Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Joe Shafer's imputation packages"
1999 Jan 21
Re: help with R/S functions on nonpar. regression
>>>>> "Jose" == Jose Ramon G Albert <toots at info.com.ph> writes:
Jose> I have just downloaded this freeware version of R (which seems
Jose> to be a clone of S). I was wondering if anyone knows where I
Jose> could obtain R or S functions which provide nonparametric
Jose> regression curves, e.g. kernel estimators or smoothing
Jose> splines.
1999 Mar 20
why "R"?
When I tell several people here in the Philippines
about the wonders of using R, one of
the things I am asked is why is it called "R"?
Does it have anything to do with
the fact that the original writers of the
R code were Robert Gentlemaan & Ross Ihaka?
How about "S"? Why did Becker, Chambers and Wilks call it S?
Jose Ramon Albert
Manila, Philippines
1999 Mar 15
time series library?
Paul Gilbert has informed me of his DSL library for time series
However, it does not work for the Windows 95/98 version of R.
He says that this work entails compiling the fortran into
the appropriate DLL but he neither has the tools nor the
expertise to do this. Has anybody on the list done this already?
Or has anybody at least been able to just write some code
for performing some
2003 Apr 01
Shafer's MI software for S-plus
Greetings folks,
Shafer's S-plus package "norm" for multiple imputation of
missing values in multivariate normal data has been most
kindly and usefully ported to R by Alvaro A. Novo.
Shafer's website
lists four S-plus packages in all:
NORM - multiple imputation of multivariate continuous data
CAT - multiple imputation of multivariate
2005 Jun 28
sample R code for multiple imputation
I have a big dataset which has many missing values and want to implement
Multiple imputation via Monte carlo markov chain by following J Schafer's
"Analysis of incomplete multivariate data". I don't know where to begin
and is looking for a sample R code that implements multiple imputation
with EM, MCMC, etc....
Any help / suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
2002 Apr 08
Missing data and Imputation
Hi Folks,
I'm currently looking at missing data/imputation
methods (including multiple imputation).
S-Plus has a "missing data library".
What similar resources are available within R?
Or does one roll one's own?
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at nessie.mcc.ac.uk>
2012 May 28
stats q: multiple imputation and quantile regression
Dear list,
this is perhaps more of a statistics question than an R question, but perhaps someone could help me out anyway.
I'm doing sociological research and am currently in the process of familiarizing myself with the basic concepts of multiple imputation. Eventually, my goal is to perform quantile regression on a large data set, where one non-negative discrete variable contains missing
2006 Mar 21
PSTN to Asterisk VOIP in Manila
Hi list,
Does anyone know the legalities of connecting an Asterisk box to the
PSTN in Manila or where I can find this info out? I know it is illegal
in some countries.
2001 Aug 15
graphical presentation
This was ``accidentally'' sent to me rather than R-help ...
------- start of forwarded message -------
Thank you very much for your email in downloading the
I am trying to construct two-line graphs with axis(),
but I am lost as to what argument to use to draw the
second line. With the xyz.coords, could i use the
lty, col... arguments. Please advise me as to what to
do with
2004 Mar 17
What library is coxreg?
Dear mailing list,
I'm trying to run the sample program about coxreg in the eha package. But the
command is not recognized. I tried the boot and also the survival library.
Hope you can help me solve this little problem.
Thank you.
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
University of the
2004 May 12
missing values imputation
What R functionnalities are there to do missing values imputation (substantial proportion of missing data)?
I would prefer to use maximum likelihood methods ; is the EM algorithm implemented? in which package?
Anne Piotet
Tel: +41 79 359 83 32 (mobile)
Email: anne.piotet@m-td.com
2008 Mar 19
[LLVMdev] Proposal for GSoC project for clang front end
On 3/19/08, Argiris Kirtzidis <akyrtzi at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to hear your opinions and ideas for a proposal to improve
> support for C++ parsing for LLVM's clang front end.
> Goal:
> Improve clang's C++ support. The scope of the project will be limited to
> C++ parsing, not code generation (I think the
> timeframe of a GSoC project and the
2007 Nov 19
Search for a usable pan manual
I'm looking for a more descriptive manual/tutorial/paper for the pan package.
The provided manual and example do not contain any useful hints how to
specify a model with more than one variable and leaves several questions
unanswered. This also applies to the referred paper "Schafer: Imputation of
missing covariates under a multivariate linear mixed model."
Can anyone
2004 Apr 21
Boot package
Dear mailing list,
I tried to run the example for the conditional bootstap written in the help file
of censboot. I got the following result:
censboot(data = aml, statistic = aml.fun, R = 499, F.surv = aml.s1,
G.surv = aml.s2, strata = aml$group, sim = "cond")
Bootstrap Statistics :
original bias std. error
2009 Apr 22
Multiple imputations : wicked dataset ? Wicked computers ? Am I cursed ? (or stupid ?)
Dear list,
I'd like to use multiple imputations to try and save a somewhat badly
mangled dataset (lousy data collection, worse than lousy monitoring, you
know that drill... especially when I am consulted for the first time
about one year *after* data collection).
My dataset has 231 observations of 53 variables, of which only a very
few has no missing data. Most variables have 5-10% of
2011 Jan 31
Rubin's rules of multiple imputation
Hello all, if I have multiple imputed data sets, is there a command or
function in R in any package you know of to combine those, I know one common
MI approach is rubins rules, is there a way to do this using his rules or
others? I know theres ways, like using Amelia from Gary King's website to
create the imputed data sets, but how to make them into one or combine them
for analysis.
2003 Apr 29
Shafer's MIX: Query on code
Thanks to Fernando Tusell and especially to Brian Ripley for
their work on 'mix', leading to an apparently good package
mow available on CRAN.
Going through the R code for the function prelim.mix, I am
wondering why the following method of calculation is used
at one point:
umd <- as.integer(round(exp(cumsum(log(d)))))
(d is a vector containing, in effect, the numbers of levels of
1999 Mar 11
time series functions?
i can not seem to find any R functions on standard time
series analysis, e.g. exp. smoothing, ARIMA modeling.
are these available in a specific library. any help will
be gratefully appreciated.
Jose Ramon G. Albert
Research Division
Statistical Research and Training Center
104 Kalayaan Ave.
Quezon City
2004 Jun 07
Censboot Warning and Error Messages
Good day R help list!!!
I've been trying to do Bootstrap in R on Censored data. I encountered
WARNING/ERROR messages which I could not find explanation.
I've been searching on the literature for two days now and still can't find
answers. I hope there's anyone out there who can help me
with these two questions:
1. If the "Loglik converged before variable..." message
2004 Jul 06
Converting S-Plus Libraries to R
Dear all!
I'd like to do multiple imputation of missing values with s-plus libraries
that are provided by Shafer (http://www.stat.psu.edu/~jls/misoftwa.html). I
wonder, whether these libraries are compatible or somehow convertible to R
(because I don't have S-plus), so that I can use this functions using the R
I would be happy if you could tell me,
-if it is possible to use