Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Validating collections"
2006 Apr 14
spot the error (I can''t, I''m new)
I have a form that I want to use to update multiple
objects. In the controller,
@grades = Grade.find(params[:grade].keys)
@grades.each_with_index do |grade, i|
all_valid = @grades.inject(true) {|memo, c|
c.valid? && memo }
this doesn''t update the attributes as I would expect.
(I would just use
2006 Jan 19
TIP: Using field_error_proc to add style attributes to form elements
I just put this up on the wiki, and thought I''d share in case it''s
useful to anyone else. This is handy if you don?t want to wrap your
input elements inside a div when an error occurs, but instead want to
add some sort of CSS style to fields with errors:
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = Proc.new do |html_tag, instance|
msg = instance.error_message
error_style =
2009 Jun 28
validation error messages in Form - how to disable the ActionView::Base.field_error_proc ?
I wrote the following code in my form view :
<li><label for="email">Email</label>
<%= form.text_field :email, :size => "30" %>
<span id=''email_error'' class=\''warning-text warning-text-indent\''><%=
@user.errors.on(:email) %></span></li>
the generated html code is the following :
2006 May 24
Problems validating form with collection_select
I have the following models:
class Comandancia < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :elementos
class Elemento < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :comandancia
validates_presence_of :nombre, :apellido_paterno, :apellido_materno,
In the view for New Elemento I''m using
<%= start_form_tag :action => ''create'' %>
<%= render :partial =>
2007 Sep 21
Weird data from evalJSON
I am trying to have prototype perform a request and return to me a
javascript object representing the json string returned by the
request. I want to iterate over the contents to print each object in
the json string. The value of transport.reponseText in onSuccess is
what I would expect. But once I try to perform evalJSON() on this
text it gives me a bunch of extra function()s when i try to
2006 Jun 12
Realtime form validation for forms containing collections
I''m successfully using the realtime_form_validation plugin from
http://railsrtv.rubyforge.org/ However, my forms contain collections,
as described in the AWDWR book. Basically my form looks like this.
2004 2005 2006
Question 1 12 13 15
Question 2 9 11 13
I have the following code to generate ids for my input fields.
2006 Jan 02
Dealing with collections of model objects
For an application I''m writing I have a model object, "Answer", many
of which are associated with a "Request" object. A user will need to
answer many questions, each of which is stored in an Answer object
that is associated with their request (Request has many Answers). Is
there an easy way to create and then validate each of these Answer
I basically want to
2006 Jun 17
Dynamic forms containing collections
I have the following problem: I need to use forms containing
collections (i will call them FCC), and I want to construct them
dynamically, as I need to deal with quite large forms (more than 600
input fields).
The variables @model_name and @field_name contain the proper model and
field names as strings, which is enough for "normal" form input
fields. (i.e. the "if
2006 Jul 21
How to display data using helpers and collections
## application_helper.rb
def name_field(object, options = {} )
html = ""
html << "Title : " + select(object, ''title'')
html << "Given Names :" + text_field(object, ''given_names''
html << "Family Name :" + text_field(object, ''family_name''
## index.rhtml
2005 Feb 05
Creating collections
I''m trying to create a form where a collection is created, using the
example from the Rails 0.9.5 weblog posting:
I''m having a bit of trouble. The controller currently looks like this:
class StudentController < ApplicationController
def new
render_text @params.inspect
2008 Apr 22
Problem with Prototype, Opera 9 and Form.serialize()
following code fragment given:
function jsPostAppend(script, form_id)
//parameters=''&'' + $(form_id).serialize() // first flavour
parameters=''&'' + Form.serialize($(form_id)) // second flavour
This works perfect for FF2, IE7 and Safari3 (in both flavours).
With Opera 9.x, I get the following javascript errors:
2008 Jul 06
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc not getting an error field
In my User form I have standard field to get user record attributes
(first_name, last_name and email)
I also have a select drop_down to choose a role from an array
first_name, last_name and email are user record attributes, but I
defined the role name as a virtual attribute
validates_presence_of :email, :last_name
attr_accessor :role_name
validates_presence_of :role_name, :if
2006 Mar 10
validation is giving me heartburn
this one is killing me. all i want to do is validate the format of
user-entered software versions. so in the model i have:
validates_format_of :version,
:message=>"Not valid version number."
the form field is simply the scaffold form code:
2006 Mar 29
has_and_belongs_to_many and collections management
Sorry for the big post. I''m having a lot of confusion when trying to
implement a simple model relationship that uses all the good things of
I need to store some dinamic entries about knowledge of certain people on
the database. A knowledge is measured with another table, with a range of
possible values for a knowledge. This is a reduced schema of my database:
create table
2006 Mar 16
validating presence of a tag
I''m using acts_as_taggable. I have a form that asks for a question and a tag
for that question, something like:
<% form_tag -%>
<%= text_area("question", "question_text") %>
<%= text_field("tag", "name") %>
<%= submit_tag %>
<% end_form_tag %>
The question is one model. Tag is another.
My problem is that I
2006 Apr 05
CRUD pattern for has_many relationships (forms containing collections)?
Hello folks!
Beare with me for a second, while I explain my problem.
Assuming we have the trivial model of
class Author
has_many :books
class Book
How do people go about creating the authors/edit and authors/new
views if you want to be able to add and remove arbitrary amount of
Books at Author creation and edit time? What I mean by this is that I
go to
2005 Dec 29
validation highlighting on non-scaffold fields
Hi all,
I''m new to rails.
I have created a bunch of CRUD code using scaffolds.
I had to add code to the default output to account for
fields that establish the relationships between tables.
Everything works well, including the validation of the
fields I added. However, I can''t get the highlighting
to work for my fields when they fail validation and the
view is redisplayed.
2010 Dec 14
Custom form error messages
What do I have to override in order to be able to have the error message
of each field in front of the input field?
I haven''t been able to find anything similar on google. All I''ve found
is how to override the container around the input field.
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = Proc.new { |html_tag, instance|
2005 Mar 10
Newbie question - form validation
I am sorry for maybe stupid question. I am new in rails.
I am trying to create very simple weblog systeme. I know threre are
plenty of them, but It''s good to study. I create following rule in
validates_length_of :header, :in => 3..50, :allow_nil => false,
:message => "At least 3 characters"
It''s working fine with default scaffolt add
2006 Feb 02
Validation fails with select option list
I have a form with some text_field and some drop down lists.
<input id="student_fname" name="student[fname]" size="20" value=""
<input id="student_mname" name="student[mname]" size="20" value=""
<input id="student_lname"