On Fri, May 09, 2008 at 10:49:47AM -0400, James Harvey
wrote:> I am unable to use the Searcher''s explain method. Anytime I call
it, I get
> Segmentation Faults and it kills the process I have running my Rails site.
> Has anyone else had this problem? Here is some code I am trying to use it
> in...
> search = Search.create(:query => query)
> @quotations = []
> searcher = Ferret::Search::Searcher.new("index") #
> bq = self.build_query(query) # Builds a Boolean Query
> searcher.search_each(bq) {|doc, score|
> @quotations << SearchResult.new(searcher[doc][:id],
> searcher[doc][:quotation], searcher[doc][:author], score)
> }
> p searcher.explain(bq, @quotations[0].id).to_s
If I get this right, @quotations[0].id will give the value of the id
field of that result, which is not a valid argument to explain. What the
explain method expects instead is the ferret-internal document id (the
doc value in your search_each block).
Jens Kr?mer
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