Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "error bars on barplots"
2010 Aug 17
replacing values in a vector
Dear helpRs
Does anyone have an elegant way of doing the following:
For a given numeric vector, e.g. vec <- c(3,2,6,4,7)
Create a series of vectors where all but 1 of the values are replaced by
0's, e.g.
vec.a <- c(3,0,0,0,0)
vec.b <- c(0,2,0,0,0)
vec.c <- c(0,0,6,0,0)
vec.d <- c(0,0,0,4,0)
vec.e <- c(0,0,0,0,7)
I have looked at `replace', but can't think of a
2005 Jun 28
enhanced MDS
Hi again
Sorry, in looking again at sammon and isoMDS I see that they seem to do
exactly what I want, except that they are non-metric, which means, as I
understand it, that they relate the rank orders of the variables rather than
the actual distances.
Could I use these non-metric MDS packages even if my distances are metric?
Karen Kotschy
Centre for Water in the Environment
2005 Jul 12
adding a factor column based on levels of another factor
Hi R users
Does anyone out there have a better/quicker way of adding a factor column
to a data frame based on levels of another factor?
I have a (large) data frame consisting of records for individual plants,
each represented by a unique ID number. The species of each plant is
indicated in the column "species", which is a factor column with many
different levels (species). There are
1999 Dec 21
generating a sequence
Hi everyone
I'm trying to generate a vector of the form
a <- c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1) where n = 5
in a general way, where n can be any positive integer.
I've run out of ideas. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Karen Kotschy
Centre for Water in the Environment
University of the Witwatersrand
Tel: 011 716-2218
1999 Dec 21
generating a sequence
Hi everyone
I'm trying to generate a vector of the form
a <- c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1) where n = 5
in a general way, where n can be any positive integer.
I've run out of ideas. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Karen Kotschy
Centre for Water in the Environment
University of the Witwatersrand
Tel: 011 716-2218
2005 Jun 28
enhanced multidimensional scaling?
Dear R list
Would anyone be able to tell me whether it is possible to do "enhanced
multidimensional scaling" (enhanced MDS) in R? In other words, something that
goes beyond "cmdscale" by iteratively improving the fit between observed
dissimilarities and inter-object distances, using the KYST algorithm
(Kruskal, 1964).
I have found several implementations of non-metric MDS
2012 Nov 08
Controlling R fonts through LaTeX
Dear help list
Does anybody know if it is possible to somehow tell R to let LaTeX handle
the fonts for postscript plots produced by R?
It is for a thesis and I have MANY figures. These are created by R scripts
dynamically as the document is compiled, using
the Make system. I see that I can `manually' specify the font family each
time I call the postscript device, but I am looking
for a
1999 Aug 26
moving R objects
Another question:
Is it possible to move R objects from one directory to another
without copying the whole .RData and .Rhistory files?
(I'm running under Linux)
Karen Kotschy
Centre for Water in the Environment
University of the Witwatersrand
Tel: 011 716-2218
r-help mailing list -- Read
1999 Jul 15
matrix indices
Could somebody please explain the following to me:
If x is a 10x10 matrix,
typing x[3] prints all 10 values of column 3, although the length of
the vector =1. Why?
x[,3] and x[[3]] both give all 10 values of column 3, length=10.
What is the difference between these two, actually?
Karen Kotschy
Centre for Water in the Environment
Department of Botany
University of the Witwatersrand
2005 Jun 24
Mahalanobis distances
Dear R community
Have just recently got back into R after a long break and have been amazed at
how much it has grown, and how active the list is! Thank you so much to all
those who contribute to this amazing project.
My question:
I am trying to calculate Mahalanobis distances for a matrix called "fgmatrix"
[1] 76 15
>fg.cov <- cov.wt(fgmatrix)
2006 Mar 09
IVR woes
Hello all. I'm having a problem debugging an IVR I'm building. I can't see any reason this shouldn't be working.
Firstly the asterisk version is:
Asterisk SVN-trunk-r7230 built by root @ localhost.localdomain on a i686 running Linux on 2006-02-17 22:44:48 UTC
Basically the problem is this. While the playbacks are happening you can push any one of the options and to happily
2006 Mar 11
IVR dial by extension option..
I'm working on an IVR that gives the users the option (number 5 in the main menu) to dial by extension:
exten => 5,1,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5) ; Dial Extension
exten => 5,2,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=10)
exten => 5,3,Background(LCL/prompt-60)
exten => 5,4,WaitExten(15)
When going option 5 you can dial some extensions such as 2802, it goes to the extension (all extens start with 28 on the
2010 Aug 17
Dear R users,
I am using Sweave.
I would like to use the width option for the graphics :
How do I get this ?
Thank you very much,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2015 Jan 21
Samba4 LDAP issues
I cannot add users to my server and after going through many google
searches and trying several things here is an issue I have found at
minimum a LDAP issue when comparing my primary and secondary domain
controllers. I do not know how to repair it and that is why I am
contacting the list. Below is the output of the comparison.
Master: 4.2.0pre1-GIT-58865d9
Slave: 4.2.0pre1-GIT-815bde2
2006 Feb 12
lme, nlsList, nlsList.selfStart
Dear listers,
I am trying to fit a model using nlsList() using alternately a SSfol()
selfstart function or its developped equivalent formulae.
This preliminary trial works well
as well as a developped form:
mymod2<-nls(Conc~Dose * exp(lKe+lKa-lCl) *
2005 Jul 28
conversion from SAS
Hi, I wonder if anybody could help me in converting
this easy SAS program into R.
(I'm still trying to do that!)
DATAFILE= "C:\Documents and
data chla_italian;
set chla_italian;
2001 Feb 04
quinModel S != R
Dear friends of nlme,
Running quinModel (Pinheiro/Bates page 380) on R (current release, windows)
Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Model: conc ~ quinModel(Subject, time, conc, dose, interval, lV, lKa,
Data: Quinidine
Log-likelihood: -497
Fixed: lV + lKa + lCl ~ 1
lV lKa lCl
5.382 -0.273 2.470
Random effects:
Formula: list(lV ~ 1, lCl ~ 1)
2003 May 12
plot.ranef.lme (PR#2986)
na.include <- function(x)x
phe1 <- nlme(conc~phenoModel(Subject, time, dose, lCl, lV),
data = Phenobarb,
fixed = lCl+lV~1,
random= pdDiag(lCl+lV~1),
start = c(-5,0),
na.action = na.include,
naPattern = ~!is.na(conc))
phe.ranef <- ranef(phe1,augFrame=TRUE)
plot(phe.ranef, form=lCl~Wt+ApgarInd)
[Error in max(length(x0),
2004 Aug 16
Anyone run across this
Using samba 3.05 I'm trying to upload printer drivers for point and print
using an xp client and I'm getting an error.
Unable to install driver ...... Operation could not be completed. I've
followed the Samba How To
workgroup = local
server string = CH File/Print Server
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://ldap.mycompany.lcl
log file =
2015 Jan 22
Samba4 LDAP issues
I have moved to 4.1.16 on both controllers. It did not solve my issue
(though it reduced the errors as seen in the new attached ldap
comparison). I am still getting the error telling me to see the
administrator when trying to add a user via the Windows Active Directory
Users and Computers utility.
[root at pdc ~]# /usr/local/samba/bin/samba-tool ldapcmp ldap://pdc
ldap://sdc domain