb 08
How to change labels in scatterplot?
Dear all, I'm trying to use "scatterplot" from package "car" to get a scatterplot with row-names as labels and I want my data to be divided into two groups defined by the column "tresh". Leaving away the groups-command gives me the right labels but they are not distinguished by colors according to "tresh". Does anybody know why the following example
2004 Dec 23
combination of scatterplot and image graph
Dear R users, I'm interested in a combination of a scatterplot and an image graph. I have two large vectors. Because in the scatterplot some areas are sparsely and others densely populated, I want to see the points, and I also want their color to be changed based on their density (similar to a heat map). Is there a function that can do that? Thank you, b.
2012 Oct 23
scatterplot with wrong line offset
Hi All, I'm trying to do a Scatterplot (package: car), and add a line (just for reference). There is my code: #------------------------------------Code--------------------------------------------------- library("car") library("calibrate") G_T<-c("car","bike","boat") ave<-c(80,10,45) perf<-c(100,80,75) df2<-data.frame(G_T,ave,perf)
2011 Jul 28
smooth scatterplot and geo map
Hello everybody, I'm trying to understand how to draw a smoothed scatterplot on a geographic map with R. Have a dataframe with point locations (long, lat) and was able to simply plot these points on a shp map by using the maptools package. However, instead of having simply the raw points on the map, I would like to have a "smoothed" scatterplot of the same superimposed on the map.
2007 Dec 31
ISO burning challenge -- pilgrims progress
First the Storix drive works just fine under DSL 4.2.1 on my Libretto. So the drive is fine, the media is fine. And cdrecord on DSL reports the media to be Manuf. index: 27 Manufacturee: Prodisc Technology Inc. I have all of ONE system with Centos 4 on it. A Trixbox 2.2; I added cdrecord and found that I could burn the iso image ONLY by including the -force option to get around the
2012 May 19
Q - scatterplot, plot function & trellis linear regressions???
Hi R-listers, Q1) What is the difference between the scatterplot and plot function? Q2) I am able to make a graph with the scatterplot function: scatterplot(DevelopIndex ~ Veg, + data = Turtle, + xlab = "Vegetation border (m)", + ylab = "Embryonic development index") And have been successful. But I do not know if the lines are for:
2007 Jul 19
Trend lines on a scatterplot matrix
I'm using pairs() to generate a scatterplot matrix; pairs(~, data=datam,subset=status=="control",main="Controls", labels=c("G/W","Peak Separation","Age","S/N")) How can I add regression lines to the plots?
2012 Aug 11
using eval to handle column names in function calling scatterplot graph function
I am running R version 2.15.1 in Windows XP I am having problems with a function I'm trying to create to: 1. subset a data.frame based on function arguments (colname & parmname) 2. rename the PARMVALUE column in the data.frame based on function argument (xvar) 3. generate charts plotvar <- function(parentdf,colname, parmname,xvar,yvar ){ subdf <-