Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "bug?"
1997 Sep 23
R-beta: Survival 4
I installed the latest version of R (Version 0.50 Alpha-4) and it breaks
survival4 as follows (it worked fine under Version 0.50 Alpha-3)
R> library(survival4)
Autoloading required library: splines
R> survfit(Surv(runif(25),rbinom(25,1,0.4)) ~ 1)
Error in eval(frame, data)[subset, , drop = FALSE] : incorrect number of
E. S. Venkatraman
2010 Dec 27
Problem using pkg "survival"
Hello all.
I've been attempting to utilize the "survival" pkg (
http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/survival/index.html), while reading
through this guide (http://www.ms.uky.edu/~mai/Rsurv.pdf). I figured working
through the guide would be the best way to go, before attempting my own
I tried to utilize the Kaplain-Meier estimator as shown in the guide:
1997 Jul 25
R-beta: R 0.50 alpha
The new code seems to have broken various things.
Autoloading of libraries doesn't seem to work:
> library(survival4)
Autoloading required library: splines
Error in pos.to.env(pos) : invalid "pos" argument
> search()
[1] ".GlobalEnv" "library:survival4" "library:date"
[4] "library:base"
The coxph function the
1997 Jul 25
R-beta: R 0.50 alpha
The new code seems to have broken various things.
Autoloading of libraries doesn't seem to work:
> library(survival4)
Autoloading required library: splines
Error in pos.to.env(pos) : invalid "pos" argument
> search()
[1] ".GlobalEnv" "library:survival4" "library:date"
[4] "library:base"
The coxph function the
1999 Jan 21
Calling survfit within a function
I have a function that generates data and tries to apply the survfit
within it. I have tried:
x .....
survfit(Surv(tim,sts) ~ grp, data = x, envir = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
but I still get "Error: Object "x" not found". Is there a fix?
(I use R-0.63.2 with the current survival4 package)
E. S. Venkatraman
1997 Dec 14
R-beta: survival4 in R-0.60.1
Hi there,
Here is a record of an R session:
> library(survival4)
Autoloading required package: splines
> coxph(Surv(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,1,1,1)) ~ c(1,0,1,0))
Error in .C("coxfit2", iter = as.integer(iter.max), as.integer(n),
as.integer(nvar), : C/Fortran function not in load table
Why is "coxfit2" not in the load table? How do I fix it?
System is Linux.
2010 Dec 10
survival package - calculating probability to survive a given time
Dear R users,
i try to calculate the probabilty to survive a given time by using the
estimated survival curve by kaplan meier.
What is the right way to do that? as far as is see i cannot use the
predict-methods from the survival package?
time <- cumsum(rexp(1000)/10)
status <- rbinom(1000, 1, 0.5)
## kaplan meier estimates
fit <- survfit(Surv(time,
1997 Dec 09
[Fwd: R-beta: R 0.50 alpha]
I'm using the rsept for WINDOWS 95 (with modified men?, and "fixed" survival4).
See the Ennapadam Venkatraman's example made in date 35/07/97 19.02
Ennapadam Venkatraman wrote:
> library(splines)
> library(survival4)
> xx <- NULL
> xx$ftim <- exp(-runif(100))
> xx$ctim <- 2*runif(100)
> xx$sts <- 1*(xx$ftim <= xx$ctim)
> xx$otim <-
2006 Dec 29
Survfit with a coxph object
I am fitting a coxph model on a large dataset (approx 100,000 patients), and
then trying to estimate the survival curves for several new patients based
on the coxph object using survfit. When I run coxph I get the coxph object
back fairly quickly however when I try to run survfit it does not come
back. I am wondering if their is a more efficient way to get predicted
survival curves from a coxph
2007 May 07
creating a new column
hie l would like to create a 6th column "actual surv time" from the following data
the condition being
if censoringTime>survivaltime then actual survtime =survival time
else actual survtime =censoring time
the code l used to create the data is
while(s!=0){ n=20
1999 Mar 30
Y2K compliance of R
Hi, I was thinking to ask the University computing Labs here
to install R and I was told they need a statement that the software (R)
is Y2K compliant. Which I cannot find in CRAN. (in addition to the
licensing info).
Is it a big issue to put such a statement in R? or this has legal implications
that R do not want as a "free" software?
If possible I would like to see the statement on
2013 Jan 17
coxph with smooth survival
Hello users,
I would like to obtain a survival curve from a Cox model that is smooth and does not have zero differences due to no events for those particular days.
I have:
> sum((diff(surv))==0)
[1] 18
So you can see 18 days where the survival curve did not drop due to no events.
Is there a way to ask survfit to fit a nice spline for the survival??
Note: I tried survreg and it did not
2000 Jun 03
.rpm (splines, ctest) install problem - LinuxPPC
On a PMac 7200 (running LinuxPPC 3Q 99), trying to install
"R-ctest-0.9.R16-1.ppc.rpm" and "R-splines-2.0.R3-3.ppc.rpm" rpms currently
in the linuxppc binary download directory results in error messages saying
that files in these rpms conflict with files from R-base 1.01-1.
Of course, "R-rpart" and "R-survival4" then also can't be installed because
1999 May 24
survival5 for windows
I downloaded binary of survival5 for windows95
(also the splines, date).
The function survsum shows up in content, has a help page,
but the function itself is missing.
Can we cut and paste the survsum from survival4 ?
Mai Zhou
I am not picking on R, not even complaining.
I think R is great and I am try to contribute my (small) part
to make it even better in way of bug report (or
1998 Jan 27
R-beta: survival4
Hmm... I have the same problem on hpux10.20. I put the additional libs into a
subdir called contrib, and R INSTALL from there. I have R-0.61.1 Alpha Dec21
1997. Without restored data they work OK.
> ----------
> From: Goran Brostrom[SMTP:gb at stat.umu.se]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 1998 3:07 AM
> To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: R-beta: survival4
2013 Nov 20
How to stop Kaplan-Meier curve at a time point
Hello R users
I have a question with Kaplan-Meier Curve with respect to my research. We
have done a retrospective study on fillings in the tooth and their survival
in relation to the many influencing factors. We had a long follow-up time
(upto 8yrs for some variables). However, we decided to stop the analysis at
the 6year follow up time, so that we can have uniform follow-up time for
all the
2005 Oct 11
summary of Surv object crashes R 2.2.0 (PR#8203)
Full_Name: Victor Moreno
Version: 2.2.0
OS: windows
Submission from: (NULL) (
summary of an object class Surv (package survival) hangs and closes R 2.2.0
I would like to have Surv objects in a data frame to build models easier:
2007 Nov 23
R 2.6 and library(survival)
Hi all,
I have installed in R 2.6 the survival package and I am trying to analyze some
data and present plots. The problem occurs when I try to plot lines on
the same plot. E.g. take simulated data for time (t), event (e) and groups
(group1 and group2) and do:
### this is how I create the plots
plot1<-survfit(Surv(t,e)~ as.factor(group1))
plot2<-survfit(Surv(t,e)~ as.factor(group2))
2012 May 11
survival analysis simulation question
I am trying to simulate a regression on survival data under a few
1. Under different error distributions
2. Have the error term be dependent on the covariates
But I'm not sure how to specify either conditions. I am using the Design
package to perform the survival analysis using the survreg, bj, coxph
functions. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This is what I have so far:
1998 Nov 07
simple questions about R (fwd)
OK, I am forwarding this to the r-help. In the original message
I simply hit reply and I thought I send to ALL r-help list. (apparent not)
also I recieved another piece of mail.....about the RNG in
Splus 4.0 or later indicating it was modified and getting worse.
I only have Splus 3.4 for HP. So I cannot try it.
This makes the idea of using the
pre-generated RN on CDROM more appealing..