Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: ""Pursuit of Happiness" ? Are you sure ?"
2006 Jan 17
Switchtower & OpenSSL
I''ve been deploying local applications into production (both linux boxes)
with Switchtower, and I''ve had no problems, until now.
I just tried doing a "rake deploy", and I get this error:
[update_code] exception while rolling back: NameError, uninitialized
constant OSSL
rake aborted!
no such file to load -- openssl
Now, on both the production
2015 Feb 21
RStudio Calling C++ Visual Studio DLL
I'm a newbie to R and I am interested
in seeing a simple example of calling a 3rd party Visual Studio generated DLL
from RStudio. Does anyone have a simple example which also walks through the
preliminary steps of setting up the INCLUDE path and the library path to either
a DLL or LIB file ? I have tried to find an easy example, but thus far had no
luck finding an example using Rcpp
2007 Nov 02
correct wording and notation for R stuff in LaTex
Hi R Gurus:
I'm putting together an article about some R stuff in Latex.
I refer to packages and functions.
I think that I use {\em} for packages and {\tt} for functions.
Is that correct, please?
Thank you in advance!
Edna Bell
2011 May 31
Projection Pursuit Index
Dear R-developers,
I am trying to experiment with projection pursuit (PP), and different
indexes for the same, especially using the tourr package. However, I've
noticed that a PP index in the said package is only a function of the
projected data. Could I modify the function so that the index sees the
projection bases instead (or in addition to the data) ?
Alternatively, if some other package
2005 Jul 11
Projection Pursuit
Just a quick question about ppr in library modreg.
I have looked at Ripley and Venables 2002 and it says that projection
pursuit works "by projecting X in M carefully chosen directions"
I want to know how it choses the directions? I presume it moves around the
high-dimensional space of unit vectors finding ones that separate the
response variables, but how.
I looked at the
2011 Feb 16
Constraints in projection pursuit regression
I am solving a projection pursuit regression problem, of the
form y = \sum_i f_i (a_i^T x), where a_i are unknown directions, while
f_i are unknown univariate link functions. The following is known about
each f_i:
1. f_i (0) = 0 (that is, each f_i passes through the origin)
2. f_i is monotonic.
Is there a way to ensure that the function ppr() in R produces solutions that respect the
2005 May 13
df and gcvpen for parameters selection on projection pursuit regression
I am using projection pursuit regression parameters selection.
Does anyone has experience on the range to test for df parameter (spline kernel) and gcvpen (gcvspline kernel)?
I don't find any information about this.
Thanks in advance.
Joao Moreira
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2010 Jul 29
Crash report: projection pursuit & predict
The projection pursuit regression function in the base R seems to crash when the optimization level is set to zero, i.e. the initial ridge terms are accepted without refitting. I encountered this problem in an out-of-sample prediction exercise using predict. But further investigation suggests the issue is with the ppr fit and predict just sppeds up the crash. The other optlevels seem to be
2004 Mar 17
projection pursuit
Dear helpers
Does R have a package that performs projection pursuit density estimation? Or
anyone knows code in Matlab or C for example to do this?
Thank you all
2008 Oct 28
Source code for ppr (Projection Pursuit Regression)
Dear R users,
I am looking for the source code of the implementation of ppr (Projection
Pursuit Regression) in R.
It will be great if citations of the source papers on which the
implementation is based, are also provided.
Thank you,
Arvind Iyer,
Grad student, Deptt. of Biomedical Engineering
Viterbi School of Engineering
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
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2000 Sep 01
Help with Projection Pursuit, ppr().
Recently, I installed the 1.1.0 version of R (for Windows), since it includes an implementation of Projection Pursuit (I failed to write my own version of PP as a standalone C++ program).
As far as I know, R offers two interfaces/sintax for the ppr() function. The first one requieres a regression formula and a data frame. The other requieres X, a matrix with the explanatory variables, and Y,
2006 Jan 30
form_remote_tag and redirects
I would like to have a login box setup so that if incorrect info is
submitted, the box "shakes" via Effect.Shake.
If the correct information is submitted, I want to redirect to some other
The only solution I''ve found is the following, which is pretty ugly, as it
displays the javascript I''m invoking on the page prior to the redirect.
Here is the code:
The Form
2006 Jan 14
Javascript/AJAX Debugging
Hello !
I''m trying to implement something similar to the "multiple updates" section
of the Web2.0 chapter of the Agile book.
I implemented my version, and nothing is happening. No javascript errors,
my logs look fine, page is rendered fine... just no Effect.Highlight. Here
is the code:
<%= form_remote_tag(:complete =>
2006 Jan 27
Multiple Model Validation
Hey All !
I have a form which contains two models. I would like both models to be
validated, but have their validations aggregated on the page.
If I do:
<%= error_messages_for(:model1) %>
<%= error_messages_for(:model2) %>
It puts two big validation blocks on the page. I would like all the errors
from both models, but only in one validation box.
Is this possible ? All my attempts
2006 Feb 01
Little Ferret Problem
I''ve implemented Ferret, using the instructions here:
I get no errors in the application at all... however, I always get 0
I built an index off of some data, it exists in the index/ directory, the
form submits find... etc...
Just 0 results... all the time :)
I confirmed the data from my models is being put
2009 Jan 07
fixed effect significance_NB mixed models_further pursuit
7 Jan 09
I am using R version 2.7.0 in a Windows XP context.
I am also using the glmm.admb package (created by Dave Fournier, Hans
Skaug, and Anders Nielson) to run mixed-effects negative binomial
To the best of my knowledge and ability, I have searched and studied
the R-help, R-sig-mixed models, and ADMB NBMM for R (through Otter
Research Ltd) list servs; R help
2006 Feb 24
Sanity Check
Maaaaaaaaaaaaajor sanity check needed.
I wrote a simple little plugin, and it wouldn''t load. I put some comments
in it''s init.rb, and it didn''t even spit those out. So, I dug into the
initializer.rb (/vendor/rails/railties/lib/initializer.rb) to see wtf is
going on, and found the problem... but... can''t explain it. Here is the
code in question:
2012 Jan 24
Rnw file generated strange symbols in pdf file
I found my Rnw file generated strange symbols in pdf file. For instance, on page 4 of the following file,
you can see Belcher et~al on line 2, and Figure~1 on line 5. The symbol ~ should not appear in the pdf file although the symbol was in the original Rnw file (something like Figure~\ref{...}, section~\ref{...}). On page 1,
2006 Feb 28
Examples for Money library ?
Can anybody share some examples of their Money implementation ?
I''m trying to setup a Model to use this library, but can''t seem to wrap my
head around how it is exactly supposed to work.
My Model (Foo) looks like:
composed_of :commission, :class_name => "Money", :mapping => [
%w(commission_cents cents), %w(commission_currency currency) ]
Yet, in
2006 Feb 22
Fixtures and Relationships
In my daily development, I migrate back and forth between versions, and
often do: rake load_fixtures...
... in order to populate my development database with fun data.
Now, with any HABTM relationship, there are failures, as there is no way to
say "which" fixtures to load first.
Within an actual functional or unit test case, you could simply load them in
the proper order, but