similar to: Where is a good place to update a date field?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Where is a good place to update a date field?"

2006 Aug 10
1.1.5 Upgrade and config.load_path not working
Hey, I am trying to upgrade to 1.1.5 and rails no longer finds my controllers the live outside app/controllers. I was on 1.1.2 previously and here is my setup In environment.rb config.load_paths += [File.join(File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT), "rails_shared/controllers") ] config.load_paths += [File.join(File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT), "rails_shared/helpers") ]
2008 Mar 14
Facebooker MQ now on RubyForge
I don''t know if anyone is using this but I just fixed a bunch of bugs, some big ones, and moved this project to RubyForge SVN servers. So you can get it here now: script/plugin install This is working great for me on a couple of projects. Here is the README Updated: 3/14/2008 Purpose: The purpose of FacebookerMQ is to
2008 Mar 14
Facebooker updates
I just went through and cleaned out most of the bugs and patches. I also added a facebooker.js file that implements enough of prototype to do $() and link_to_remote with :update and remote_form_for with :update Let me know if you run into any issues with it. Mike -- Mike Mangino
2006 Mar 15
Route for any image?
I want to create a route for any image. This is in order to create an email report explaining what the missing image is. I could create a route for each directory that currently has images in it but wanted something more general like: map.connect "/**/*.gif", :controller => ''image_handler'', :action => ''handle_image'' Which doesn''t
2008 Mar 31
request for change in URL pointing to facebook domain
I am requesting that we change the paths that absolutely point to the facebook URL. In the PHP client there is a method in the facebook.php file called get_facebook_url() so this is easy to change there. One reason for this: Ringside Networks is a drop in replacement for Facebook that can be used for localhost development and eventually an abstraction for most social networks - it mimics the
2006 Feb 13
caches_action does not go off the entire URL
I am trying to use caches_action and the agile book says that it is keyed off the URL, however it does not seem to pick up the URL parameters. http://localhost:3000/controller/action/id?foo=bar and http://localhost:3000/controller/action/id?foo=foobar Returns the same page. Anyone looked into how to add URL parameters to the cached key? Also, where do those file get stored? Thanks Dave
2008 Jun 03
Order of authentication methods is causing unnecessary call to API?
Hey Guys, I am wondering if I am missing something here. I am noticing that after a user installs my app I get a request that not only contains an auth_key but also contains a valid session key. Occasionally I am seeing that Facebook server is occasionally sending a connection reset during the auth key authentication method, this caused me to notice that secure_with_token is given precedence in
2008 Jan 11
couple of newbie questions about redirects
I''m working on an app, and am new to both ruby and facebooker. Here is my current area of confusion: What should happen on a user''s initial visit to my app? When I hit<my app> for the first time with no cookies or sessions or anything, I''m asked if I want to log into the app, etc., and am then redirected to my callback url outside of facebook.
2008 Aug 19
redirect with application add
There are groups within our app that people can be invited too. If a user recieves an invite to a group and hasn''t yet added the application the filter chain ends up redirecting them to the main canvas page instead of the the group page directly. Is there a way to handle this if the user hasn''t installed the app, I tried redirect_back_or_default in one of my controllers but it
2008 Jan 16
Towards a 1.0 release
Hey everybody. I''ve been using Facebooker on several projects over the last few months and feel like it is really starting to mature. I''d like to push towards a 1.0 release within the next month. I''d really like everybody''s input on what still needs to be done, as well as some help in wrapping things up. I''ve created a list of things that still
2008 Mar 25
Facebooker::Session::SessionExpired (Session key invalid or no longer valid)
Hi All, I''m having horrible problems with this exception, which seems to happen as soon as I access the session object. Does anyone know what the path is to recover from this? This post looked to be the most promising: And I followed all of the steps except switching my session store, and modifying the default
2007 Dec 13
session.send_notification for emails
Hey All, I am wondering if anyone has done any work around sending emails through the API. It looks like facebooker is using part of a deprecated API, Notifications.send used to take an email part. They now have a Notifications.sendEmail call which will take recipients, subject, text part and fbml part. Looking at the code it seems like I need to add a method to the session
2006 Mar 22
Can you supress warnings when running rake?
Anyone know how to turn off warnings when running unit tests with rake? I keep getting a bunch of messages like this: warning: already initialized constant ALL_CONTENT Which is a constant in one of my models. thanks, Dave -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Feb 08
Can rails cache a table?
We have a few tables that do not change, unless something big happens which will only happen when it is time to deploy. Is there a way to get Rails to cache the contents of these tables? We can''t just go to config files or not DB models for reasons I won''t get into. Thanks, Dave -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Jan 04
after_update attributes problem
Hey guys, I''m having a hard time w/ the after_update callback on rails... As far as I can tell, when I define a after_update callback on a model, the attributes of the object have the same values that they had *before* was called. I''m probably wrong so here''s the code: UNIT TEST: def test_register_item_adjusts_account_balance account =
2006 Mar 25
help on mfc/r2
Hello there! I've problem with setting up unicall / mfcR2. can't find proper notation for channel, trying unicall/1, unicall/1/1001, unicall/g1, unicall/g1/1000 and still having no luck. klaudia*CLI> !cp call /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing -- Attempting call on Unicall/1001 for application Dial(363) (Retry 1) Mar 25 09:29:34 NOTICE[19920]: channel.c:2429 __ast_request_and_dial:
2008 May 15
facebooker, respond_to and firefox 3 beta5/pre
Hi there, I have a controller that responds to fbml and html, with html at the top. In all browsers, this works as expected - When I''m hitting the controller from my normal app, I get html. When I hit it inside facebook, I get fbml. However, with Firefox 3 hitting the normal app, I''m getting fbml for some odd reason. Am I crazy? Sudara
2006 May 09
Error in x[good, ] * w : non-conformable arrays
>From posts in Sep 2004 and Feb 2005, glm() was raising "Error in x[good, ] * w : non-conformable arrays". I can reproduce this error using: df1 = data.frame(u=1:10, v=rpois(10,10), z=array(1,10,dimnames=list(1:10))) glm(v~u+offset(log(z)), data=df1, family=poisson) -- which seems to be due to the variable z have dimnames. In, the error is
2007 Dec 15
Reading Model data before update
Hi all, here is the challenge: I have this validation method, that basically prevents an object which billed = true to be updated: def before_update if read_attribute(:billed) errors.add_to_base(''This service has already been billed for'') end !read_attribute(:billed) end The above code does not work in case I do something like: object =
2013 Sep 06
[fdo] Is it good place to announce about new projects?
This question appeared after i noticed, that huge amount of projects, most of which was not known to me before, have own lists. Before that i registered in xdg list thinking, that it is good to announce new projects (i even sent ther posts about two tools ? window-docker and fdopenres). They are too small imho, to dedicate lists for them, and as for first ? i don't know, what is better