Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Default value in a Partial that use index"
2006 Apr 16
render :collection and default value
Hi all,
I am having a lot of trouble to get the default value of text fields
when they are generated by a partial from a collection.
I have been on this for a whole week and I didnt find a single exemple
on the internet of someone using a partial that generate text field with
a default value.
I cant believe that I am the only one having this problem. Anyone has an
exemple they can show me?
2006 Apr 04
getting the value of a form select
I have been working for a whole week on this problem without success, so
I feel that its now time to give up and ask for some help since it seems
that I am obvisouly missing something...
all I want to do is having a form with a dropdown menu. When the user
select a value from the drop down and sumit the value, this value must
be the new ''active_client''.
Technicaly, when the
2011 Jan 11
modified FAST Script from package SensoMineR for the R community - Reg
###Dear R users
###I have been using SensoMineR package from CRAN for most of my work in
sensory data analysis and from my usage experience, I encountered some
areas for improvement and considered ###modifying the function in
SensoMineR package for my personal use. I felt that it could be useful to
share this to the community for enabling adoption by other users where
they might require a
2004 Oct 07
title in bold - simple question in R 1.9.0
how can i write this simple sentence : "Hello world" with "Hello" only
in bold ?
I try
> plot(1:5)
> title(main=paste(expression(bold("Hello")),"world",sep=" "))
but the result is wrong.
Si vous n'etes pas destinataires de ce message, merci d'avertir l'expediteur de l'erreur de distribution et de le
2005 Nov 09
dataframe without repetition
with a data.frame like this :
> toto <-
> toto
id dpt
1 id1 13
2 id1 13
3 id2 34
4 id3 30
5 id3 30
6 id3 30
what is the most efficient ways to obtain :
2004 Jul 29
2 questions : format and hh:mm
Dear R-users,
i have two questions :
1- first of all, i wish to know the way to obtain a serie with a format
like "00" : ( "01","02","03","04"....) or like postal code
for instance, i do :
> format(strptime(as.character(c(1:4)),"%H"),"%H")
but it sounds complicate and not really
2004 Jul 23
merge, cbind, or....?
i have two data.frame x and y like :
> x <- data.frame( num = c(1:10), value = runif(10) )
> y <- data.frame( num = c(6:10), value = runif(5) )
and i want to obtain something like :
num.x value.x num.y value.y
1 0.38423828 NA 0.2911089
2 0.17402507 NA 0.8455208
3 0.54443465 NA 0.8782199
4 0.04540406 NA 0.3202252
5 0.46052426
2006 May 19
Need help with a test
I have this controller method that I need to test:
def link_concept_to_client
concept_to_link = Concept.find(params[:concept_id])
# take all the variations for the concept
for variation in concept_to_link.variations
new_client_variation = ClientVariation.new
new_client_variation.client = session[:active_client]
new_client_variation.variation = variation
2003 Jun 20
[HS] results testing asterisk with ISDN BRI & look for help to understand configuring SIP with asterisk
card : ISDN Olitec PCI 128 (hisax gazel)
internet connection by ISDN 64kb/s
dynamic IP
nom de domaine registered to : dyndns.org avec ddclient to register IP
par ddclient
asterisk (on internet gateway)
configuration pour ISDN BRI par virtual modems /dev/ttyI* (modem.conf)
logical telephone SIP "SJPHONE" on 2 local stations "windows"
(i don't succeed
2005 Jul 06
Fichier supprim és entre temps
J'ai un petit souci avec mon petit couple rsync over ssh. Quand je fais un
rsync d'une machine, et que celle-ci dispose d'une messagerie de type
vpopmail, le backup m'indique ? la fin que certains fichiers n'ont pu ?tre
transf?r?s. Ceci est du au fait que sachant que les services POP/SMTP sont
actif, des fichiers ont ?t? supprim?s entre le temps ou la liste des
2006 Oct 16
grep function with patterns list...
Dear R-users,
is there a way to pass a list of patterns to the grep function? I
vaguely remember something with %in% operator...
"La science a certes quelques magnifiques r?ussites ? son actif mais
? tout prendre, je pr?f?re de loin ?tre heureux plut?t qu'avoir raison."
D. Adams
AGC website <http://www.genoscope.cns.fr/agc>
2010 Mar 27
Using SVN + SSH on windows
Hi the list,
I try to use R-Forge for developping a projet. I am using tortoise SVN
(last version) but I do not manage to Commit. I read the R-Forge user
Manual and some post on but I do not manage to find the solution. Here
is what I did:
1/ I download 'puttygen.exe'. I generate a key (256 bits).
2/ I save the private key in a file 'private.ppk' on my computer.
3/ I
2012 Nov 12
Re : samba Digest, Vol 119, Issue 11
????????????????????????????????? Chers correspondants,
Bonjour ! Merci pour votre correspondance que vous envoyez ? mon compte depuis une tr?s longue p?riode. N?anmoins je dois vous dire que je comprends la langue anglaise que
tr?s partiellement, aussi je ne retiens de vos ?crits que tr?s peu de choses. Par cons?quent, je vous demanderais de voir la possibilit? de me transmettre vos num?ros en
2006 May 04
R pour débutant
Je suis actuellement doctorant (en fin de th?se) et je vais avoir besoin de me
servir de R.
Devant apprendre R tout seul, je suis tomb? sur un mail de vous disant que vous
aviez r?aliser un tutorial sur ce logiciel pour des 100% d?butant comme moi
J'aurai essentiellement ? utiliser des algo de clustering (SOM ou Nu?e dyna) sur
des matrices pouvant faire 41x230
Cependant je
2007 Oct 17
problem with kernel oplock
We test a software called Safekit.
This software permit to have a replicated FS and can start some apps from
a particular script.
We use this startup script for starting SaMBa.
We make this test :
NODE1 : Samba not actif (SECOND)
NODE2 : Samba is running (PRIM)
open a file with samba and modify it
make swap
I try to save and no possible to save, but if I close the file and reopen
it it
2013 Aug 06
Once I make up my mind I'm full of indecision.Levant(C) http://studiafasadov.ru/gatherit.php Le titre le plus respectable de la noblesse francaise c-est de descendre immediatement de quelques-uns de ces trente mille hommes casques cuirasses brassardes cuissardes qui sur de grands chevaux bardes de fer foulaient aux pieds huit ou neuf millions d-hommes nus qui sont les ancetres de la nation
2005 Apr 06
Strange Problem with samBa client to access Windows shared Files ...
Hello everyone,
I'm having such a strange problem and i hope you'll understand the situation.
I want to access files that are shared by a Windows server, from a linux box, by using a login/pwd.
To be sure that these login/pwd has the good rights, i tested it.
>From a windows box (which is in the same active Directory domain of the file server -which is "AD") i tried to
2007 Apr 16
2 samples KS-test...
Dear R-users,
I have some trouble to perform a 2-samples KS test.
Apparently my 2 samples are numerical (see below) but R
complains that the "y" term is not....
> str(subset(mydata,Identified=="NO",select=KD))
'data.frame': 2889 obs. of 1 variable:
$ KD: num -0.272 -0.080
2002 Jul 05
Streaming and On-Air Performance for everyone.
2.7.2002 - 6.7.2002, daily 8:00pm - 0:00am
Weimar, Germany, On Air: 106,6 Mhz
contact: streaps@radiostudio.org
Everybody is welcome to connect with our new online mixing tool STREAPS
<p>RadioMatic is a on-line coop-system initiated by Jerome Joy and Ralf
between two art schools: Villa Arson in Nice
2007 Dec 04
Multiple stacked barplots on the same graph?
Dear R-Users,
I would like to know whether it is possible to draw several
stacked barplots (i.e. side by side on the same sheet)...
my data look like :
Cond1 Cond1' Cond2 Cond2'
Compartment 1 11,81 2,05 12,49 0,70
Compartment 2 10,51 1,98 13,56 0,85
Compartment 3 1,95 0,63 2,81 0,22
Compartment 4 2,08 0,17