similar to: Re: Rails Digest, Vol 18, Issue 656

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Re: Rails Digest, Vol 18, Issue 656"

2006 Mar 25
Question about upgrading to rails rc1.1
My current under-developed project is using rails 1.0 and now plan to upgrade to rails rc1.1,the project uses the Rails-engine and Login-engine as the login module,when I update the rails according to The project still can not be started,anybody can tell me the reason?very thanksful!And following is the
2006 Mar 16
RadRails 0.6 out
Since RadRails 0.6 is out (see ), I have made a "celebratory illustrated tutorial" on how to use the Eclipse update function to do the upgrade from within Eclipse (I found the process a tad confusing): saludos, Victor Kane -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2006 Mar 15
New RadRails tutorial using AWDWR book
Hello there, I am basically a J2EE refugee fascinated with Rails. I have been using the Spring framework (a lightweight J2EE java framework with some special characteristics) but I am so impressed with RoR that I am porting over many applications. In order to "dive into Rails", of course the second thing to do was get myself an IDE, and since I''ve been using Eclipse for the
2006 Mar 21
Konqueror Ajax update
I had been comparing IE and Firefox Ajax performance, and since I have a couple of Unix boxes in my workshop, I threw Konqueror into the mix, and reported here earlier today (or yesterday) that Konqueror ( 3.4.3) could handle Ajax perfectly, at least as far as the simplest AWDWR Ajax example (./example/index) was concerned. It occurred to me to do a more grueling test. I took the
2006 Mar 25
upgrade to 1.1RC on ubuntu breezy
How do I upgrade my rails to 1.1RC - running Ubuntu breezy and I had installed rails using apt-get in universe. -- Posted via
2006 Mar 23
ActiveRecord: Oracle metadata loading slow on large database
All, While attempting to use ActiveRecord against a large database, approx. 1700 tables and 4 million rows, I discovered an inefficiency in oci_adapter.rb. The problem seems to be the SQL being generated to lazy-load the columns metadata. "def columns(table_name, name = nil)" method generates the following SQL: select column_name, data_type, data_default, nullable,
2006 Mar 30
need an Ruby on Rails IDE
Hello everybody, I''m a new member on Ruby on Rails. I''m friendly on using Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) IDE. The VS IDE supports for Intellisense coding (that mean it will automatically display a list of member variables or functions for a class, struct, union, or namespace; the names and types of parameters required by a function or attribute; and the complete declaration for
2006 Mar 25
Re: Rails Digest, Vol 18, Issue 654
Radrails! Certainly complies with what you are looking for and much more. (Ctrl-Shift-V to toggle the editor between Model and View, for example). Runs as a standalone application, or as a feature (plugin) on the Eclipse platform. Cross platform either way. Then there''s the cost: it''s free! RadRails: (Just one the award for best open source Eclipse
2006 Mar 28
Master - Detail Form
Hi, I''m new with RoR. I''m trying to do a master-detail CRUD form, using generate scaffold. The problem I''m facing is that I have to keep the parent id through the detail view all the time by hand. Is there any example or way to see how to do it properly? Thanks. Fernando. PS: For further information, I have a Task and the Tasks have Items, so when I want to add an
2006 Apr 12
newbie radrails question
I''ve just install Eclipse with RadRails for the first time. I''m trying to follow the very simple DemoAppPart1 at When I click on the DepotServer and try to start it WEBbrick is not starting. I can cd to the base directory and run script/server and it works. Any idea what I''m doing wrong? Thanks Greg
2006 Mar 25
Your Ruby IDE
Just a poll here i am looking for a good IDE for rails and wondering what you guys use? features i like in an ide code highlites auto code complete file browser Currently i am using dreamwever but the code highliting is really bad its also a pain to set up other doucment types such as .yml data config. -- Posted via
2006 Mar 20
Re: Problem with AJAX not working on IE
I am running the simplest web2 demo from AWDWR (./example/index) on a slackware box running WEBrick on RadRails; with firefox and Konqueror (!) 3.4.2 anyway) everything fine; on laptop talking to my linux box, firefox does it instantaneously; but... IE DOES DO it, but takes a full 31 seconds!!! (The RadRails WEBrick console shows the POST immediately, but IE trundles for a full 31 seconds to
2006 Mar 20
Re: Rails Digest, Vol 18, Issue 502
I had an Article class and a Publication class, in NewsML, this was patterned after one NewsML file having references to multiple files, as per Reuters use. This is a design question, and nothing to do with Rails per se, I would say; except for the relationship between the DAO and the Business object, which is identical to MVC in any object oriented programming language, I would say. I wanted to
2006 Mar 22
Re: hyperlinks in Agile Web Development with Rails 1.1
My vote is that you maintain the hyperlinks! While working through the book, the code hyperlinks are essential to make sure one knows which version of depotNN is being referred to at the moment, for example, and as a convenient way of reviewing the code. And it is very useful to jump to in-depth references. I found the hyperlinks very helpful. cheers, Victor Kane
2006 Jul 24
Hi, i was hoping someone could reffer me to a place i could learn about the radrails application/editor/enviornment/... i was looking around for a good editor/etc for developing my applications, and i somehow stumbled up upon radrails ... at a first look, i am pleasantly shocked to see how easy developing applications might be, but i was hoping to give it (the first impression) a even
2006 Mar 21
Re: Rails Digest, Vol 18, Issue 525
Down here in South America, you can imagine we have to deal with this problem of character encoding all the time. It is not that UTF-8 is better than ISO-8859-1, or vice-versa, any more than French is better than Spanish. UTF-8 is more like an English, which is spoken (for better or worse) as the lengua franca most anyplace, while ISO-8859-1 is Latin specific (can''t handle Chinese).
2006 May 11
Delete global variable
Hello, I've got a question to the memory handling of global variables in Asterisk 1.2+. I use e.g. Set(active_${CALLERIDNUM}=1|g) to set a global variable in my dialplan. Later I will use Set(active_${CALLERIDNUM}=|g) to remove my global variable "active_${CALLERIDNUM}". Is the Memory space of variable really free? Or will I rise into a memory problem? Regards Bastian
2006 Mar 24
innodb vs myisam
Hi, I have been using myisam tables in mysql with rails because my client will soon want fulltext searchable content, however when I migrated my development db from schema.rb all of the tables generated were innodb. I understand that I can override this, but also like the transactions and foreign keys of innodb. So 2 questions really: 1. are transactions in activerecord dependent on innodb or do
2010 Aug 05
asset_host and ActionMailer
After digging through the rails code to figure out why my asset_host wasn''t getting applied to emails, I realized that it''s because the config object in the context of a mailer is config.action_mailer and not config.action_controller. This means you need to set asset host separately for emails, as config.action_mailer.asset_host. Should this be considered a bug? Is it really
2011 Apr 18
rubygems fail - require hpricot!
Hi guys, I wanted to fetch some info from webpage and use it in my db. I read hpricot is one way to do it. But the problem is I''m unable to use it with my app. For some reason after successfully installing hpricot it fails when I try to use it in the rails console. I''ve been trying to fix this for the last four-five days. I''m stumped ! I tried re-installing everything