Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "second table column data lift"
2006 Feb 06
linked table confusion
has_one :client
has_one :case_manager
belongs_to :case_manager
has_many :placements
has_many :clients
has_many :placements
I am trying to create a view file for placements.
I can pull columns from clients table in this view by using...
<%= @placement.client.wholename %>
but if I use
<% @placement.case_manager.wholename %>
2006 Jan 25
select list generated from table
Have 2 tables - clients & case_managers
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :case_manager
app/views/clients/_form.html contains line...
<p><% collection_select("client", "case_manager_id", \
case_manager.find_all, "name", "id") %></p>
and this line generates error...
undefined local variable or method
2006 Feb 08
compound conditions in find
can''t seem to find the right syntax for this...
syntax error
:conditions => [["placements.client_id = ?",
params[:client_id] ] and "placements.discharge_date IS NOT NULL" ],
this part works...
:conditions => ["placements.client_id = ?", params[:client_id] ]
this is what I
2006 Mar 25
foreign keys on migration
I have reached a development plateau and now want to integrate some of
the rails niceties that I passed over to get the system online.
I am fooling with migrations. I am using postgresql. I put in my
migration script (at the end of the ''up'' method, the following raw sql
# set up primary key restratints for PostgreSQL
2006 Jan 26
selecting from dynamic pop-up list populated by a table
I''ll try again...
I am looking at this page...HowToUseFormOptionHelpers
perhaps I should be using Ajax for this...I haven''t looked at Ajax yet.
Have 2 tables - clients & case_managers
I want the data from a column in case_managers to be the select list on
a screen for adding/editing clients as I am pretty
2006 Feb 08
DRY methodology
because I am a grasshopper...
Now that I can sort my ''list''...is there a logical way of not repeating
myself to having essentially the same list view with multiple sorts?
def list_cl
# ordered by clients last name
@placement_pages, @placements = paginate(
:include => [:client],
:order_by =>
2006 Jan 30
Lookup from related tables
I have been working on this for 3 days and haven''t been able to solve
I have 2 tables...
belongs_to: case_managers
has_many: clients
When entering new clients, I need to have some type of select box that
allows me to pick the case_manager (by name) so that the ''id'' field from
the case_manager table is inserted into clients.case_manager_id
2006 Jan 28
finishing a lookup value
I have a form...2 tables and using auto_complete
table clients
foreign key case_manager_id to case_manager(id)
table case_manager
my app/views/clients/_form.rhtml includes which works (finally!)
<%= text_area_auto_complete_for :case_manager :name %>
and now in clients_controller.rb
def create
@client = Client.new(params[:client])
I need to add a line to
2006 Apr 02
foreign keys and migrations
I''m looking to get a point clarified which i''m sure is obvious to
everyone else but I haven''t been able to find the answer to. i''ve
tried searching through the forums and the api pages and haven''t found
Is there a way with migrations to set up foregin key relationships?
(beyond putting in the relevant foregin_id attributes)
2006 Feb 21
Validations continued
I simply can''t figure this out. I have been reading and re-reading Agile
book and wiki.rubyonrails.org - all sorts of validation methods and
still, it doesn''t work.
Controller code
def create
@client = Client.new(params[:client])
if @client.save!
flash[:notice] = ''Client was successfully created.''
redirect_to :action =>
2006 Feb 06
basic usage confusion
I am confused. Looking at ''list'' from scaffold, I see a record and click
the ''show'' button. I put in a ''link'' at the bottom of ''show.rhtml'' to my
''view'' rfn2.rhtml - action = ''rfn2'', :id = @placement
I click this link and get error...
2006 Jan 30
general questions
Agile book lacks some basic information, perhaps I need to learn ruby as
I am lacking information - some basic things - especially debugging.
The following are stupid newbie questions and any portion of them
answered would be great.
1. If I am viewing a page from app/views/clients/ and on this page, I
want to put a ''link_to'' directive to say app/views/case_managers...
how do I
2006 Mar 14
autocomplete using other models
I''ve asked this in various ways but I can''t seem to get much traction -
my guess is because not many people are doing this.
I am working in a controller/views called placements. Placements
belongs_to :client
I have a clients model/table - clients has_many :placements
in placements/find...this works fine...
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :placement, :clwholename, {} %>
2006 Feb 13
postgres and rake
am in a bit of a quandry...
I have asked postgresql-users list and haven''t gotten anything to work
> > How do I change the owner of a schema?
> >
> > ALTER SCHEMA "public" OWNER to "some_user"; #?
> The docs explain this very situation. HTML
2006 Feb 23
rake error
I installed at least one gem since I thought I actually once was able to
run ''rake appdoc'' command since there is an api for my models and the
ez_where plugin that I installed earlier. I wanted to see the api for
pdf-writer which is the gem that I installed most recently.
(no, I haven''t given up the issue of ''looping'' that Kevin and some
others replied
2006 Feb 07
breaking down a list view
I''m trying to figure out how to change the order of a list view and it''s
obvious to me that I don''t understand what I get from a simple scaffold
to know enough to alter it.
If someone would be so kind to tell me what this means ...
def list
@placment_pages, @placements = paginate :placements, :per_page => 10
@placement_pages, # I am guessing that this
2006 Feb 07
trying to order a list view
I''m trying to order a list view which contains elements from related
tables and wanting to use columns from the related tables to create the
The error...
NoMethodError in Placements#list
You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it!
The error occured while evaluating nil.facility
The code...
def list
@client = Client.find(:all)
2006 Feb 14
routing failures
probably something really simple but I don''t understand.
Shifting to Apache to w/ fastcgi (definitely feels faster than webrick)
Anyway, I set the default route in routes.rb to be
map.connect '''', :controller => "placements", :action => ''list''
which worked once I figured out apache...
Anyway, now that I have done that, all attempts
2006 Feb 07
select list error - following Agile guide
I would swear that I am tracking exactly the method used in Agile
TypeError in Placements#edit
Showing app/views/placements/_form.rhtml where line #33 raised:
wrong argument type String (expected Module)
Extracted source (around line #33):
30: <tr>
31: <td><label for "type">Type</label></br><%=
32: options = [["Select
2006 Mar 10
boolean select problem
I want to use select form elements to choose between boolean options. How
can I have it default to true and still display the persisted value (either
true or false) when editing an existing object? I guess booleans default to
false by default so its not obvious how to recognize when it''s a real
''false'' that the user set or default false because the value was null.