Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "eps->jpg"
1999 Oct 06
R graphics & lyx
hello all,
I get problems including graphics from R (0.64) into lyx (1.0.2).
I don't understand the difference between .eps and .ps but I think the
problem must be here. Does anyone can help ?
Mathieu Ros - 13 rue beviere - 38000 GRENOBLE - 04 76 491 370
1999 Dec 02
problem with par(fig=value)
hello all,
I want to draw a figure with multiple plot on the same page using the
par(fig=value) parameter but
> par(fig = c(0, 50, 60, 95)/100, adj = 5/10)
> eboulis(iris.acp)
> par(fig = c(45, 100, 60, 95)/100, mgp = c(3, 1/2, 0))
> boites(iris.acp)
draw the graphics on 2 different pages.
what am I doing wrong ?
thanks for your help.
[using R 0.65 under Linux Redhat
1999 Nov 08
can't read datasets from MASS library
Hello R users,
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I'm new to R under Windows (NT) and
I can't access datasets from V&R's MASS library :
> library(MASS)
> attach(UScrime)
Error: Object "UScrime" not found
> ls()
but I get all the functions...Have I missed something ?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
1999 Dec 01
problem installing R 0.90
hello all,
when running ./configure in my [new] R-0.90 directory, the process stop
at the following step :
checking whether g77 and gcc agree on int and double...
can anybody tell me what's the problem (I believe it is due to g77 but
what can I do?)
I'm using Redhat 6.0 on a Intel P90
2000 Jan 12
hello all,
Is there an equivalent in R to S-plus design() function, which creates
an object of class "design" ?
why this funcion isn't implemented (I mean, is there a special reason) ?
also, where can I find documentation about .Internal ?
Mathieu Ros - 13 rue b?vi?re - 38000 GRENOBLE -
1999 Nov 09
I'm actually 'translating' the S-PLUS package multidim to R and I wonder
what is the equivalent to the plrc() function under R.
I need it to plot the correlation circle (rough translation from french,
hope this means something...) for the plot.acp() function but can't find
out any help on it .
any help would be appreciated.
(thanks to T. Lumley for the data() help...)
1999 Dec 03
R-help Digest V1 #34
R-help Digest Friday, December 3 1999 Volume 01 : Number 034
In this issue:
[R] model.tables
Re: [R] Installing R on Slackware Linux
Re: [R] Installing R on Slackware Linux
[R] nlmin
Re: [R] nlmin
Re: [R] nlmin
Re: Summary: [R] Wanted: online Introduction to R
[R] Applying a function of several variables to data
Re: [R] R and XML -- a near perfect
2000 Feb 14
summary : par(fig)
many thanks to P. Dalgaard, J. Fox, J. Lemon, JE. Paradis and J. Polzehl
for their quick replies.
The original posting is at the end of this summary.
I've not well explained myself but I don't wanted to use par(mfrow) or
par(mfcol) because I wanted to plot very different graphics and this
solution doesn't match my needs.
E. Paradis and P. Dalgaard made me discover a new (for me!)
2000 Feb 14
par(fig) problem
hello R-users,
I'd like to plot four graphics on the same page but with different
sizes. I've tried to use :
but when a figure is plotted, it erase the previous.
I've tried to pass 'new=T' to plot function but it's not possible.
What can I do ? is it a bug ?
I've already reported this a 2 or
2000 Mar 15
evaluation is nested too deeply: infinite recursion?
hello R-users,
I'm trying to port from S+4 a library called S2HTML.
generic function HTMLExport, when called for a lm object, uses
HTMLExport.lm which itself calls HTMLExport.list to export the summary.
My problem is that HTMLExport.list may itself call HTMLExport (and so
HTMLExport.list) for components of the lists that are lists themselves
(like "terms" component of an lm object).
2000 Mar 08
infinite recursion problem
hello r-users,
sorry for asking a long question that may not be very relevant for the
list but it's upsetting me and I get no other solution...
I get a function HTMLExport.lm that uses another function called
My problem is that function HTMLExport.list works fine when used alone
but HTMLExport.lm crashes with the following error :
> HTMLExport(iris.lm)
lm(formula =
2001 Feb 09
Trouble with Reach Out
I have a Mandrake 7.2 linux box with
codeweavers-wine-20010112-1.i386.rpm. I mount a windows NT share on
/windows/reachout. I have fixed a few problems with dll while attepting
to running reachout.exe and finnaly got a desktop window. Unfortunately
I get a dialog box saying:
Failed to load language ROSNRES.DLL.
I have checked whether the dll was in the right directory and try with
2005 Jun 26
(sans objet)
Ma premi??re question: puis-je ??crire en fran??ais, mon anglais est
pire que pire. J'essaie en fran??ais; sinon, j'essaierai une traduction!
Je sduis d??butant. Ma question est donc simple, j'imagine.
Je travaille sur des tableaux de statistiques. Je prends un exemple:
J'ai un "frame" que j'appelle "eurostat" qui me donne des
2004 Jul 06
aide pour une affiner une AFD.
madame, monsieur, help me please,
Je debute avec R. J'ai r??alis?? une analyse factorielle discriminante avec R.
J'obtient les resultat graphiques et les tables assici??es ?? l'analyse.
Cependant je souhaiterais savoir si les distances separant les groupes
(decades) sont statistiquement significatives. pour cela il me faut utiliser
la distance de mahalanobis et la statistique de
1999 Jun 02
I'm trying to install R on a linux RedHat5.2.
when I 'make', here is what's happens :
../lib/libunix.a(system.o): In function `main':
/home/mathieu/R-0.62.4/src/unix/system.c:489: undefined reference to
does anyone know the solution ?
¦ mathieuros at bigfoot.com ¦
¦ Maitrise d'ingenierie
1999 Jun 08
equiv of inspect ?
Is there an equivalent under R (I got the 0.64.1 version) of the inspect() function ?
mathieuros at bigfoot.com
Universiti Paul Sabatier Toulouse
Join 18 million Eudora users by signing up for a free Eudora Web-Mail account at http://www.eudoramail.com
1999 Aug 24
Re: Tr: patent free format
> > So
> > it's closer to Dolby AC-X than to VQ. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that
> > not patended by Dolby.
> Could you be more specific? More than anything else, we need to know more
> about the patent waters we're navigating.
> Monty
As Dolby AC-X is using enveloppe of the sound since several years, and as it
seems that Dolby was
2010 Nov 16
Pronote 2010
Je suis d?sol? de poser ma question en fran?ais mais mon anglais n'est pas suffisamment correct pour le sujet que je veux aborder.
Mon ?tablissement scolaire utilise un serveur de notes PRONOTE et chez moi j'ai install? un client sous Wine.
La connexion au serveur se fait sans difficult?, je peux rentrer mes notes et j'ai acc?s ? tous les services propos?s par ce logiciel.
2005 Jul 06
I was mistaken about Areski: he does relply to mails and help people.
Cher Areski,
Je m'excuse si je me suis tromp? sur vos intentions. Cependant j'aimerais souligner que je ne suis pas le seul a avoir trouv? l'installation de votre application un peu trop compliqu?e et les instructions du "Idiots Guide" impr?cises. Il faut dire que Linux n'est dej? pas facile pour un ancien de Microsoft comme moi. Par cons?quent lorsque les instructions
2002 Jun 28
NT permissions on Solaris
I try to use NT permissions on 2 Sun Solaris with ACL and samba 2.2.5. I configure
samba --with-acl.
I can modify permissions on the PDC (security = USER). But on the other one (XYZ)
(security = SERVER and password server = PDC) i get on error message when i click
on the ADD button (property of a file/Security) "The selector of object cannot be
open because it cannot determine if XYZ