Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "lme"
1999 Nov 25
I have been attempting to learn a little bit about nlme without too
much documentation except the online help. The Latex file in the nlme
directory looks interesting but uses packages that I do not have so
that I have not been able to read it.
I have run the example from gnls to compare it with the results I
get from my libraries (code below - I have not included output as it
is rather
1999 Sep 16
MS executables for my libraries
An executable version 0.6 of my libraries is now available at
This works with MS R0.64.2 and appears possibly to work with R65.0.
There is a serious problem with the Fortran compiler as some of the
examples for elliptic and carma crash it. These same examples do not crash
R63.0 with the library executables of Jan 99. I am releasing this anyway
because of the
2005 Jun 08
bug in predict.lme?
Dear All,
I've come across a problem in predict.lme. Assigning a model formula to a variable and then using this variable in lme (instead of typing the formula into the formula part of lme) works as expect. However, when performing a predict on the fitted model I gan an error messag - predict.lme (but not predictlm) seems to expect a 'properly' typed in formula and a cannot extract
1999 Jun 02
Sv: lme problem ?
Dear Douglas Bates. I just downloaded the compiled version (I'm a poor Windows devil, not yet having found the time to move to a more advanced platform...) from NT- the files are dated 30.5-1999 so they are not old - and the problem persisted....wonder what I did wrong ?
R : Copyright 1999, The R Development Core Team
Version 0.64.0 Patched (May 3, 1999)
R is free software and comes with
2004 Aug 27
degrees of freedom (lme4 and nlme)
Hi, I'm having some problems regarding the packages
lme4 and nlme, more specifically in the denominator
degrees of freedom. I used data Orthodont for the two
packages. The commands used are below.
fm1<-lme(distance~age+ Sex,
data=Orthodont,random=~1|Subject, method="REML")
numDF DenDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1
2003 Jan 30
as.formula(string) and augPred in lme
Using formulas constructed from strings only
partially works for me in lme:
summary(fm2) # works
augPred(fm2) # fails
#Error in inherits(object, "formula") :
#Argument "object" is missing, with no default
I assume that my use of as.formula is wrong, but
2008 Aug 28
Adjusting for initial status (intercept) in lme growth models
Hi everyone, I have a quick and probably easy question about lme for this
Say, for instance you want to model growth in pituitary distance as a
function of age in the Orthodont dataset.
fm1 = lme(distance ~ I(age-8), random = ~ 1 + I(age-8) | Subject, data =
You notice that there is substantial variability in the intercepts (initial
distance) for people at 8 years, and that
2007 Dec 05
lme output
Dear all,
I noticed the following in the call of lme using msVerbose.
fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont, control = lmeControl(msVerbose=T))
9 318.073: -0.567886 0.152479 1.98021
10 318.073: -0.567191 0.152472 1.98009
11 318.073: -0.567208 0.152473 1.98010
fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age, random =~age, data = Orthodont,
2009 Jun 25
Problems with subsets in NLME
I am trying to estimate models with subsets using the NLME package. However, I am getting an error in the case below (among others):
> subset <- c(rep(TRUE, 107), FALSE)
> fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1, subset=subset)
Error in xj[i] : invalid subscript type 'closure'
> fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1,
2010 Jul 19
Calculation of Covariance Matrix Calculation
Excuse me for asking this silly question. But I really couldn't understand
why cov() and ccov() don't work for my calculation of covariance matrix.
a <- matrix(1:8, 2, 4)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1 3 5 7
[2,] 2 4 6 8
> ccov(a)
Error in solve.default(cov, ...) :
Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular
I also tried colume bind, but it
1999 Jun 02
lme problem ?
Dear friends. I tried the session below with 10 MB in both vsize and nsize but didn't get the
example work. Is this a problem in LME or in me or both or somewhere else or undefined ?
R : Copyright 1999, The R Development Core Team
Version 0.64.0 Patched (May 3, 1999)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
2003 Oct 08
Bootstrap Question
I have a question regarding bootstrap coverage. I am trying to understand the benefits of using the bootstrap for small sample sets. To do this I created a normal population and then picked 10 from the populations and applied both traditional statistical methods and the Bootstrap (bcanon, 5000 bootstrap samples) to calculate a 95% confidence interval of on the mean. I saved the width of the
2000 Jun 04
mle (PR#560)
Full_Name: Per Broberg
Version: 1.00
OS: Windows 98
Submission from: (NULL) (
I tested my installation with the following:
> library(lme)
Loading required package: nls
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
LoadLibrary failure
> data(Orthodont)
> fm1
2012 Mar 20
Remove quotes from a string to use in a variable call
I have a string that I want to use in a variable call. How can I remove the
quotes and/or the string properties of the string to use it in a variable
Here's an example:
fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1)
I want to update the above regression to include new predictors according to
what is in a string:
predictors <-
2010 Feb 01
working with taxonomic trees: sampling
Dear all,
I am working with taxonomic data, represented as a list of classes,
orders, families, genera and finally species.
> class(mydata)
[1] "data.frame"
> mode(mydata)
[1] "list"
> names(mydata)
[1] "tclass" "torder" "tfamily" "tgenus" "tspecies"
> length(mydata$tclass)
[1] 161590
The first 10
2017 May 11
bug report: nlme model-fitting crashes with R 3.4.0
Dear all,
I've stumbled a similar issue with the package cluster when
compiling the 3.4.0 version with the settings of Fedora RPM specs.
Compiling R with the default setting of configure yields a version that
works for cluster... and nlme.
I did not find the exact option that was the cause of this issue
but I'm willing to help.
PS: This is the reason why R is
2000 Mar 07
Problems with nlme (PR#471)
Dear R developers,
first of all let me join the chorus of congratulations for the release
of R 1.0.0. Well, done!
Unfortunately, I find it necessary to e-mail in a bug report regarding
the `nlme' package. On my office machine I experience the following
bossiaea:/opt/R$ R CMD check -c nlme
Checking package `nlme' ...
Massaging examples into `nlme-Ex.R' ...
2017 May 10
bug report: nlme model-fitting crashes with R 3.4.0
lme() and gls() models from the nlme package are all crashing with R.3.4.0. Identical code ran correctly, without error in R 3.3.3 and earlier versions. The behavior is easily demonstrated using one of the examples form the lme() help file, along with two simple variants. I have commented the errors generated by these calls, as well as the lines of code generating them, in the code example below.
2004 Apr 17
nlme - sum of squares - permutation test
1/ I wonder why a anova.lme on a single lme object does not print the sum of squares (as expected from the help: "a data frame with the sums of squares, numerator degrees of freedom, denominator
degrees of freedom, F-values, and P-values").
> fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1)
> anova(fm2)
numDF denDF F-value p-value
2005 Nov 25
multiple imputation of anova tables
Dear list members,
how can multiple imputation realized for anova tables in R? Concretely,
how to combine
F-values and R^2, R^2_adjusted from multiple imputations in R?
Of course, the point estimates can be averaged, but how to get
standarderrors for F-values/R^2 etc. in R?
For linear models, lm.mids() works well, but according to Rubins rules,
standard errors have to be used together with