similar to: Please help with Drb server

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2007 Apr 18
stack level too deep for method missing when using drb
I set up ferret and it''s running fine normally. Now I want to hook up the backgroundrb server. However whenever I try to do a search, I get this error: (druby://localhost:9010) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1075:in `method_missing'' (druby://localhost:9010) ./vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/remote_index.rb:20:in `find_id_by_contents'' (druby://localhost:9010)
2007 Sep 07
Ferret DRB - can add/edit index, but can''t search
I''m trying to use the Ferret DRB server to avoid concurrency issues when using multiple mongrels. I can successfully add and edit data on my index via the DRB server, however, when I search the index, I get the following error: DRb::DRbConnError (DRb::DRbServerNotFound): /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1647:in `current_server'' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1709:in
2007 Oct 05
DRbConnError when using script/runner
I am running ferret (0.11.4) and acts_as_ferret (stable from svn) in a rails 1.2.3 app in production using the DRb server. I recently upgraded my configuration and the method with which I start and stop the server no longer works: Here is the command I would like to use (and have used in the past) to start the aaf server: $ /Library/WebServer/rails/ccdb/current/script/runner -e production
2007 Apr 01
strange behavior after switching to DRb server
After switching to the DRb server, I am experiencing strange behavior when sorting on score. My app was working as expected before the switch. Both before and after the switch, my app sorts properly on other fields, such as date. For sorting on score, I am using the following option find_by_contents option: :sort => Ferret::Search::SortField::SCORE Before switching to DRb, this worked
2007 Jul 25
DRb not starting
Hi, I have my Model as follows: class Mutation < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret ({:fields => {:description=>{}, :product_id=>{:index => :untokenized}, :product_description=>{}, :product_label_description=>{}, :product_label_free=>{}, :product_product_id_supplier=>{}, :product_description_supplier=>{}, :supplier_description=>{}, :pub_date_sort
2007 May 24
Strange Problem with AAF DRB connection
Hi all! We use the DRB-Server Backend and are getting strange DRb::DRbConnErrors lately. It started with: too large packet 687865856 (druby:/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:573:in `load'' and later only this one: premature marshal format(can''t read) (druby:/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:580:in `load'' Do you have any ideas what that
2007 Jun 28
DRb server crashing
I''m having a problem where the DRb server seems to be disappearing (crashing?) and I don''t know how to track down the cause or work around the problem. Unfortunately I haven''t found a way to reproduce the problem, but it seems to happen fairly often (maybe once a day). Other then that ferret seems to be working well. I can''t seem to find any trace of the
2007 Jul 22
Strange Connection refused error acts_as_ferret server
I am having a strange problem starting the acts_as_ferret Drb server on a particular Linux machine (Debian Etch). The same setup works fine on my Mac (OSX). Without the Rails application running (yes, I''ve checked several times) I get the following error if I try to start the ferret server and one of my models contains :remote => true for acts_as_ferret: >> script/ferret_start
2007 Mar 31
Problem with setting up remote indexing
Hello, I have been trying to set up the remote indexing for acts_as_ferret and followed the guide here: I added :remote => true to my models and then specified host and port for the production environment. After defining the host/port for production, I tried to run my development server and received the following error:
2007 Nov 30
backgroundrb not cleaning up tmp files?
I just had an interesting issue on a production system that has been running nicely for about a year. There were approximately 10,000 backgroundrb temp files in the /tmp directory. It looks like backgroundrb wasn''t cleaning them up. I noticed it with the following error: DRb::DRbConnError: drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.20015/ backgroundrb_logger_0_0.101544829808665 -
2007 Aug 30
Method missing error after switching to DRB
I am getting these errors after switchign to dRb: It is trying to call ''add'' on MY SourceListing class, not extended with the ferret indexing methods. Any ideas on where to fix this? I''m combing through the code now. no luck, trying to call class method instead ferret server error undefined method `add'' for SourceListing:Class
2007 Apr 09
Drb Connection error on multiple dispatch.fcgi ''s
Hi All, I''m using Backgroundrb as a general purpose long-running-task back-end (upload processing, email sending, etc), and it''s been a great solution. However I''ve recently run into some some intermittent connection issues that have me baffled. I''m running on apache2/fcgid and the problem occurs in both devlopment and production mode. The problem seems to
2007 Nov 19
My AAF tweaks
I have had to fix a few issues with AAF in order to get it working well for myself in a production environment. I''m using the latest "release" version which is 0.4.1: 1) When there is no index in place, every request starts a new rebuild. While there is some code in place to allow this to happen during testing, personally I see no reason to even test for this,
2006 Oct 27
Error after moving to production server
so i have an after_create method on my track model that kicks off a background process that converts an mp3 to a swf. this is working fine locally on my machine, but upon moving it to my production server, i am getting the following error. I''ve only been using backgroundRB for like 48 hours, so i''m not really sure what this means or where to go. any ideas?
2007 Jun 28
ThreadError from DRb server
Hi there, I''ve just started using aaf for searching and it''s running well apart from one error I received: A ThreadError occurred in person#search: current thread not owner (druby:/localhost:9010) /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:274:in `mon_check_owner'' (druby:/localhost:9010) /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:274:in `mon_check_owner''
2006 Dec 04
Question about acls
Hi, I''m not much of a developer but I''ve been using backgroundrb for a while now and with the release of 0.2.1 it looks like I can finally upgrade from the old version (0.2.0 had some weird issues when jobs just wouldn''t run, seems to have cleared up now - Thanks!). Anyhow, while I''m doing this, I would like to tackle this problem. Most tasks I run in
2007 Jan 30
Backgroundrb weirdness with multiple mongrels
Hi list, I''m having some issues getting backgroundrb to play nice with more than one mongrel. When I run my app on a single mongrel instance it works fine. I have two different problems show up in my backgrounrb_server.log. The top of the backtrace is shown here: 20070130-12:03:03 (92473) failed to find slave socket - (RuntimeError) 20070130-12:03:03 (92473)
2007 May 22
BackgroundRb Server not responding
Hey, I have scheduled script that is not working very well. It will only run once or twice before I have to restart the server to get it running again. If I try to the worker manually after it has stopped exceuting the schedule I get this in the server log: 20070522-07:33:36 (5030) Connection reset by peer - (DRb::DRbConnError) 20070522-07:33:36 (5030) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:566:in
2007 Apr 03
Inifinite loop problem with DRb server
Hi all, We''re attempting to use Ferret with the DRb server at the moment, and it doesn''t work, at all... = Executive Summary The DRb server process keeps on calling the remote index to the DRb server process... Which means DRb is calling itself, and itself, and itself, until Ruby kills the Thread with a SystemStackLevel error. = The excruciating details... # Mongrel is
2007 Jun 27
acts_as_ferret, DRb, and filter_proc
I was just trying to use acts_as_ferret with DRb and filter_proc, without much success. My guess is that this isn''t possible because there''s no way to send the proc to the DRb server, correct? Person.find_by_contents("jonathan", :filter_proc => proc {}) causes an exception when using DRb (DRb::DRbConnError: DRb::DRbServerNotFound). I can work around this by