Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Proby densities from the GLM object"
2005 Apr 14
predict.glm(..., type="response") loses names (was RE: [R] A sugg estion for predict function(s))
> From: Ross Darnell
> Liaw, Andy wrote:
> >>From: Liaw, Andy
> >>
> >>
> >>>From: Ross Darnell
> >>>
> >>>A good point but what is the value of storing a large set of
> >>>predicted
> >>>values when the values of the explanatory variables are lost
> >>>(predicted
1999 May 19
shell command
Using R (version 0.63.3) for MS windows, I try the following command
> shell(paste("cd ",getenv("RHOME"),sep=""))
which replies with an error message
Too many parameters - FILES\RW0633
which appears to suggest that the space if the path name is causing
difficulties to the cd command. getenv returns
> getenv("RHOME")
1999 Jun 18
The FAQ says in
[5.2 How can add-on packages be installed?]
to install a package to a private tree, use
[$ R INSTALL -l lib pkgdir_1 ... pkgdir_n]
where lib gives the path to the library tree to install to.
which, for me, returns
Package '-l' does not exist. Has there been a change?
Thank you
2012 May 17
glm convergence warning
When I run the following code :
Y <- c(rep(0,35),1,2,0,6,8,16,43)
cst <- log(choose(42, 42:1))
beta <- 42:1
tau <- (beta^2)/2
fit <- glm(formula = Y ~ offset(cst) + beta + tau, family = poisson)
glm prints a warning saying that the algorithm did not converge.
However, fit$converged takes the value TRUE.
I don't understand why fit$converged is not
1998 Feb 04
[J.Lindsey: Re: glm(.) / summary.glm(.); [over]dispersion and returning AIC..]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Jim, I am relating your message to R-devel.
This should be discussed in a broader audience;
I am not an expert on GLM's, I know you are
and others on this group also...
R-develers, please CC to Jim Lindsey (on this topic), since he hasn't
been part of the R-devel list for a while..
BTW: I will be gone
2007 May 01
[Fwd: Re: [R-downunder] Beware unclass(factor)] (PR#9641)
It really is unclear what is claimed to be a bug here. But see
for why the bug is not in R: your old and new data do not match.
Your fit is to a category.
[The problem with the web interface to R-bugs was reported last week: it
is being worked on.]
On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, r.darnell at uq.edu.au wrote:
> This is a multi-part
2000 Apr 12
Matrix indexing question
I apologise if this type of question has been answered before, however
how do I count the number of TRUE's in the upper half (non-symmetric)
matrix of logicals.
Thank you
Ross Darnell
University of Newcastle
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info",
2010 Jan 12
Strange behavior when trying to piggyback off of "fitdistr"
I am not certain even how to search the archives for this particular question, so if there is an obvious answer, please smack me with a large halibut and send me to the URLs.
I have been experimenting with fitting curves by using both maximum likelihood and maximum spacing estimation techniques. Originally, I have been writing distribution-specific functions in 'R' which work
1998 Feb 03
glm(.) / summary.glm(.); [over]dispersion and returning AIC..
I have been implementing a proposal of Jim Lindsey for glm(.)
to return AIC values, and
print.glm(.) and print.summary.glm(.) printing them....
>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Lindsey <jlindsey@luc.ac.be> writes:
Jim> The problem still remains of getting the correct AIC when the user
Jim> wants the scale parameter to be fixed. (The calculation should
2002 Dec 05
Problems with segments and multiple graphs
I would like to create a page of two graphs (2 rows by 1 col) and then
draw vertical lines (segments?) on both graphs from the minimum
values to the corresponding maximum value.
So I have tried
> y <- rnorm(3000)
> par(mfrow=c(2,1))
> plot(y,type="l")
> plot(cumsum(y),type="l")
> segments(1000,min(cumsum(y)),1000,max(cumsum(y)))
> par(mfg=c(1,1))
2007 Jun 18
How to compare GLM and GAM models
Dear Listers,
I want to compare two negative binomial models fitted using glm.nb and
gam(mgcv) based on the same data. What would be the most appropriate
criteria to compare these two models? Can someone point me to some
references? Thank you very much.
Yuanchang Xie
2005 Sep 13
Translating lme model call to lme4
I would appreciate help translating the following lme model to an lmer
lme(lognrms ~ Group*Rotation*muscle*side*support*arms,
random=~1|Subject/Stratum2/rep, data=Data)
Many thanks
Ross Darnell
r.darnell at uq.edu.au
2012 Mar 25
multiple hexbin plots with varying greatest densities
I have multiple hexbin plots with varying greatest densities.
Right now, the data on each plot varies from 1-256 levels of density. The problem with that is that in Plot A the data are more scattered across a 2 x 2 grid whereas in Plot B the data are more concentrated in fewer cells. Hence, Plot A has a few very dense grid cells and plot B has nothing as dense as plot A.
(In Plot A
2007 Oct 17
Need help with function that includes 2 summation
I am relatively new to R, so this may be a much simpler question than it
seems to me. I am trying to create a function that includes two
summations, and can't figure out how. I am attaching the equation as a
pdf file. This function will then be optimized over a chosen range of
values, but right now I just need help with the function. Thank you.
Zack Darnell
Duke University
2007 Jun 28
new package benchden 1.0.0 : benchmark densities for nonparametric density estimation
The new package "benchden" 1.0.0 implements 28 benchmark densities for
nonparametric density estimation that were introduced by A. Berlinet and
L. Devroye ("A Comparison of Kernel Density Estimates", Pub. Inst. Stat.
Univ. Paris, XXXVIII, fasc. 3, 1994, 3-59,
http://cg.scs.carleton.ca/~luc/devs.html ). This collection includes a
variety of densities with different degrees of
2007 Jun 28
new package benchden 1.0.0 : benchmark densities for nonparametric density estimation
The new package "benchden" 1.0.0 implements 28 benchmark densities for
nonparametric density estimation that were introduced by A. Berlinet and
L. Devroye ("A Comparison of Kernel Density Estimates", Pub. Inst. Stat.
Univ. Paris, XXXVIII, fasc. 3, 1994, 3-59,
http://cg.scs.carleton.ca/~luc/devs.html ). This collection includes a
variety of densities with different degrees of
2002 Feb 15
Reordering factor levels
I would like to define the order of the levels of a factor.
The relevel function would work but since I have 20 levels I would prefer
to declare the order explicitly. Using a smaller example
"b1" "b2" "r1" "r2"
nufactor <- order(oldfactor,order=c("b1","r1","b2","r2")) # my fabricated function
2003 Nov 04
help with nomogram function
I have fitted a logistic regression model
> failed.lr2$call
lrm(formula = failed ~ Age + task2 + Age:task2, data = time.long,
na.action = na.omit)
using the Design package functions and would like to generate a
nomogram from this model.
the datadist information is generated and stored in
> ddist
time.long$Age time.long$task2
Low:effect 45
2002 Jun 20
Psychometric curves, two altnerative force choice, glm, and budbworms
Dear R-Listers,
to measure the psychometric curve of pitch discrimination, one sequentially
presents two tones of slightly different pitch to an observer (animal will
do), and asks "which is higher". The pschometric curve is the fraction of
correct responses plotted against the pitch difference. It passes through
50% (pure guessing) at zero and normally approaches 100% at large
2007 Aug 07
Goodman-Kruskal tau
On Wed, 1 Aug 2007, Upasna Sharma <upasna at iitb.ac.in> wrote:
> From: "Upasna Sharma" <upasna at iitb.ac.in>
> Subject: [R] Goodman Kruskal's tau
> I need to know which package in R calculates the Goodman Kruskal's
> tau statistic for nominal data. Also is there any implementation for
> multiple classification analysis (Andrews at al 1973) in R?