similar to: CuSum & V-Mask

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "CuSum & V-Mask"

2005 Dec 07
Ext3 journal abort FC4+Updates
Dear All Problem with ext3 fs on 3ware 9500S controller: Dec 7 05:59:50 stams kernel: EXT3-fs error (device sda1): ext3_add_entry: bad entry in directory #145998372: rec_len is smaller than minim al - offset=0, inode=0, rec_len=0, name_len=0 Dec 7 05:59:50 stams kernel: Aborting journal on device sda1. Dec 7 05:59:50 stams kernel: ext3_abort called. Dec 7 05:59:50 stams kernel: EXT3-fs
2008 Oct 22
dovecot 1.0 to 1.1 upgrade and filesystem separators
Dear All I have a test system where I am trying out 1.1.4 On the old 1.0rc6 (!) system I had edited: src/lib-storage/index/maildir/mail-storage.h to change: #define MAILDIR_FS_SEP ';' #define MAILDIR_FS_SEP_S ";" so I can get some mail folder hierarchy and '.'s in folder names - this all worked perfectly. Under 1.1.4 the MAILDIR_FS_SEP lines are no longer present.
2006 Aug 23
Rename folder bug dovecot-1.0RC6 ?
Dear All can someone confirm this bug please ? I am using Thunderbird 1.07, TB, Horde/IMP webmail as test clients, all running on FC4. Server is 1.0RC6 on CentOS 4 with maildir-sep set to ';' To reproduce: In your favourite mail client: 1. Create a top-level mail folder "atest" 2. Rename "atest" to "atest-extra" (basically
2000 Jan 19
indentation in Rd-help files
Dear colleagues, Happy New Millennium, first of all! It would be very nice to be able to use indentation inside \code{ } as well, not only in \examples{ } when writing Rd-help files. Such a situation arrises, for instance, if one wishes to include a small piece of code in the _main_ text but not in the end as \examples{ } command does. The only way I know to put the next 3 lines my.function <-
1999 Apr 09
manova in R
Dear R-users, Does anybody know if analogs of the following S-plus functions are available (or planned to be) in R: manova - multivariate analysis of variance faces - Chernoff faces plot spin - 3D visualization of data Another thing: are there functions for solving linear programming problems in R or Splus? Thank you in advance, Sergei
2002 Apr 17
User defined macros for Rd-files?
Dear R-developers, I am trying to make use of my own defined macros in Rd-files in order I could simply type, say, \Splus, to get a font similar to \R in help files. So I put the corresponding entry in Rd.cfg which now contains the line: \newcommand{\Splus}{{\normalfont\textsf{Splus}}} similar to the way \R defined in Rd.sty. So now so good: R CMD Rd2dvi generates a dvi-file with a proper font.
2000 Mar 01
R-1.0.0 install: Error "Substitution loop..."
Dear All First off, let me just add my thanks to all the people involved in the production of R-1.0.0... Well Done!! I'm getting an error installing R-1.0.0 on RedHat 5.2, perl 5.004_04. It did not occur under Solaris 2.6 with perl 5.004_01. During install of the base package (and akima, bootstrap, etc) it gets to the point of building the help pages and it gives this error:
2006 Aug 02
What's the latest on RC2 and Thunderbird
Hi Just been reading a few threads on the sent-mail hang problem on Thunderbird (TB) and dovecot 1.0RC2 I'm getting reports from WinXP SP2 users running TB 1.0.7, server CentOS 4.2 and dovecot 1.0RC2 There were some suggestions: * Set max cached connections to 1 in TB - but this can result in access problems with blocking processes * Upgrading to TB - not guaranteed to work *
2006 May 17
Problems with subfolders in Thunderbird
Dear All Server: dovecot-1.0.beta8 (compiled from source) centos 4.3 Client: thunderbird 1.0.8 on Fedora Core 4 on port 993 Using maildir Normally (with the current UW-IMAP) I can create a folder which may contain only messages or only folders. If I create a folder which will contain only folders, it is listed in thunderbird in light-grey italics. Subsequently I can create message folders
2000 Apr 14
bundle build and Rd2Sd converion fail (PR#519)
Dear R-core, Thank you for your great effort! I am finalising a bundle that works both in R and Splus. But I faced the following minor problems with R CMD under both UNIX and LINUX. 1. R CMD build denies to work with bundles. It reports * checking `DESCRIPTION' package entry ... ERROR: no package entry in `DESCRIPTION' Surely, there is no one, but there is Contains entry. Next, according
2004 Dec 09
HTML help index generation problem with R under Windows
Hello, I am wondering if there has been a solution to the following issue with R under Windows (see also thread to PR#6662 in this mailing list: ) I am using R for teaching students Statistics, so they are working with a university-wide installation of R. I have compiled an R-library which contains all the instructions and customised
1997 Nov 27
R-beta: Memory Management in R-0.50-a4
Dear R users we're having a problem reading a largish data file using read.table(). The file consists of 175000 lines of 4 floating pt numbers. Here's what happens: > dat_read.table('sst.dat') Error: memory exhausted (This is line 358 of src/main/memory.c). Cutting down the file to around 15000 lines allows read.table() to work OK. I edited the memory limits in Platform.h
2005 Jan 11
CUSUM SQUARED structural breaks approach?
Dear all, Does anyone know where there is R or S code for the CUSUM SQUARED structural breaks approach? (Brown, Durban and Evans, 1975 - used in Pesaran and Timmerman, 2002) The problem is that the breaks package only appears to offer the standard 'unsquared' CUSUM, even though it appears most think it is inferior to the squared version. It might appear to be a relatively simple
2010 Mar 07
questions about "Cusum"
Dear friends: I have just read an article entitled " Monitoring of nosocomial invasive aspergillosis and early evidence of an outbreak using cumulative sum tests (CUSUM)", which is published in "Clinical Microbiology and Infection". We have great need to estimate the fluctuation of incidence of IFI in our hospital. But I don't know the details of the stastical method and
2009 Oct 30
R strucchange question: recursive-based CUSUM
Hello R users: I'm trying now to apply the package strucchange to see whether there is a structural change in linear regression. I have noted the following problem that arises in my case with recursive-based CUSUM: generic function recresid() in efp() generates an error, since (probably) it cannot compute the inverse matrix of (X^(i-1)^T)*(X^(i-1)) at each step (i-1), because the matrix
2008 Jan 25
Need Advice with C# Program to Create and Display Cusum Chart
I need to write a C# program to create and display Cusum chart from any of the packages, spc, qcc or strucchange. Issues: 1-The data resides in a MS SQL Database. The C# program will handle obtaining the data for the requisite types of samples. Assistance needed on: 1-How can I call the cusum capabilities of any of the above packages and pass the data to the cusum function and plot? 2-How
2004 Jul 26
qcc package & syndromic surveillance (multivar CUSUM?)
Dear R Community: I am working on a public health early warning system, and I see that the qcc package allows for CUSUM and other statistical quality tests but I am not sure if my project is a good match for qcc functions as written. Any advice you may have is very much appreciated. I have four years worth of daily counts of emergency room admissions for different conditions (e.g. respiratory,
2007 Mar 28
code-metrics for ruby (on rails)
I''m searching for code analysing tools for Ruby (on Rails). I know some tools for Java and DotNet but I can''t seem to find much for Ruby. Things I''m interested in are metrics like coupling (fan-in, fan-out), complexity (McCabe), inheritance nesting levels etc. The only tools I found so far are saikuro(only mccabe) and kwala (seems like a frontend for saikuro) If you
2007 Oct 16
I am trying to write a function that will simulate observed counts X and Y as below, I want the function to be able give many replicates, can somebody advise? thanks Oarabile #alpha,n sdx and sdy are constant, and N is a vector of length n. unstructured<-function(n,N,alpha,sdx,sdy){ Vx<-rnorm(n,mean=0,sd=sdx) Vy<-rnorm(n,mean=0,sd=sdy) thetax<-exp(alpha+Vx) thetay<-exp(alpha+Vy)
2010 Sep 27
One-sided CUSUM / MOSUM Tests?
Dear R-help list members, I have the following question concerning the strucchange()-package: is it possible to get the boundaries for one-sided (upper / lower) CUSUM and MOSUM tests? Thank you in advance. Julia