Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "validation for items in a 1 2 many"
2006 Feb 27
One to Many example... please!
I am pulling my hair out trying to work out how to put together what
should be a simple app in rails. The app is to CV''s so I have a table of
CV''s and each CV can have multiple skills. Skills are in a 2nd table
first_name VARCHAR(30) not null,
family_name VARCHAR(30) not null,
2006 Mar 04
has_many and belongs_to example?
If i have 2 tables i.e. product and images and product has_many images,
image belongs_to product - how to create _form.rhtml, new/create and
edit/update methods in product controller, so in a single form i can add
one product and MANY (let''s assume for now that this number is fixed)
images for this product?
Pleeeeease help me :)
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Mar 22
How do I substitute variables into class names?
In a partial that renders another partial, I would like to change the
items I am rendering based on the content of a variable. So instead of
having 5 partials which all have variations on this;
<% for @skill in @cv.skills %>
<%= render :partial => "skills" %>
<% end %>
If item = "skill" would like to do something to this effect;
<% eval("for
2006 Jun 20
Validation error_messages_for problem
I am having trouble getting error_messages_for to work.
My controller(relevant parts) looks like
def configure
@account = session[:account]
@user = User.new
def add_new_user_to_account
@user = User.new(params[:user])
if @user.valid?
session[:account].users << @user
redirect_to :action=> ''configure''
and my
2006 Jun 21
error_messages_for not displaying validation errors
Hi all,
I''ve been searching the web and the list archives for help on this and I''ve
found some tips, but I''ve been racking my brain on this for hours.
I have a Model, View, and Controller that are handling the uploading of a
file to my server. I want to make sure that the description is set and that
a file is selected to be uploaded. I have set validates_presence_of
2006 May 02
Model validation when using ajax & form_remote_tag...
I am trying to understand why model validation error reporting in Rails
is so complicated compared to non ajax model validation. In my normal
form I use <%= error_messages_for ''user'' %> in my view and I get a nice
error message displayed when the user inputs invalid information into
the form.
When I convert that form to use Ajax using form_remote_tag the
2006 Jul 21
Ajax page.replace_html model validation errors
I have the following setup:
A model: that validates using helpers like: validates_presence_of, etc..
A view: called ''new'' which renders a partial
The partial: _form which has error_messages_for and a
form_remote_tag , submit_tag and end_form_tag
An action ''create'': that gets executed via the submit_tag in the
_form and which
in case it can''t
2009 Oct 07
Empty validation error messages?
I''m have a form and the error messages are not being displayed properly
I got a remote_form_for and am trying to show errors like I always do:
<%= error_messages_for @user%>
but the output is:
4 errors prohibited this user from being saved
There were problems with the following fields:
* {{attribute}} {{message}}
* {{attribute}} {{message}}
* {{attribute}}
2006 Jan 18
Job posting Default / Springbolt Ruby / Rails developers
We are currently hiring experienced Ruby / Rails developers to work with our
small team at Default / Springbolt. Below is the job description as shown on
our (holding) website: http://www.springbolt.com/jobs.htm
Please reply off-list with any interest or questions.
Thanks for your time.
Below is the job description:
London based company seeks Ruby / Rails developers to join
2023 Nov 03
new cv package: cross-validation of regression models
Georges Monette and I would like to announce a new package, cv, now on
CRAN, which implements cross-validation of regression models.
Some of the functions supplied by the package:
- cv() is a generic function with a default method and computationally
efficient "lm" and "glm" methods, along with a method for a list of
competing models. There are also experimental
2023 Nov 03
new cv package: cross-validation of regression models
Georges Monette and I would like to announce a new package, cv, now on
CRAN, which implements cross-validation of regression models.
Some of the functions supplied by the package:
- cv() is a generic function with a default method and computationally
efficient "lm" and "glm" methods, along with a method for a list of
competing models. There are also experimental
2006 Jun 07
knn - 10 fold cross validation
I was trying to get the optimal 'k' for the knn. To do this I was using the following function :
knn.cvk <- function(datmat, cl, k = 2:9) {
datmatT <- (datmat)
cv.err <- cl.pred <- c()
for (i in k) {
newpre <- as.vector(knn.cv(datmatT, cl, k = i))
cl.pred <- cbind(cl.pred, newpre)
cv.err <- c(cv.err, sum(cl != newpre))
2008 Jun 09
Cross-validation in R
Folks; I am having a problem with the cv.glm and would appreciate someone
shedding some light here. It seems obvious but I cannot get it. I did read
the manual, but I could not get more insight. This is a database containing
3363 records and I am trying a cross-validation to understand the process.
When using the cv.glm, code below, I get mean of perr1 of 0.2336 and SD of
0.000139. When using a
2013 Mar 28
using cvlm to do cross-validation
I did a cross-validation using cvlm from DAAG package but wasn't sure how to assess the result. Does this result means my model is a good model?
I understand that the overall ms is the mean of sum of squares. But is 0.0987 a good number? The response (i.e. gailRel5yr) has min,1st Quantile, median, mean and 3rd Quantile, and max as follows: (0.462, 0.628, 0.806, 0.896, 1.000, 2.400) ?
2007 May 11
model seleciton by leave-one-out cross-validation
Hi, all
When I am using mle.cv(wle), I find a interesting problem: I can't do
leave-one-out cross-validation with mle.cv(wle). I will illustrate the
problem as following:
> xx=matrix(rnorm(20*3),ncol=3)
> bb=c(1,2,0)
> yy=xx%*%bb+rnorm(20,0,0.001)+0
> summary(mle.cv(yy~xx,split=nrow(xx)-1,monte.carlo=2*nrow(xx),verbose=T),
mle.cv: dimension of the split subsample
2006 Aug 18
AJAX question
Dear all,
Help me get a simple AJAX behavior right. I know zero AJAX, thus
please advice. Below is a simplification of the real code and I hope
I can describe my intention clearly.
class StoreController < ApplicationController
def show_cart
@cart = Cart.new
@new_item = CartItem.new
def add_item
@new_item = CartItem.new(params[:new_item])
2006 Aug 18
Simple AJAX question
Dear all,
Help me get a simple AJAX behavior right. I know zero AJAX, thus
please advice. Below is a simplification of the real code and I hope I
can describe my intention clearly.
class StoreController < ApplicationController
def show_cart
@cart = Cart.new
@new_item = CartItem.new
def add_item
@new_item = CartItem.new(params[:new_item])
if @new_item.valid?
2006 Jul 24
Ajax page.replace_html model validation render partial errors
Hi; I have the following setup:
A model: that validates using helpers like: validates_presence_of, etc..
A view: called ''new'' which renders a partial
The partial: _form which has error_messages_for and a
form_remote_tag , submit_tag and end_form_tag
An action ''create'': that gets executed via the submit_tag in the
_form and which
in case it can''t
2007 May 14
cross-validation / sensitivity anaylsis for logistic regression model
I have developed a logistic regression model in the form of (factor_1~ numeric
+ factor_2) and would like to perform a cross-validation or some similar
form of sensitivity analysis on this model.
using cv.glm() from the boot package:
# dataframe from which model was built in 'z'
# model is called 'm_geo.lrm'
# as suggested in the man page for a binomial model:
cost <-
2008 Sep 26
Cross Validation output
Good Day All,
I have a negative binomial model that I created using the function
glm.nb() with the MASS library and I am performing a cross-validation
using the function cv.glm() from the boot library. I am really
interested in determining the performance of this model so I can have
confidence (or not) when it might be applied elsewhere
If I understand the cv.glm() procedure correctly, the