similar to: problems with rpubchem package on fedora

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "problems with rpubchem package on fedora"

2009 Nov 19
problem post request with RCurl
Hi, I am trying to use a CGI service (Pubchem PUG) via RCurl and am running into a problem where the data must be supplied via POST - but I don't know the keyword for the argument. The data to be sent is an XML fragment. I can do this via the command line using curl: I save the XML string to a file called query.xml and then do curl -d @query.xml
2005 Feb 02
(no subject)
can you recommend a good manual for R that starts with a data set and gives demonstrations on what can be done using R? I downloadedR Langauage definition and An introduction to R but haven't found them overly useful. I'd really like to be able to follow some tutorials using a dataset or many datasets. The datasets I have available on R are Data sets in package 'datasets':
2009 Dec 17
Help with Merge - unexpected loss of factor level
Hi, Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me, I am very stumped on this problem... I use R every day and consider myself a confident user, but this seems to be an elementary problem.. Outline of problem: I am analysing the results of a study on protein expression in cancer tissues. I have raw intensities from 2 different types of cancer and normal tissue, which can be taken from several
2003 Nov 10
Memory issues..
Hi dear R-listers, I'm trying to fit a 3-level model using lme in R. My sample size is about 2965 and 3 factors: year (5 levels), ssize (4 levels), condition (2 levels). When I issue the following command: > lme(var~year*ssize*condition,random=~ssize+condition|subject,data=smp,method ="ML") I got the following error: Error in logLik.lmeStructInt(lmeSt, lmePars) :
2012 Apr 10
How to get the SS and MS from oneway.test?
Hello everyone: I'm a new member of this group. I have a question about "oneway.test". When I use "anova(lm(....))" to analysis the ANOVA, I can get the information about Sum Sq and Mean Sq. (The R code and the results are as follows.)
2003 Oct 01
question about predictions with linear models
Hi, this question is probably very obvious but I just cant see where I might be going wrong. I'm using the lm() function to generate a linear model and then make predictions using a different set of data. To generate the model I do (tdata & pdata are matrices of observations and parameters, tdepv, pdepv are response vectors) x <- x$tdepv <- tdepv
2010 Apr 29
How to estimate the residual SD for each sample separately in mixed-effects model?
Dear R-helpers, I am developing a Mixed-Effects model for a study of immunoassays using 'lme4' library. The study design is as follows: 10 samples were run using 7 different immunoassays, 3 times each, in duplicates. Data attached. I have developed the following model: c.lme <- lmer(Result~SPL + (SPL|Assay/Run) -1, data=data) This model has excellent predictions - the Rsquared of
2007 Jun 26
Can I stub a method on a belongs_to association:
describe Asset, " when destroyed" do fixtures :assets, :videos, :sites, :publish_settings before(:each) do @asset = assets(:test_asset) @mock_hook = mock("hook")!(:hook).and_return @mock_hook # error occurs here end it "should call the delete hook" do @mock_hook.should_receive(:update).with("test_video",
2010 Mar 09
Help with ANOVA in R
Hi I am attempting Anova analysis to compare results from four groups (Samp1-4) which are lists of intensities from the experiment. I am doing this by first creating a structured list of the data and then conducting the ANOVA (Script provided below). Im an R beginner so am not sure if I am using this correctly. Two major questions I have are: 1) Is using the code (zzz.aov <- aov(Intensity ~
2010 Oct 13
Regular expression to find value between brackets
Hi, this should be an easy one, but I can't figure it out. I have a vector of tests, with their units between brackets (if they have units). eg tests <- c("pH", "Assay (%)", "Impurity A(%)", "content (mg/ml)") Now I would like to hava a function where I use a test as input, and which returns the units like: f <- function (x) sub("\\)",
2003 Nov 10
shuffling a vector
Hi, I'me trying to write a function that will shuffle a vector. At the moment I'm baically making a vector of randomized indices and then making a new vector from the original one using these random indices. However, is there an alternative (more elegant) method to do this? I tried'shuffle') but it does'nt return anything relevant. Thanks,
2011 Sep 19
gmaps4rails "acts_as_gmappable" error
Hi all, I started to see fun of gmaps4rails gem from After everything done. When visited the locahost, i got the following error. undefined local variable or method `acts_as_gmappable'' for #<Class: 0x31a9da8> the error is due to i have line "acts_as_gmappable" in my model. Anybody knows how this is
2006 Jun 21
eliminating a do loop
Using a "by() statement, I am preparing ANOVA's for multiple experiments, and using simint() to generate confidence intervals. This works fine. <- by(analytes.dfr, list(Assay = analytes.dfr$analyte ), function(data) (simint(value ~ tx, data = data,type='Tukey' ) ) ) I can separately prepare plots of the confidence intervals, and I can prepare separate plots
2003 Nov 10
attaching data to any object
Hi, is the following possible - in a given session I make a lot of objects and save when exiting. Usually I note down seperately what each object is about. Is it possible to attach data to any object which would essentially be a short note explaining the meaning of it? Thanks, ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rajarshi Guha <rxg218 at>
2003 Sep 03
plotting a distribution curves
Hi, is there a way to plot distribution curves (say normal or chi sq etc) from within R? For example I looked up the *chisq family of functions but I'm not sure as to how I would use them to generate a plot of the chi sq distribution (for arbitrary d.o.f). Thanks, ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rajarshi Guha <rajarshi at>
2003 May 12
update.lme trouble (PR#2985)
Try this data(Assay) as1 <- lme(logDens~sample*dilut, data=Assay, random=pdBlocked(list( pdIdent(~1), pdIdent(~sample-1), pdIdent(~dilut-1)))) update(as1,random=pdCompSymm(~sample-1)) update(as1,random=pdCompSymm(~sample-1)) update(as1,random=pdCompSymm(~sample-1)) update(as1,random=pdCompSymm(~sample-1)) I'm
2009 Jun 23
an idiom to handle i'th element of a set of lists simultaneously
Hi, I have 3 lists, x, y, z and I'd like to perform a calculation over all the lists simultaneously. If it were a single list I could use lapply, but for more than one list I'm using a for loop. Is there an idiom that would let me use something like lapply, but the function specified to lappy would have access to an element from each list? (In Python, I would have used for a,b,c in
2012 Jan 22
How to construct a formula
Hi, I need to construct a formula programaticly, and pass it to a function such as the linear mixed model lme. The help says it requires "a two-sided linear formula object describing the fixed-effects part of the model" but I do not know how to create this formula. I have tried various things using formula(x, ...), as.formula(object, env = parent.frame()) and as.Formula(x, ...)
2011 Jan 31
identify subsets based on two grouping factors
Hi, I have a data.frame that has a categorical variable, for which I would like to look at the distribution of levels of this variable, based on a grouping of two other variables. As an example: x <- data.frame(obs=sample(c('low', 'high'),100, replace=TRUE), grp1=sample(1:10, 100, replace=TRUE), grp2=runif(100)) cut.grp1 <- cut(x$grp1, 3) cut.grp2 <- cut(x$grp2, 3)
2010 Jul 27
xyplot with all columns of a data.frame on a single plot
Hi, I have a data.frame with columns named X, D1, D2, D3 I know I can get a single plot with 3 curves by doing xyplot(D1 + D2 + D3 ~ X, data) but in some cases I might have columns D1 ... D10. Is there a way to plot all 10 columns without having to specify each individual term? (By analogy with formulae in lm, I thought, xyplot(. ~ X, data) would work, but it didn't) Thanks, --