Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "lm question"
2009 Jun 17
Re gression by groups questions
I have a large dataset grouped by a factor and I want to perform a regression
on each data subset based on this factor. There are many ways to do this,
posted here and elsewhere. I have tried several. However I found one method
posted on the R wiki which works exactly as I want, and I like the elegance
and simplicity of the solution, but I don't understand how it works. Its
all in the formula
2008 Feb 18
tabulation on dataframe question
I have a data frame with data similar to this:
NameA GrpA NameB GrpB Dist
A Alpha B Alpha 0.2
A Alpha C Beta 0.2
A Alpha D Beta 0.4
B Alpha C Beta 0.2
B Alpha D Beta 0.1
C Beta D Beta 0.3
Dist is a distance measure between two entities. The table displays
all to all distances, but the
2003 Aug 03
Weird permission problem
When I try to do anything on my samba system a connection is made to IPC$, but this is
mapped to a directory /root/tmp. This seems odd. To make matters worse ordinary users
cannot access this directory, so the only user who can access the IPC$ share (ie, do
anything at all) is the root user.
What have I don wrong. I cannot find any reference to IPC$ being linked to a directory
2006 Mar 10
One way ANOVA with NO model
I'd like to do a simple one-way ANOVA comparing the means of 6
groups. But it seems like the only way to do an ANOVA in R is to
specify some sort of model, where there is an outcome or dependent
variable that is a function of independent variables (linear model).
But I don't have a linear model, I just want to do a simple ANOVA
(and f-test) to compare the means. How do I do
2004 Apr 17
windows permissions
G'day All,
After searching the archive I am no closer to achieving what I want.
I've seen lots of posts that suggest this can be achieved but the
methods used don't work for me. I won't pretend I understand linux or
samba permissions because every time I think I've got it, I turn out to
be wrong. So here goes.
Let's say I have 3 users & 2 groups.
each group has
2001 Oct 08
testing diff for slopes and intercepts
I fit the model
thresh is the reponse
cond is a factor with levels a, b, and c
Ne is a continuous indep var
I think of this full model as having three lines: thresh as a function of
Ne for each condition. Thus we have slopea, slopeb, slopec, inta, intb,
lm output my params
(Intercept) inta
condb intb - inta
2009 Jan 10
Applying 'lm' in each group
I want to do regression in each group. I made the group the following way. Now I want to run regression in each of the three groups..
Suppose ,
2012 Apr 13
Merging two data frames with different columns names
I am trying to merge two data frames, but one of the column headings are
different in the two frames. How can I rjoin or rbind the tho frames?
# Generate 2 blocks by confounding on abc
d1 <- conf.design(c(1,1,1), p=2, block.name="blk", treatment.names =
d2 <- conf.design(c(1,1,1), p=2, block.name="blk",
2003 May 19
plotting a simple graph
I am having great difficulty plotting what should be a simple graph.
I have measured 1 'y' and 5 'x' variables in each of two groups.
Linear regression shows significant differences in the slopes of the
regression for each 'x' variable between the two groups.
All that I want to do is to plot one graph that shows the scatterplot
for the three groups (each group represented
2008 Mar 05
testing for significantly different slopes
How would one go about determining if the slope terms from an analysis of
covariance model are different from eachother?
Based on the example from MASS:
# parallel slope model
l.para <- lm(Temp ~ Gas + Insul, data=whiteside)
# multiple slope model
l.mult <- lm(Temp ~ Insul/Gas -1, data=whiteside)
# compare nested models:
anova(l.para, l.mult)
Analysis of Variance
2018 Dec 27
compiling fedora srpm on CentOS
I tried installing fedora grpc srpm on CentOS and ran into following error
when installing srpm. I understand fedora makes use of more recent versions
of openssl, glibc etc but why should this happen when installing source rpm?
Any pointers/articles on how to go about building fedora srpms on CentOS?
Any way out other than building directly using sources?
rpm -i grpc-1.17.1-3.fc30.i686.rpm
2011 Sep 16
Help writing basic loop
I would like to write a loop to 1) run 100 linear regressions, and 2)
compile the slopes of all regression into one vector. Sample input data
y1<-rnorm(100, mean=0.01, sd=0.001)
y2<-rnorm(100, mean=0.1, sd=0.01)
#I have gotten this far with the loop
for (i in 1:100) {
#create the linear model for each data set
2018 Oct 05
unable to load shared object
Thanks for asking.
The path where R tries to load the dll from does not exist I think (or
the install process deletes it after the error - might this be the
When I am checking after the error that path is only valid up to:
So maybe (?) the install process
2018 Oct 02
R grpc
I am looking for a prebuild - binary MS Windows version of the R grpc package
best regards
Witold Eryk Wolski
2018 Dec 19
grpc packages
Is there any repository/location where we can grab prebuilt grpc packages
for CentOS? Any pointers appreciated.
2004 Jan 15
nlme vs aov with Error() for an ANCOVA
I compouted a multiple linear regression with repeated measures on one
explanatory variable:
BOLD peak (blood oxygenation) as dependent variable,
and as independent variables I have:
-age.group (binaray:young(0)/old(1))
-and task-difficulty measured by means of the reaction-time 'rt'. For
'rt' I have repeated measurements, since each subject did 12 different
-> so
2003 Jul 21
how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?
Not really r-specific:
Z = (b1 - b2) / SQRT ( SEb1^2 + SEb2^2)
-------Original Message-------
From: Gijsbert Stoet <stoet at volition.wustl.edu>
Sent: 07/20/03 09:51 PM
To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [R] how to test whether two slopes are sign. different?
> Hi,
suppose I do want to test whether the slopes (e.g. determined with
lsfit) of two different population are
2010 Sep 13
Homogeneity of regression slopes
We've got a dataset with several variables, one of which we're using
to split the data into 3 smaller subsets. (as the variable takes 1 of
3 possible values).
There are several more variables too, many of which we're using to fit
regression models using lm. So I have 3 models fitted (one for each
subset of course), each having slope estimates for the predictor
2018 Oct 02
How do I set a compile flag _WIN32_WINNT=0x600 in Makevars.Win
Sorry for bothering you
I am trying to build the R grpc package on windows:
against an MSYS2 build of grpc.
when running devtools::install() I am getting the following error:
error: #error "Please compile grpc with _WIN32_WINNT of at least 0x600
(aka Windows Vista)"
#error \
2004 Mar 29
Confidence Intervals for slopes
I'm trying to get confidence intervals to slopes from a linear model
and I can't figure out how to get at them. As a cut 'n' paste example:
# dummy dataset - regression data for 3 treatments, each treatment with
different (normal) variance
x <- rep(1:10, length=30)
y <- 10 - (rep(c(0.2,0.5,0.8), each=10)*x)+c(rnorm(10, sd=0.1),