similar to: PHP and Rails integration

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "PHP and Rails integration"

2006 May 13
Eric Meyer about frameworks (Rails, too)
Hi, for those of you who haven''t read: ""Oh", they gush, "you should absolutely try Ruby on Rails! It''s so easy! It''s almost like writing regular English!" Which means they''re clearly on crack, because Ruby on Rails is so very different from a human-written language
2006 May 06
login generator always give login unsuccessfull
hi guys, i just did what it is written in this website to genrate login at the end i add to the database login and password but when i tried to login it give me login unsuccessfull can anyone help me thanks notice: i m beginner in webdeveloppement and especially ruby on rails -- Posted via
2007 Jan 18
Problem with encoding - characters such as öäü
Hi I''m trying to use german characters on a ruby on rails application, but for get ? on dropwdown menus. The database, tables and fields are encoded utf8_general_ci. I have this in my application controller: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :set_charset before_filter :configure_charsets def set_charset @headers["Content-Type"] =
2006 Apr 19
Tools rund um Rails
Hallo zusammen, dann will ich mal wieder ein bi?chen Schwung auf die RoR-Liste bringen: Schildert doch einfach mal eure Erfahrungen mit Tools rund um Rails, also zum Beispiel Capistrano (formerly known as Switchtower), RadRails etc. Welche Plugins setzt ihr ein, von welchen w?rdet ihr abraten? Oder folgt ihr dem Tenor "Reuse is overrated" und schreibt euch die Sachen lieber neu? --
2006 Aug 17
Show and Back
Wondering if I can get some feedback as to the best approach to handling the following issue: - you have 300 items and pagination is set to 10 items per page - you are on page 10 and call the show action - you then click back and it calls list on the controller - the pagination starts again on page 1 Are people use hidden form fields, then passing the page number to the show, edit actions?
2006 May 05
Date calender instead of selectboxes like in Django
Hi, please have a look at especially the screenshot in the middle with the Calender. Instead of 3 selectfields with day, month, year I find this one much more userfriendly, also having yesterday, today and tomorrow. Are there plugins for this? I know which I often included in my php-sites, and
2006 Jan 19
partials and instance variables for file_column
Hi, Sebastian Kanthak of the file_column-Plugin wrote once: "is the photo object inside a local variable or an instance variable (e.g. photo or @photo)? url_for_file_column only works with instance variables, like all other active record form helpers. Could this be the problem?" So I''m using file_column in a partial, e.g. <%= render (:partial => "product",
2006 Sep 04
Patch: import csv on migration
Hi, I just found a patch about importing a csv file in a migration: This feature would be great, but the patch seems to sleep :( Perhaps anyone could attend to this patch? Thanks, Beate --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To
2006 Jan 02
How can one use GRUFF with locomotive ( I guess there is a wider question here, also)
Hi: I love Locomotive and use it exclusively for my rails projects. I''d like to install GRUFF and give it a try (a graph image creation package). I know I can do sudo gem install gruff from the command line for normal ruby and rails. How do I make gems available to Locomotive? bruce
2006 May 30
phpbb forum with rails application.
I would like to knock up a phpbb forum with a rails application. I wanted to do this as I want to use ActiveRecord to crawl through the user database in the rails app. Is there a way to do this - on the same domain name and server... Or does it depend how the server is setup? -- Posted via
2006 Jan 23
2 output
I''m trying to build a page similar to a delicious page that is a listing of your bookmarks in this format: 1. Querying serialized data in ActiveRecord<> Hack to search serialized fields to rails <> ... and 4 other
2006 May 04
Child calls
If I use <%= %> and or <%= %> then i get the correct record. BUT if say <% nameholder = "" %> <%= nameholder %> it just prints How do I get ruby to recognize nameholder as object? Thanks, James -- Posted via
2006 Jan 20
Calendar date picker for use with rails.
Howdy folks, As I was putting together a rough form for a rails app, I got to thinking how much smoother (in my siytuation) a little calendar widget would be than the default date picker selects. Does anyone know if such a thing exists ? I suspect it would have to be somewhat designed with rails in mind to populate the right kind of post params for convenient use at the controller end.
2006 May 09
[OT] How do guys create round corner boxes? Which Graphic tool?
Hello, Yes, I know it''s off-topic and nuby question, but I really don''t know anything about graphic, I''m all a coder who lives in his text editor, so sorry at first! I need to create round corner box for my web app, I know how to form a box using CSS, I just dunno how to create those rounded corners. Is there an easy to use tool for creating them, out there? Thank you
2004 Dec 27
Found security expliot in port phpBB 2.0.8 FreeBSD4.10
I think, there is a neat exploit in the phpbb2.0.8 because I found my home page defaced one dark morning. The patch for phpBB is here. The excerpt of the log is attached. I believe the link to the described exploit is here. The defacement braggen page is here filter to show the exploited FreeBSD machines that
2006 Jan 08
Resource Bundle Roundup
I''ve recently made a first release of what I''m calling "bundled_resource" which is a plugin that makes our lives *much* easier when we need to use javascripts, stylesheets and images in conjunction with one another to deliver a special effect or tool on the client (browser) side. If you missed the release, read about it on my blog at
2006 Feb 09
Theme wanted for new Rails CMS
Hi all, I just finished building a CMS (open source, MIT license, same as RoR) that is aimed at people with portfolios: graphic designers, photographers, web developers, etc. Since this fits the Rails demographic well, and I plan to continue actively developing the project, I expect it to be a hit. Some features: * 100% semantic XHTML * Built on Ruby on Rails * AJAXified administration *
2011 Sep 20
list spam related question
In the thread "[Wine] New to Wine...and already in trouble..." there was a spam post by kizi that says it was "Sent from the Wine - Users mailing list archive at". Can people really send things to our list/forum from other sites/forums? It also seems odd that the reply directs a person to catch up on the thread by linking to Nabble instead of the Wine forum. It
2006 Mar 09
cross domain cookies
Does anybody know how to access the domain of a cookie from inside rails? I am try to integrate phpbb forums into my site and one of the things phpbb does is store a cookie. The forums are at and the site is so i needed to set the cookie domain in phpbb to just be "" so both sites can access it. The trouble is when using cookies[] in rails,
2004 Nov 29
asterisk newsgrup proposal or phpBB forum
Hi all, I can see huge traffic here over 400 post in 4 days. My proposal is to create asterisk newsgrup proposal or phpBB forum what do think about it ? BR, Corvin btw. I'm admin of phpBB Forum (slackware forum - polish language), nearly 900 users. I think if someone will prepare it good it can be great project. (but I have 7 person team).