Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "paste with a matrix"
2000 Feb 28
mapping of colornames into hsv?
I couldn't find this in online help or the archives:
Is there any R function or object giving the mapping of the colornames as
given by colors() into the hsv() model?
Dr. Jens Oehlschl?gel-Akiyoshi
Bayerstrasse 21
80335 M?nchen
Tel.: 089 545 28-27
Fax.: 089 545 28-10
2000 Feb 28
mapping of colornames into hsv?
I couldn't find this in online help or the archives:
Is there any R function or object giving the mapping of the colornames as
given by colors() into the hsv() model?
Dr. Jens Oehlschl?gel-Akiyoshi
Bayerstrasse 21
80335 M?nchen
Tel.: 089 545 28-27
Fax.: 089 545 28-10
2000 Feb 11
new chron problems in RW0990
Dear all,
In RW0901 I could
> dates("01/01/2000")
[1] 01/01/100
where only the printing was wrong, but the double numeric representation of
the chron object was calculated correctly
but now in RW0990
> dates("01/01/2000")
Error in fun(yy, ...) : must be 2-digit (numeric) year specification
and also the followig doesn't help
> dates("01/01/2000",
2000 Mar 08
possible BUG with as.data.frame() and/or [.data.frame
Here is a possible BUG with as.data.frame() and/or [.data.frame which broke
Michael Lapsleys RODBC-Code.
Can anyone confirm it is a bug or a 'feature' of the prototype?
tablename <- "abc"
a <- as.data.frame(cbind("abc", 1:3))
b <- as.data.frame(cbind(tablename, 1:3))
# ok
> a
V1 V2
1 abc 1
2 abc 2
3 abc 3
# missing column name
> b
1999 Oct 04
Can anyone give advice how to interactively exchange data between R and
SQL-Databases like DB2, ORACLE, MS-SQL-Server ?
If the answer is: 'currently not', this would be information for me as well.
I will summarize to the list.
Best regards
Dr. Jens Oehlschl?gel-Akiyoshi
Bayerstrasse 21
80335 M?nchen
Tel.: 089 545 28-27
Fax.: 089 545 28-10
2000 Feb 11
astonishing memory phenomenon
I have a question concerning memory.
I understood that R takes a fixed amount of memory at startup (which I can
influence with --vsize --nsize) and that gc() shows the memory still free of
the total memory reserved for R.
However, if I create a long vector of character data, gc() only seem to
reflect the space needed for a vector of pointers to char, the space used
for the character data itself
2000 Jan 31
long character data
When trying to generate very long strings, my R hangs without any error
message, even if given much memory.
# e.g.
x <- character(10)
for (i in 1:10) x[i] <- paste(1:1000, collapse="abc")
paste(x, collapse="")
# or directly
paste(1:10000, collapse="abc")
Am I violating any max(nchar(character())) or is this a bug?
Jens Oehlschl?gel-Akiyoshi
1999 Oct 18
Solving problems with read.fwf(), perl under WinNT (was: Re: Using metric scaling)
Some days ago a problem with perl under WinNT was reported, which lead to
> > t1 <- read.fwf("d:/maj/consulting/MarkStevens/matrix.txt", width=c(4,
> rep(7, 8)))
> Error: "scan" can't open file
I installed perl from the WindowsNt Recource Kit CD (Sept. 98) and
encountered the same problem:
Scan couldn't open the file
- because perl did not produce
2000 Jan 26
data.frame[1,1]<- differs from data.frame[[1]][1]<- (PR#403)
I observed the following difference:
> ddd <- data.frame(a=1:3, b=1:3)
# assignment of 'X' silently ignored
> ddd[1,1] <- 'X'
> is.factor(ddd[[1]])
> ddd
a b
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
# assignment of 'X' not ignored
> ddd[[1]][1] <- 'X'
> is.factor(ddd[[1]])
[1] TRUE
> ddd
a b
1 X 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
> version
1999 Dec 20
Manual: writing R Extensions (PR#380)
-- Happy holidays! --
Dear R Development Core Team,
I want to thank you *very much* for the new "Writing R Extensions" manual
published with RW0.901 and hope this is the right place to report some
possible typos.
page 17, example given in the middle of the page, I think it should read
REAL(version) = 3.0;
page 23, second example, I think the parameter definition
1999 Dec 21
BUG in format()? (PR#383)
In RW0.651 and RW0.901,
I discovered some unexpected behaviour when I used as.matrix.data.frame()
> matrix('"', 2, 2)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "\"" "\""
[2,] "\"" "\""
> unclass(as.data.frame(matrix('"', 2, 2)))
[1] "\"" "\""
[1] "\"" "\""
1999 Dec 20
under RW0.651 and RW0.091
I found
> x <- data.frame(char=I(letters[1:3]), num=1:3, log=c(TRUE, FALSE, NA),
> x
char num log fak
1 a 1 TRUE x
2 b 2 FALSE y
3 c 3 NA z
> x[1,1] <- 'a'
> x[1,1]
[1] "1"
> x$char[1] <- 'a'
> x$char[1]
[1] "a"
1999 Dec 23
data.frame(I(matrix)) ? (PR#388)
I observe dificulties with using data.frame(I(matrix))
> mat <- matrix(letters, 2, 2)
> dimnames(mat) <- list(c(1:2), c("x","y"))
> mat
x y
1 "a" "c"
2 "b" "d"
> dd <- data.frame(I(mat))
> ddd
I.mat..x I.mat..y
1 a a
2 b b
3 c c
doesn't look too bad,
1999 Oct 25
Summary: SQL-Interface
Some days ago I asked for general methods to access SQL-Databases.
Thanks to:
Terry Westley [twestley at buffalo.veridian.com], partha_bagchi at hgsi.com,
F.Tusell [etptupaf at bs.ehu.es], Michael Lapsley [mlapsley at ndirect.co.uk],
Robert Gentleman [rgentlem at jimmy.harvard.edu], Torsten Hothorn
[hothorn at statistik.uni-dortmund.de]
Several solutions were suggested:
(1) using Michael
1999 Nov 12
some related problems
I just tried to batch-start rgui.exe (not rterm.exe) in a way, that it
read.table()s data from a file with changing filename. As I understand no
command line parameters are available for that, so instead I tried to pass
the filename to an approbriate .RProfile, which works roughly, BUT
## this is my %R_USER%\.RProfile
im <- read.table("d:/temp/im/temp.csv", header=TRUE,
2000 Jan 04
format.char() speedup
Happy new Year!
Here is a slightly changed version of format.char(), which really speeds up
for big data.
Jens Oehlschlägel-Akiyoshi
format.char.old <- format.char
format.char <-
function (x, width = NULL, flag = "-")
if (is.null(x))
if (!is.character(x)) {
warning("format.char: coercing 'x' to
2000 Jan 12
inconsistencies between formatC(), format() and format.char()
Dear R-Developers,
Just a note: there are some inconsistencies between formatC(), format() and
format.char() and cross calling between these functions.
On the one hand
> cat(format('{"}'), "\n")
> cat(format.char('{"}'), "\n")
is by default format.char(, flag="-") and thus by default calling format()
1999 Dec 06
No subject
can anyone help with two questions concerning persp?
(1) Is there a function in R to project points onto a persp() plot, as is in
S+ (perspp() I think) ?
(2) How can I label and tickmark axes x,y and z in a persp plot?
(I am still using RW065)
Thanks for any help
Dr. Jens Oehlschl?gel-Akiyoshi
Bayerstrasse 21
80335 M?nchen
Tel.: 089 545 28-27
Fax.: 089 545 28-10
1999 Dec 17
... and parameter checking
when writing a wrapper function, I would like to be able to pass additional
arguments to more than one function inside, e.g.
density.panel <- function(x, na.rm=TRUE, ...){
usr <- par("usr")
par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1) )
lines( density(x, na.rm=na.rm, ...), ... )
and then call it like
density.panel(x, col="red",
1999 Dec 22
data.frame(I(matrix)) ?
Before sending to r-bugs I ask here:
> mat <- matrix(letters, 2, 2)
> dimnames(mat) <- list(c(1:2), c("x","y"))
> mat
x y
1 "a" "c"
2 "b" "d"
> dd <- data.frame(I(mat))
> ddd
I.mat..x I.mat..y
1 a a
2 b b
3 c c
doesn't look too bad,
but only one column name: