similar to: ported index from one machine to another

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "ported index from one machine to another"

2007 Sep 06
(no subject)
On Wed, Sep 05, 2007 at 04:59:36PM +0530, golak Sarangi wrote: > calculation that ferret does to give me the output score. Although > the output that i get is relevant enough but its like a black hole > from outside. I tried to search for it from the C extension of ferret > but lost track > of it at the msea_search function. Could you please through some > light on the
2007 Sep 04
can boost change dynamically??
Hi, I have got a peculiar requirement in my project. I need to apply some boost to different fields of my index. But the problem is the boost that needs to be applied is dynamic. It changes for everyrow of data.I am storing that in the index itself while building it. Is there anyway by which i can add the boost to search query while searching. at present am retreiving the whole set of searched
2008 Jan 09
Parallel indexing doesn''t work?
Hi, I''m trying to get parallelized ferret indexing working for my AAF indices, based on the example in the O''Reilly Ferret shortcut. However, the resulting indices after merging seem to have no actual documents. I went and made minimal changes to the example in the Ferret shortcut pdf, and indeed can''t get that to work either. I''d appreciate any help
2007 Oct 10
Multiple index instances and ferret/acts_as_ferret
We''re running Ferret and acts_as_ferret in our production environment. We have multiple mongrels talking to a single index on a separate (virtual) server over DRb. This is working ok for now, as our index updates are fairly infrequent. I''m concerned with the lack of rendundancy/scalability in this layout. Our index won''t get too big - maybe 100k indexed objects, each no
2007 Jan 29
Segmentation fault in Search::Searcher#highlight
I''m using ferret 0.10.14 in Linux Fedora 3. When I do highlight with Index::Index#highlight, it works well. But, doing the same test with Searcher#highlight, [BUG] Segmentation fault occurred. Here''s my test code. require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret::Search #searcher = =>
2007 Jul 26
doubts in ferret
I am using ferret to build a search application for my site. I used stemming analyzer to build the index. When i searched "market" i get hits but on searching "marketing" i get no hits,while there are fields containing the word marketing. I am using stemming analyzer even while searching. Is the problem with the analyzer? Or am I missing out something -------------- next part
2007 Feb 01
Searcher do not work or I do not work
Hi. I want to learn more about ferret. So I downloaded ferret-0.10.14 and write a simple test script Only query =, ''program'') gives result. If I change ''program'' with ''Good'' or ''Extra'' -> no result and searching on (:title, ''Ruby'') -> no result Strange, Strange Here is the
2007 Jul 14
performance bottleneck
I have got my database in Mysql. I used ferret to index a table with 10 million rows. On limiting the selection of data to 1000 initial retrieval, it takes 200 seconds but for the whole table it took more than four hours and after which i had to close my indexing application. I used the StandardAnalyser for it. There is no problem from the database side as retrieval of all the data in the table
2008 May 09
Searcher Explain
Hi, I am unable to use the Searcher''s explain method. Anytime I call it, I get Segmentation Faults and it kills the process I have running my Rails site. Has anyone else had this problem? Here is some code I am trying to use it in... search = Search.create(:query => query) @quotations = [] searcher ="index") # FerretConfig::INDEX bq =
2007 May 02
MultiSearcher Results Question
If searching multiple indexes with a single searcher is there anyway to identify which index a resulting doc is stored in? i1 = i2 = i1 << {:id=>1,:text=>"random stuff"} i1.commit reader =[i1.options[:dir],i2.options[:dir]]) searcher = query =
2007 Jan 05
Confused about Search Results
Hi everyone, I''m pretty new to Lucene and Ferret, so I feel that this is most likely myself not completely understanding the correct way to do this. I haved indexed ~2200 text files (of various sizes), and I am now running searches on the index to get a feel for Lucene and Ferret. In my first program, which is using Lucene I search for ''influenza'' and get the
2007 Sep 11
Newcomer perceived problems with AAF/Ferret
I blogged about some of the problems with aaf in production ( yesterday but inspired by the poitive response I thought I would share the perceived problems and discuss some of the potential solutions to help newcomers and make aaf work as if by magic just like Rails does. All of these problems boil down to one simple problem, running acts as ferret in a
2007 Mar 05
Warming up a new Searcher/Reader (Ferret 0.10.9 win32)
Hi, I have a largish index [700MB] which is updated from time to time, requiring me to close and recreate the Ferret::Search::Searcher to use the latest index. My problem is that the first few searches on the new index are slow [by comparison to before the close/recreate], I''m guessing because the new index is being loaded into RAM by my OS and into Ferret as needed. I''m
2006 Oct 31
No search results using Searcher
I just started using Ferret and I successfully indexed some documents. I can search this index using the following code: index = => path) index.search_each("something") do |doc, score| print "##{doc} #{index[doc][''url'']} - #{score}" print "\n" end However, when I try to use Search::Searcher and QueryParser
2007 May 09
bug when assigning new analyzer?
require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret PATH = ''/tmp/ferret_stopwords_test'' index = => PATH, :create => true) index.analyzer =[]) index << {:title => ''a few good men'', :language => ''en''} index.analyzer =
2006 Sep 03
using highlight from aaf
Hi, I''m trying to use highlight ferret method with trunk aaf and 0.10.1 ferret. In my search display I use: Myindexedclass.ferret_index.searcher.highlight(@query,, :content) * searcher is a protected method; how can I access to the searcher from aaf ? * is the doc id in aaf the same as my model id ? * is the first param, query, the string query or the query object ?
2007 Mar 12
index.rb:384 [BUG]
Hi folks, I''ve working and playing with acts_as_ferret and follow this fantastic tutorial: When I try to implement the field storage tip, it crash. So, I try to make it via script/console: 1. I have a simple model called Articles: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields =>
2006 Aug 24
installing ferret
I am trying to test drive ferret on a ubuntu dapper installation. I have a ferret-test.rb file like: ----begin--------- require ''ferret'' include Ferret index = => ''/opt/search-index'') ----end----------- When i issue: ruby ferret-test.rb, I get: ferret-test.rb:1:in `require'': no such file to load -- ferret (LoadError)
2006 Oct 10
oddness when adding to index -
I was having some odd results when working with acts_as_ferret (current trunk), so I decided to test with the current version of ferret to see if I encountered the same problem. I did. Here are the details: installed ferret 0.10.10 on debian sarge with ''sudo gem install ferret'' (btw, same results on OSX) opened up an irb session: irb(main):001:0> require
2006 Dec 07
crash on repeated search
I have found another crash in ferret; this one just uses a regular search. It''s similar to an issue reported by Matt Schnitz a while ago, but unlike his, mine does not go away if I turn off omit_norms. It does go away if I turn on the garbage collector more often, but I''m not sure that''s a stable workaround under the circumstances. This one isn''t a